Sunday, 30 March 2014

Summer is here, everyone outside

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers everywhere

I hope you don't mind but I went out for the day yesterday, a spur of the moment thing, like you do. I fancied a trip to the Midlands to visit family. My goodness that M1 motorway is a pain, twenty miles of roadworks at 50 mph. Why they can't do it in four separate lots of five miles I don't know. Good for the fuel consumption I suppose.

Uncle and Aunt are doing fine, they have just had their veg patch flattened and graveled over, a lot less work for them. The strawberries have a new bed, and there will be some runner beans planted soon, they are aiming for low maintenance gardening.

Sisters new bungalow is looking fabulous now the new conservatory is up. It was gutted when they moved there and they had to live on site in their caravan for a while until the work was done. The house itself is smaller than their previous one, and although the garden is smaller, there is room to park the caravan at the back. They are well chuffed as it's in the area they like, and near to children and grandchildren.

On the way back I hit Tesco at just after 8.30pm, it's at the end of the motorway just off the roundabout,  well I had to pop in didn't I, ha ha. A few yellow stickers left. I was looking for bread, but there was none, oh well, never mind, I will manage without. I have four slices left in the freezer and some potato cakes, I'll eat them instead. I spent more on the cats than I did on me. Chicken pieces £2, yellow stickers £1.18p. I have added it to the list on the page above. It was a quick dash round, wanted to get home.

I have a confession, I didn't do the 5k Park Run yesterday, I know, I've let myself down. I just didn't get organised in time, wanted to get off down the motorway. Never mind, I promise to make up for it. Extra on the cross trainer, and more walking around the village, I might even get the bicycle out for a ride.

Looks like a sunny day today, the first day of summer, YIPEEEEEEEE. I think it might be time to take the winter curtains down now. Got stuff to do in the garden, a line of washing to get out. Let's make the most of it. Enjoy your Sunday.
Toodle pip.


  1. Yep! It's time to do serious garden grafting and keep up with the weeds!
    I'm off into the garden soon to plant 3 blackcurrant bushes and a Bramley apple tree.
    Better go steady or I will be kna****ed for my stint at the charity shop tomorrow!

  2. Nice to go and visit family eh? Sounds like you had a good catch up with them. You can always run another time and I'm sure you will.

    Jean x

  3. Hi, have you thought of downsizing into a smaller place. Less upkeep and smaller bills to pay. As we get older we are finding that we no longer wish to accumulate any new items and are recycling and reusing where we can. The bungalow that I mentioned in a previous post would suit you, if it was closer I would have snapped It up as it is on at a good price and a garage as well. good for storage.

    I have been reading the blog about living in a studio room

    The only problem with that is that it would not work in this country due to the undesirables who seem to frequent small flats and their anti social behaviour. I would love to be able to live like this as long as I had a bit of outdoor space to sit or hang washing. I could not manage without a washing line daft I know but you can't beat fresh wind blown laundry.
    Oh we'll that's enough of my ramble glad you enjoyed meeting up with family

    1. Thank you for your ramble, annie, and thank you for the link.

  4. Mother's Day here in the US is in May. Didn't know you had a different day for it. Sounds like you had a nice visit with your family. Bet they were glad to see you.

  5. Glad that you had a nice visit with family!
    Would that spring would come...we have snow here this morning.
    Hope you have a great week.

  6. A dry day here at the cost, just a bit of sea mist crawling inland, so I was out for a bike ride.
    That`s how I like to spend Mothers Day!

  7. So cold and misty up here in NE Scotland today. But definitely signs of spring. For the first time in 10 years we have frog spawn in our pond. Looking forward to seeing the tadpoles developing. Also, my son has just rescued a caterpillar crawling along the carpet upstairs. How did it get there? Maybe it came in on one of the dogs? Been a busy day walking dogs (the dogs braved the cold water and had a swim), shopping and doing laundry and ironing. Husband is now in the kitchen cooking a lovely dinner. Happy Mothers' Day to all mums.

  8. My washing went out today and dried in no time.
    Love from Mum

  9. From Margie in Toronto - even we had a lovely day today - about 8C with wonderful sunshine - got out with friends and we were able to go for a lovely walk. Enjoying it while we can - possibilities of snow flurries later in the week!
    Canada has mother's day in May - second Sunday, like the US. Glad you enjoyed the visit with family.

  10. In the States, our Mother's Day doesn't come till the second Sunday of May, but I will take your greetings any way I can in spite of that. Here's my frugal crafty-shopping tips I thought you might like to read:
    I think you have a tighter wallet than I do! *smile*

  11. Mother's Day here in Australia is the second Sunday in May, thank you for your good wishes though Ilona. Family comes first for me every time and I'm glad you had a lovely day with your family. We've had some much needed rain and Autumn here is so beautiful and its now cool enough to do lots of outdoor work. Yay !

    Cheryl : )


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