Thursday, 1 May 2014

Day 1 Humber Bridge to Towthorpe.

Hello, here I am at the start of  long walk number 7. My friend Paul dropped me off on the South bank of the Humber Bridge at 9.15, just as a group of ladies from the Barton Slimming Club were starting their weekly get fit walk across the bridge. What a nice start to my walk, to have the company of a smiley bunch of ladies. None of them wanted to join me for the rest of the day, ha ha, so we parted company after 1.25 miles when they turned round and went back.    
The weather was misty but quite warm so it wasn't long before I took my jacket off and put it in my rucksack. I walked along the river on the north bank following the Trans Pennine Trail. The rescue services were out practicing in their boats.

Goodbye to the Humber Bridge.

When I reached North Ferriby I turned right and walked through the village. Then it was a case of walking on minor roads following the main A63 road, a major trunk road between Leeds and Hull. Through Melton, Welton, Elloughton, Brantingham, and South Cave. I have walked some of these paths before. A quick lunch was taken next to the the duck pond at Welton Church.

I crossed the A63 four times altogether over steel footbridges. This is the war memorial in the centre of Brantingham. Sadly it looked a bit neglected. The area around it was fenced off, the grass was long and unkempt, and the memorial itself looks like it could do with a good clean. Behind it the low wall looked like it was topped with a dirty sewage pipe, not very attractive at all.  Come on villagers, get your scrubbing brushes out.
I have posted this picture before, it's the entrance to the hotel at South Cave.

Love these pink flowers.

Some of you may remember seeing this tree on a previous walking post, it's on the side of a house at North Cave. Worth another posting I thought.

I then walked through the grounds of Hotham Hall and village, no pics because they are elsewhere on the blog. On this first days walk I am passing through places I have already been to. Then across some fields and onto the road for a long straight walk to Market Weighton. On entering the village, or is it a town, I stopped to check my list of B & B's. I could push on to Pocklington but it would be late when I got there, and the B & B I rang yesterday didn't reply to my message. There was another one halfway between Market Weighton and Londesborough, it's on the Yorkshire Wolds Way, so I rang the number. YAY, success, they have a room, and at £30 a very reasonable price. I popped in Tesco and spent £2.10 on two cheese and onion pasties, and a packet of donuts. These will do for my tea, along with the boiled egg and tub of couscous I have brought with me. There is enough for snacking tomorrow as well. A few quick snaps as I passed through. The church. 
And a monument, can't remember who this chappie is.

I picked up the Yorkshire Wolds Way again, beautiful blossoms in the hedgerow.

And here we are, arrived at Towthorpe Grange.

A cheery welcome from the owner.

The room is very comfortable, an easy chair to relax in and watch the tele. Tea and coffee provided, the bathroom is next door. As far as I am aware I am the only guest tonight. Breakfast will be served at 8am.

I've made good progress today, and covered 21.25 miles. I will head for Pocklington in the morning, then Stamford bridge, and on to York, probably bypassing it to find my next bed on the north side as I head towards Thirsk. Thanks for coming with me. Catch you tomorrow.


  1. Lovely start to a walk! The blossoms in the hedgerow are apple blossoms, I believe. They look very nice. Glad you had found a nice bed to rest on the first night. Good luck with the weather for the rest of your walk. I shall follow along and send you good wishes.

  2. I remember some of these places from your previous walks!
    Sleep well...enjoy tomorrow.
    Jane x

  3. Looks like a lovely first day. Beautiful blossoms, especially the bleeding heart. Walk on!

  4. The chap you couldn't identify is Giant Bradley who is (allegedly) the tallest man to live in Britain, at 7ft 9 inches. This wooden statue of him has only been up for a couple of years though.

    Market Weighton is very proud of him; there have been plaques on walls and Giant Bradley Days before this was erected.

    Good luck with the rest of your walk!

  5. Mary in Perth Australia1 May 2014 at 22:56

    It's just before 6am in Perth, and I jumped on here to see if there was word from you.
    What a lovely walk and a great commentary. Did the rain hold off then?
    Hope you sleep well and that the breakfast is a good one to set you on your way for Day 2.

  6. The chap you couldn't identify is Giant Bradley, the tallest man to live in Britain at 7ft 9inches 1787 - 1820. Market Weighton is very proud of him and have a Giant Bradley Day every year. This model of him is quite recent though, only been there for a couple of years.

    Good luck with the rest of your walk!

  7. Hi Ilona
    Thanks for sharing your walk with us - that espaliered tree is amazing ! Hope you have a wonderful time !
    AussieCheryl : )

  8. I feel I am walking along with you through beautiful England which I miss so much.
    Nancy from Northern California (who long ago lived in England).

  9. Well done Ilona! What a good start to your walk.
    Thank you for taking us along and for all the lovely pictures.
    Looking forward to tomorrow, I will be thinking of you.
    Love from Pam in Texas.

  10. Lovely set of photos. Enjoy your adventures. Sarah.

  11. I remember the tree but it doesn't fail to impress x

  12. The wooden chappie is (was) William Bradley who grew to 7'9". Not to be quarrelled with on a dark night.

  13. Love coming along on this walks with you - an adventure!

  14. Good start Ilona, I love that trained tree on the wall :)

  15. Great report Ilona, a successful first day's walking and a comfy bed for the night too :0)

  16. You monument to a man in Market Weighton was for William Bradley, Britain's tallest man who was actually 7 foot 9 inches. Sorry but I just had to look it up -- you can't leave us hanging without a bit of information for those of us who are curious.

  17. lovely. And beautiful north ferriby i remember it well.

  18. Love the tree on the house, Shame about the memorial needing a clean. Think that happens when nobody has a personal memories of the people it was placed for.

  19. Now that was a long walk....what is inside that entrance to the hotel?

  20. The pink flowers are bleeding hearts (Dicrentra) one of my favourites.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures :-)


  21. Lovely pics! What a long bridge! Hope you were able to sleep well; the B & B looks nice!
    Thanks for sharing your walk with us.

  22. What a fantastic start to your walk. We will be in York tomorrow, email me if you need anything. Debbie.

  23. Lovely day and a nice B&B for the night. I love your walks. You always take such nice photos. Have a wonderful time today.

  24. Goody! 'We' are off on another walk.
    Never heard of Brantingham so Googled it. (Thought I might be able to find out about that awful pipe but nothing). However, I did read that Brantingham was the site of A Roman Villa. Tho no trace of this villa remains today other Roman buildings were discovered on the other side of the road. This Roman site attracted notoriety in 1948 when mosaic pavements prepared for removal to a museum were stolen overnight and never found. The theft was used for the basis of a novel called MOSAIC - THE PAVEMENT THAT WALKED!

    Well, that's something new learned today. Thanks, Ilona, for opening our eyes to take a look at our own country.

    Look forward to the next instalment of your adventure.

    Luv from Granny G xx

  25. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. Laura xx

  26. The little pink /white flowers hanging their heads on a long stem are commonly known as bleeding hearts, very pretty but take over the borders, I have for the last 2 years been digging them out, thought I had managed but there is a huge bed of them again this year. There is a lovely park in Poklington that has beautiful water lilies people come from miles away to see the lakes and gardens, plenty of seating and places to eat , Heres hoping the weather stays dry for you, enjoy your days. Danneke in Scarboro

  27. Great start and Gerry was right - you didn't walk alone.
    Love from Mum

  28. The bleeding hearts are lovely but the tree growing up the wall takes my breath away.


  29. I thought I recognised that (pear?) tree on the wall. We used to go past it to get from the M62 to Beverley to visit the inlaws. When there are children in the car you remember all the landmarks "look for the bears".

    Kathy, the Humber bridge was long in coming as well as long in distance. So much so that they wrote a song about it
    "Is it such a privelige not to have a Humber bridge
    Will we have to keep on going round by Goole"

    There used to be a car-ferry instead.

  30. Fabulous pics! loving that tree growing up the side of the house, very unique. What a lovely start for you.

    X x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.