Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Kittycat bum warmer finished

Hello. I hope I'm not in any bother, I just didn't find the time to post yesterday. Life is busy at the moment, lots of ideas, lots of projects waiting to get started, and projects to finish. Things buzzing around in my brain, I needed a breathing space. Phew, there is never enough time. Anyway, I'll crack on tonight with this post. First off, something different in my porridge. I bought a Value Fruited Malt Loaf last week (dead cheap) and it's gone out of date. Not to worry, it will still get eaten. Why not chop a couple of slices into cubes and put it in the porridge. Very filling, makes a change from banana. Also added was a handful of sultanas, and a dessertspoon of desiccated coconut. 
It was a Spring like day today and I fancied a salad for lunch. Iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, cucumber, pickled onions, cottage cheese, cheese with cranberries, and grated carrot. I ate this while I watched Mr Selfridge on the catchup tv. Takes me a good 45 minutes to eat this, after carefully chewing every mouthful twenty times before I send it down the hatch, ha ha.

I've been busy with this for two days, wanted to get it finished. The fleecy cat mat made from the offcuts we were given. It's 20 inches by 22 inches, and will be going to our pens where it will keep the kitty's bottoms warm.

For the back I used two pieces of cotton curtain lining that I was given ages ago. 
I ran ran the machine up and down it in a zigzagy pattern. The binding was one leg from my old pair of pyjamas. Machine stitched on the front and hand stitched on the back.

It has George's approval. He likes it.

I am very pleased with this, it's a great example of recycling, making something out of rubbish. It didn't cost anything at all except time. I've got a smaller one of these to make, still lots of pieces to use up. Still working on the rag rug. There's another idea I want to try for a making a bag with a lining. Shopping bags to make. The list is never ending. Thank you for calling in. I will try and keep up, ha ha. Toodle pip.


  1. George is lovely. I'm making a patchwork quilt for my bed. Most of the material is leftovers from quilts I made for my granddaughters, but there's a bit of cutup blouses and pjs in there. I just made a quilt for my cat but he doesn't seem to care for it so far.He's fickle; has several different sleeping spots.
    Maggie from US

  2. The cat mat is great, and Sir George (well, he looks like a Sir!) models it well.
    Jane x

  3. Its going to have to be a special person who takes George. He looks very happy and contented where he is. You will have to give them the blanket when he goes so that he has something to remember you by....as if he would forget.They never forget kindness or cruelty I find.

  4. George is a very beautiful cat. And he is sitting on a very beautiful mat!

  5. I follow you almost everyday, so when there is not a post I keep checking to see if you are on. Because you were not on I was a little concerned as to if everything was alright.

  6. THE CAT sat on the mat!
    Isn't he handsome? Laughed at all the chaos in the back ground.....anyone would think you have a cat or two!

  7. George is quite handsome! The mat is quite purrrfect for him!

  8. You've created a very lovely mat from the fabric pieces you used !

  9. The cat rug is beautiful. I love all the random colours. George looks very proud sat on it.

  10. Hi, George looks very happy on his designer quilt! I think you should keep him!! You are kind! I love your blog!! Salad looks yum fancy sharing it ha ha. Enjoy the dry days Marie x

  11. Please make me one foR my bed....I missed you yesterday but you're not in the dog house ! Lol

  12. I made a double bedspread entirely from recycled men's shirts (the shirts, that is, not the men!). It's blue and white, my favourite colour combination, and the shirts came from family & friends, charity shops & car boot sales - everything from Primark to Jermyn Street. Charity shops in this neck of the woods (Surrey Hills) have become ridiculously expensive but I managed to pick up a couple of bargains on holiday in Cornwall and am very pleased with the result.

  13. The cat sat on the mat and very happy he looks too! Love the colours, it's nice to see something so cheerful and beautifully made as well at this time of year.

    Linda xx

  14. Gorgeous bum warmer for the cats. Good idea on the malt loaf, I always have raisins with my porridge, yum! Congratulations on 700 followers. Debbie x

  15. What a gorgeous Boy George he is. If I weren't on the wrong side of the Atlantic Ocean, I'd take him in a heartbeat.


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