Good morning. It is a bright and sunny Monday morning and I will bash out a few words before I go to craft club. I will be taking the new denim bag with me, I found some silvery beads of the right size to sew onto the red stitching, looking good.
Yesterday was spent doing a bit of this and a bit of that, mainly in the garden. I painted the side of the garage, it is now restored to it's bright yellow colour. It was looking a bit faded, and luckily I had enough paint left to give it another coat. The doors look a bit shabby, I found half a tin of black gloss paint and painted the bit above the doors and the supporting pillars down each side. There wasn't enough for the actual doors, but I have found a half tin of clear varnish which will make the dull faded wood look a bit smarter. I don't intend spending money on it, using up bits of paint is the way to go.
Looks like we might be in for a nice week, weather wise. My thoughts are turning to a long walk. I have been thinking of where to go next. To cut the travelling down I have found it easier to get a train out and walk back, that saves one day, but the last twenty or so miles are a bit boring as it is closer to home, I know it so well. So what I thought is I might start walking from home and get the boring bit over first. Do it the opposite way round. At the moment I am looking at walking to Newcastle, or to Southport, both about 130 - 140 miles away. I need to get some maps and study.
The reason I am sticking with the north of the country is that the cost of B & B's are higher the further south you go. And as I said above, to spend a day driving to the start and another day driving back at the end, wastes a day. I would love to walk further south, but I have to think of what I can afford, and the length of time I am able to get away for. Exciting times, I'm itching to go.
Anyway, got to get ready, I will pop back later with the daily news. Toodle pip.
It's arrived.
41 minutes ago
Hi Ilona! Hope u are well, it's been a while since I posted but I do read-honest! It's the first day of my Easter break and as I read about your possible trip to southport I got rather excited- I'm going to southport for the week from next Monday! It would just be amazing if I bumped into u there! Unlikely I know but I took the mention if it as a sign to make a comment at least. I will also be taking the fab denim Ilona special bag I won with me. I'm hoping to take a few photos and email u. I do use the bag everyday, but I use it to take things to and from work. As I'm a teacher and I have books belonging to children in the bag, I didnt take a photo of the bag in situ as I didnt want to be breaching any rules.
ReplyDeleteGreat reading as ever, looking forward to reading it in peace for a change!
Why not get a return train ticket for just over half the distance you were intending to do (returns are usually much cheaper than singles) and plan a circular walk? Then there would be no boring bit!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you could get a return train/bus from your area to 'the start of somewhere interesting', so you miss your boring bit both ways.........if you get my drift. Do you have a Senior's Train Card? I find them really good value, and also I use National Express coaches (with a Senior's Card) a lot when I'm over there twice a year. I'm sure you will have all that sorted though. You seem so organised with things. I find the planning stage almost as good as the actual trip itself. Do you use youth hostels much?
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your day. Thanks for sharing.
I've always wanted to go to the miners' museum in Ashington..will you be anywhere near that?
ReplyDeleteJane x
The return ticket idea is a brilliant one. Miss out all the boring bits. You can read your map on the way out and snooze and rest your weary legs on the return bit. And it might mean you are able to go a bit further afield too,
ReplyDeleteLet us know if you're ever thinking of walking the Pennine Way, could help you out with some accommadation.
ReplyDeleteInteresting about B&B costs being cheaper up North. I'd never realised that. x
ReplyDeleteEverything is cheaper up north. That's why I live here.
DeleteIf you decide to head for Newcastle and want a bed a few miles south of the city, I would be glad to put you up.