Sunday, 11 May 2014

Spending time with family

Hi. A quick post tonight. I've been out for the day, visiting family at Nottingham. Lovely to see Auntie, cousin 1 and her son, cousin 2 and her fella and new daughter. We went through all the old photo's, remembering  family members, some black and white photo's from way back, reminiscing about the past. Lovely to look back.

I didn't take any photo's, but cousin 2 is a singer.

Here is a pic of her, a lovely fun loving girl.

Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip


  1. Is that cousin in the photo the one singing in the video? I enjoyed it very much.

    1. Hi. Yes, that is my cousin Clare, the singer.

  2. Glad you had a lovely day catching up with family :)

  3. Oh that was lovely. I have just started to listen to Tudor music (Madame d'Amours: Songs, Dances & Consort Music for the Six Wives of Henry VIII) and had to go and check its not the same artist as her voice sounded familiar. It wasn't but I loved it! Thank you. Debbie.

  4. Tudor Music. I love it. What a beautiful surprise to start the day. Thank you

  5. Clare has a beautiful clear voice, we really
    enjoyed listening to the song.
    Wendy (Wales)

  6. What talented family members you have. Great voice!

  7. She's been trained! Loved the music video!


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