Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Oh we do like to be beside the seaside.

I took my little friend Rocky to Cleethorpes today. Parked at the Leisure Centre and went a walk along the Promenade. 'Can we have a ride on the train, please, my little legs are tired'. 
The blooms are lovely, come on give us a smile, and put your tongue in.

Oh alright then, I know you can't walk very far, you can have a ride in the stroller. I didn't mention it before, but his new set of wheels cost me £6 at the car boot sale on Sunday. Today was a test drive to see if he liked it, and he loved it.

'Aaah go on, let me have a ride in that big red truck'. No I don't think so, I don't have enough money.

'I want to take this donkey home, can we fit him in the car'. No, definitely not, you silly dog.

We had a lot of fun today, and put a smile on a lot of faces. He is a friendly little chap, he meets and greets everyone who says hello. A little ray of sunshine.
Toodle pip


  1. Looks like a lovely day out for Rocky :)

  2. Thanks...certainly put a smile on my face. Such a cute doggie.

  3. You put a big smile on my face-how cute! Oh how I would like to be beside the seaside!

  4. Aww lovely Rocky. He should have had a ride on the lollipop train, you could have had a sing song and a free lollipop. Love his new set of wheels. You really couldn't have picked a better day for sunny weather in Meggie's. (The local name for Cleethorpes.)

  5. So good to see little Rocky again and him looking so relaxed in your company Ilona.
    Love the buggy for him, good idea.

  6. There's something about that dog that melts my heart...seeing him in a pushchair is off the scale in cuteness!

  7. He looks so adorable lying in his new set of wheels, such a gorgeous and lovely little chap♥ Linda xx

  8. I remember going on that train with the grandson a few years ago and we came to a level crossing and the ticket man had to get out and push the train over it. Grandson loved it and we think about it many a time. Brought back some happy memories. Thanks

    Sue R

  9. Rocky is such a gorgeous boy, !! Thanks for posting these lovely photos, they made me smile.
    AussieCheryl : ) : )

  10. You both put a smile on our faces too! It was lovely to see how well you look after him Ilona. Glad to see you both out together.
    Wendy (Wales)

  11. Looks like a beautiful day. What a sweet little boy you've got there. Love your blog. Can't wait to read it at the end of each day.

    Linda in Alabama

  12. I loved this post, it started my day off with a smile. Thanks x

  13. What a great idea! Isn't it lovely at the seaside after most of the tourists have gone home?!

  14. One lucky dog having a friend in you!
    Lovely post x

  15. Rocky is a lucky boy!!

  16. Bless him! You can't beat a bit of sea air.

    X x

  17. Bless your golden hearts.


  18. I loved this blogpost! animal pix always make me go awwwwww....what's the story on the donkey, then? looks like it's a significant feature of Cleethorpes.

  19. So good to see Rocky again, he really does enjoy being with you,& getting spoilt, I am so pleased you have him back in your life and giving him the love and care he deserves. I have never been to Cleethorps it looks a lovely place, must try and visit sometime.

  20. He looks perfectly comfortable. People forget little dogs have little legs.

  21. Lovely to see Rocky xxxx
    One of my doggies - Molly - loves riding on my mobility scooter.
    Molly41 x

  22. I did my first night out in Cleethorpes in the early eighties in a 7.5ton Bedford TK. It was a bit of a squeeze kipping across the seats. It was a nice night, fish and chips, a walk around and a couple of beers in the pub.


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