Monday, 10 March 2014

Making a storage system for beads.

I didn't manage the full session at the craft club this morning, too busy, only had time to call in for ten minutes to show the rag rug. Everyone liked it. A lovely day again,lets have more sun please. Lunch was alfresco, broccoli and onion omelette, washed down with the last glass of wine. There's another bag of broccoli to get through yet, it's never ending.  
Steam the broccoli and two chopped onions for five minutes. Put a drizzle of oil in a small omelette pan, and add the veg. Beat two eggs in a bowl and add some garlic powder, then pour it over the veg. Cook the bottom on a low gas on the hob, then put it under the grill to cook the top. Make sure both sides are light brown before serving. It was scrumptious. I like the way you can put anything you like in an omelette, and it makes a filling meal.  
I needed something to keep my beads in, something that would keep them neat and tidy. I looked in the shops for suitable plastic storage boxes, but none of them were exactly right. They were all too big. I'm sure there must be something out there, but probably way too expensive, so I came up with my own idea. I had some small empty plastic containers that I used to buy supplements in, oil capsules and vitamin tablets. I gave  up buying them ages ago, but kept the bottles because they might come in useful. I cut around the middle of them with a Stanley knife and discarded the tops into the recycle bin. I also have a couple of ice cube trays, which can be double decked, these all fit nicely into a spare tin I have. 
I like the fact that they are separate little pots, of varying sizes, to accommodate the varying amounts of beads. If it was a box with fixed compartments some of them would be almost empty and some would be overflowing. Storing them like this means that I can swap the beads around in the pots, so that all the space is utilized. My bead storage system cost nothing. 
If I need to transport them anywhere, I can lay bubble wrap on the top before I put the lid on, to stop them moving about and getting mixed up. If I want to use them I can just take out the pot I need and put the lid back on. With a bit of thought, there is always a cheaper solution, rather than taking the easier option of going to the shops and buying something.

Someone asked, what am I going to do with the beads. Just ideas at the moment. I would rather have the materials to hand when I make something, than having to search out bits and pieces. You will have to wait and see.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. Hi Ilona. Your omelette looks delicious , I love cooking and enjoy just adding ingredients I have in the fridge or pantry to my cooking. A glass of wine with lunch is lovely too. The containers you used for your beads is a great idea !
    AussieCheryl : )

  2. Wow, your bead collection is huge--and so well organized, too! Good job, Ilona!

  3. That omelette is making me hungry and its only 6.55am! x

  4. Great bead storage and one I will remember. L was given lots of bead making items with storage and also collects bead necklaces, on chains, from car boot sales. With all this she makes key rings/charms, bracelets and earrings and sell them at craft fairs and to her friends.

  5. The beads look lovely all sorted so nicely like that. The omelette looks lovely too!

  6. Brilliant storage idea, whatever you do don't turn the tin upside down or leave it where the cats can knock it off, I know .... I speak from experience, I was finding beads under furniture for ages after :-/

    That omelette looks delicious. I always think of omelettes as a light meal, but they are so filling once you start.

  7. Good idea with the omelette - may do that tonight. Your beads look so pretty neatly sorted, I can't wait to see what you are going to do with them. Debbie

  8. Your omelette looks yummy Pat

  9. thanks for telling me where you got your seed potatoes from. I shall enjoy seeing what you do with the beads. I liked your finished rug. Natalie,

  10. Old biscuit tins or sweet jars make brilliant storage containers. I have all my card making bits in them, too. What an assortment of beads you`ve got there. I`m sure there is another art work in the making, now!

  11. I use altoid tins or prescription pill bottles for beads and buttons and punchies. My friends here have older parents who always have pill bottles to spare, so we swap if we need more. And some have grand-babies and will swap something their children want like children-minding for the clean baby food jars. Do you save your used stamps to re-use on your cards? After I've soaked mine in warm water and let them dry, I store them in altoid tins too.

    1. Hello. Yes I save my stamps if they haven't got an ink mark on them when they have been through the franking machine. They are difficult to remove because they are designed to self destruct. I have long nails to pick them off.


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