Saturday, 22 February 2014

What's in my mini Scrapstore.

I've sauntered through Saturday, doing a bit of this and a bit of that. Work in the kitchen first, the cooker top and grill needed a deep clean, plus a general wipe down of the worktops, fridge and microwave. With the pots all washed, that cleared the way for a hairwash in the sink, after I had given the top and fringe a trim. I hate it when it gets all floppy and I have to keep running my fingers through it to get it off my face. Didn't cut the back and sides, they are alright for the time being. 
It was a lovely sunny morning so just right for a dog walk. Others had the same idea we chatted while the dogs sniffed around and played. George had already been fed, the curtains opened, and the radio switched on for him, first thing, so when I got back I went in the room to spend some time with him. He is becoming very affectionate, but then attacks my feet when he thinks I am going to leave. It's a good job I have three pairs of socks on. We had another enquiry for him, but again an unsuitable home. We are not being too picky, but after three years of rescuing and re homing we are exercising caution when it comes to checking out a possible home. The right one will come along. 
I have been tidying and de cluttering the spare room bit by bit, that's when George lets me. Some stuff has gone to the hospice shop, and the rest sorted into neat piles. I can't bring myself to throw things away just in case they come in useful. Here are the fabric piles in some sort of order. There's everything from heavy upholstery fabric, to plain and patterned, and lightweight silks and cottons. 
Leather samples.

A sample book taken apart. The labels are difficult to get off.

A few pieces of laminate flooring. It might come in useful for something.
A collection of aluminium drinks cans. I have stopped collecting these now as I have enough.
 I have enough plastics also, but if I spot an unusual colour I will keep it.

Three bags I made using cat food pouches and dry cat food bags. 
And some more dry food bags in case I want to make some more.

You can't have too much tape. The top one is double sided and very sticky, good for artwork, and the rest are useful for parcels and mending things.

I might do something with these one day. Felt tip pens with the innards removed.

Little pots of vinyl silk emulsion paint, assorted colours, bought for 4p each when Woollies were closing down. Most of them are full so still usable. 
 Lots of pieces of vinyl. I have some large rolls as well. I will find a use for them one day.
Enough embroidery silks.

Lace and ribbons.

The wool corner is looking a bit sad, trashed by Heidi cat. I have scaled this down a bit because I don't do much knitting or crochet.

Having a good stash of materials for crafting purposes is a bit like having a full larder to choose from when you want to cook something special. If you haven't got the bits you need then you can't make it. I prefer to get most of my crafting materials free of charge, no need to buy anything more once you have the basics. It will take me a lot more time to use up what I have here, than it will to eat out of my cupboards until they are empty.

My crafting follows the same train of thought as my meal preparations. I look to see what materials I have, then come up with an idea to make something from them. It only takes a bit of imagination, bend the rules a bit, adapt a pattern or make a new pattern, then visualize if it might work, and how it might turn out. I am not very good at following instructions, or recipes, I am a bit bolshie in that way, I want to do it my way. It's more fun. It either works or it doesn't. If I make a yucky meal I either eat it anyway or make it into something else. If my crafting turns out wrong I curse, unpick it, and re design it. If it's a total write off it's no big deal, because I am using recycled materials.

Anyway, what I have shown here is only a small part of it. I have all kinds of bits and bobs which might come in useful. These are my ingredients for my projects, the raw materials. I craft from scratch, do you?


  1. Where have you found is the cheapest price for tape. Parcel and sticky tape seem to have risen in price so much, even after Christmas they didn't mark any down. Our youngest loves making things out of paper and tape but we now have to limit him.

    1. Hi. I haven't bought any sticky tape for years, so I can't help you with prices. The tape in the picture was from the Scrapstore. I paid a few pence for it.

    2. If you stumble across a mountain of it on your travels give me a shout as I'm your woman x

    3. Will do, but you might find the cost of postage will be greater than buying it from B & Q. You might ask a carpet fitter if they have any, or someone who lays laminate flooring.

  2. what a lovely stash! I have a loft rather like that. It all dates back to when I volunteered at our (now closed down) Scrapstore and I would be "paid" in scrap :-)
    I'm trying to think what you could use the felt pen bodies for. ....

  3. I once had the idea of making beads out of pen tubes by sawing them into sections, maybe with some beads in between, and making a door curtain for the summer. Would only take a few years to collect enough used pens; that's why I didn't do it!

  4. I so miss my arts and crafts room, now taken up by stepson who moved back with us after his relationship broke down. I now have all my stashes of various fabrics stored in boxes piled up in DB`s computer room. I hardly have space to spread out now, so all my crafting has been put on halt for now.

  5. I am sorting through some unused craft materials, little by little. It gives me ideas for things to try, and maybe once everything is tidies up, there will actually be a nice workspace for trying the things I've thought of! ;)
    Hope you are enjoying your lovely weather. Everyone is walking dogs today, it seems :)

  6. I love your craft stash - it looks like mine :)

    So glad George is so happy :)

  7. I too love the Cat Food Bags! Great stash you have!

  8. Very impressive stash you have Ilona and the cat food bags look awesome.

  9. Scunthorpe Scrapstore...I remember it well , it was about the only reason for going into town when i lived nearby . Lincoln seems to have nada

  10. Wow! I would have to demand one of the kids moved out to keep a stash like that! Fantastic. So impressed with your bags made out of cat food pouches.


  11. I love the fabric all in nice little heaps, but mine only stays like that for a short time. When I decide to make something it all comes out and is a mess again. lol

  12. I try to use scrap rather than bought bits and pieces from craft shops.
    Love from Mum


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.