Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Visiting Driffield

Hello, I've been out today, my friend Helen had a bit of business to see to in Driffield, and she asked me if I wanted to come for the run out. A free day out, how nice, an offer I couldn't turn down. The bit of business was selling a box full of small china ornaments that she had inherited. We found the address without too much difficulty, but it wasn't what we were expecting. We pictured a shop in the town centre, how wrong we were. In a quiet part of Driffield, not far from the town we pulled in the driveway of a very large, beautiful half timbered house, set in it's own extensive grounds.  
The owner greeted us at the door and we followed him inside to the rooms he has set aside for his business. 
After introductions Helen set about unwrapping the ornaments, each one carefully enclosed in bubble wrap. Across the corridor I spotted the showroom, I was amazed at the sight of thousands of tiny china ornaments all sorted, and placed carefully on the shelves, and priced up. I asked permission to take photo's. 
 During the unwrapping and chatting process we found out that they also do B & B.

When the deal was done, we were shown around. The rooms were stunning. They have kept the renovations sympathetic to the style of the period, it's like a stately home, they should be charging for guided tours.

Fabulous big bathroom. 

All the rooms were huge, you could have a party in them. 

 How about eating your breakfast in this room.

It's also the lounge where you can sit and relax with a glass of wine. 
 We were invited to take a stroll through the grounds before we left. Hey, look at me, Lady of the Manor.

There is a pond with a boardwalk alongside it.

And a little bridge to go into the woods on the other side, and benches to sit down.

Look at that setting, isn't it fabulous. It must be amazing to live in a house like that.

Absolutely stunning, I love it, I want to move in, ha ha. 

Well what a bonus that turned out to be, we didn't expect to see anything like that. Afterwards we had lunch in the Secret Garden Cafe in the town centre and had a mooch in a couple of charity shops.

The Crested China Company has a web site, you can take a look at it with this link. The Highfield Bed and Breakfast also has a web site, but unfortunately the link doesn't work. If you want to book a stay there, send an email to the china company.

One last picture. Helen spotted this mummy duck with her babies on the edge of the stream alongside the car park. The youngsters look really cute all lined up asleep with their beaks pointing in the same direction.

That's all for tonight, it's getting late and I'm tired. I've had a lovely day, thanks to my friend for treating me. Goodnight and Toodle pip.


  1. What a stunning home! And if you were interested in the china, it would be hard not to find something you liked!

    Thank you for sharing those pics with us.


  2. Fabulous house- what an unexpected treat for you. The scene with the bridge reminds me of Monet's garden. JanF

  3. What fun to discover a place so unexpected on your day out! It is a beautiful home and an unusual business. And I love ducks so it was a treat to see them, too.

  4. It's gorgeous, inside and out. And a private tour! It's wonderful that it is so well-kept and preserved.

  5. What a fabulous day Ilona, I really enjoyed your post.
    It brought back memories of my childhood, my grandma who lived with us, had a china cabinet full of the crested china. I recall that my Mum did not like it at all and when grandma died it was sold for a song, what a shame.
    I thought it was interesting as it had been collected from all over the UK and Europe and had the names and crests of cities and towns. Grandma and I used to take it out shelf by shelf, wash it and put it back in place. Funny, I can still picture the pieces in my mind. I will look closely at your pictures and see if I can spot any familiar items.
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Pam in Texas.xx

    1. Glad it brought back memories for you, Pam. I was fascinated by how many pieces there were, the shelves were crammed full.

  6. What an amazing place. Thanks for sharing it with us,

  7. Beautiful house, I wouldn't want to dust all those ornaments though!

    1. No, me neither Julee. I'm looking at my mantlepiece and the few dusty cats on it. Maybe I'll get round to dusting them one day, ha ha.

  8. Wow, an amazing home with such beautiful grounds and all that china quite an incredible sight. A very nice day out, lucky you.

  9. What a lovely day out, how nice to have an unexpected pleasure like that. :)

  10. A beautiful place! I hope those china shelves are well reinforced!

  11. What a house..but imagine the housework!
    Jane x

  12. Beautiful house. The dressing table in the 11th picture... My parents have exactly the same one.. Bought in Scotland shortly before we emigrated to Australia in 1980, as they were worried there would be no furniture in Australia! Susan from Perth :)

  13. I used to live just along the road from there in the 1970s - on Highfield Avenue! I used to pass Highfield every day on my way to and from the infant's school in town. They used to hold a fete there and we could go into the grounds. My Mum was born in Driffield in 1939, and we returned to live there in 1969, leaving in 1973 as my Dad was posted to Winchester. Mum remembers Highfield from her childhood too.
    Thankyou so much for posting the photogrpahs - they've prompted happy memories of a carefree few years living in a beautiful place.

  14. You discovered a wonderful stately home and such a nice surprise for you to do business there with your friend. I would like to spend a few days there and wander around imagining living in a different more slow paced time.

  15. Surprising things go on in the most unlikely places, you would expect to be visiting a shop.
    The house is amazing both inside and out with all its period features its good to see that its being kept in good order. I should imagine that the china business and B&B pay for its upkeep.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.