Saturday, 6 September 2014

The plan is, erm, now what was it?

Hello campers, Hi de Hi.  I've been thinking I ought to make a plan for my forthcoming holiday. I look at the map and think, I could go that way, or I could go the other way. I'm calling it the Bus Pass holiday, hopping on and off buses with some walking in between. Stop and have a look around, see places, chat to people, who knows where I'll be passing through, I don't. Should be quite exciting,

I haven't got anything ready for it yet, been too busy. I ought to start collecting my bits and bobs together, won't need much, try and keep the weight of the rucksack as low as I can.

House is clean, stocked up with cat food and cat litter, everything in place for Janet to come and look after kitties. Fridge is bare, all food eaten, I will fill it with bottled tap water, because apparently it works more efficiently if it is full. The freezer part is full so don't need to put anything in there.

Not much else to do really, except throw a few things in a bag, which will take me all day tomorrow, ha ha.

The Lancasters fly past didn't happen today, the weather was too bad, low cloud and lots of rain. There were lots of people out waiting for it. They were due to fly over Mr Robinson's house, and we were stood outside on the village green waiting. Someone came out of the house with the news, sorry not coming today. But, they are coming tomorrow morning at 9.20am. I shall be out there again, the weather forecast is much better for tomorrow so we keep our fingers crossed that this time it might happen.

Janet is back home from her trip, my last visit to her house tonight, kitties all happy and well. I've been sitting with them to keep them company, and watching a bit of tele.  I don't know why anyone bothers with it, not a lot to watch. Cooking and more flippin cooking. Buying houses at auction and renovating them, building new houses, extending houses, people wanting to move to the countryside, and house makeovers. Cops chasing criminals. Tons of crappy soaps, I have even given up on Coronation Street now, the storylines are  just so ridiculous. I flicked around the channels searching for something interesting tonight. There was people attempting to do gymnastics, about as interesting as watching paint dry. Harry Hill showing film clips of hapless people falling, tripping, or getting a leg stuck in a trampoline, hilarious, not. When the X Factor came on I'd had enough and came home. That is so boring.

Anyway, less of my moaning, I'm going to chill. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.  


  1. US television is horrid these days.....I have always thought UK tv much better. I'm waiting on Downton Abbey , Last Tango In Halifax, Sherlock all to come back.

  2. Mmm sounds like a plan that doesn't really have a plan. All being well it should be fun but it all depends on the timetables, there could be some long waits.
    I was round your way last night, the new road out of Grimsby was closed and the diversion took me along the lanes through the decending mists.
    Shame about the Lancaster but hopefully Sundays weather will be better for the flypast.
    The Driver CPC comes into effect on Wednesday, a rubbish training course that truck drivers have to do every 5years. Some people are predicting doom and gloom because a lot of drivers wont have done it, so there could be a shortage of goods in the shops later in the week or maybe everything will carry on as normal.
    Its cost me the thick end of £300 plus loss of earnings for 5days to carry on doing my job.

  3. One programme I really enjoy is Murdoch Mysteries, with Yannick Brisson (I think that is his name). It is on the Alibi channel on Sky, not sure if it is on Freeview. He is a detective at the turn of the last century in Canada,, and he comes up with inventions to help solve the crimes.
    Enjoy your Bus Pass Holiday! Will be interesting to read about your adventures.

  4. I was always told a full freezer works more efficiently but in the fridge there should for air to circulate. Hope you have a wonderful time. Laura in blackpool

  5. If your bus pass gets you as far as Devon you know you'd be welcome! x

  6. I see these programmes only when I visit my Mum, who keeps them on as naxkground. She is retired and so different from you; a real stuck at home. Enjoy your holiday and keep blogging; it's brilliant for me to know that retirement is not a sentence to stop doing things. (I'm only 46 so I have years to go yet... if my generation get to retire at all!)

  7. Get ris of your television and save a license fee! Hope you have a lovely holiday...forecast is pretty good...

  8. I find it difficult to sit still long enough to watch anything, I have sewing or crochet on my lap. Enjoy your holiday, I look forward to the photos.

  9. New Zealand TV is also full of the same shows! So boring, don't know how people watch them. I prefer to read a good book.

  10. Winter tele always seems better. Don't think they bother much when they think we are enjoying the great outdoors.

  11. Payed tv bah take care

  12. If the UK is so into cooking then why are the charity shops filled with cook books (mostly unused)??

    I catch the tail end of that gymnastics programme while I'm waiting for Doctor Who. I hope they do not make a 2nd series it is totally dreadful and of no interest to anyone except possibly gymnasts!

    Linda xx

  13. Completely agree about the telly. Don't watch it much. I sometimes watch documentaries on iplayer and have a netflix subscription because I like films (and even with that I am thinking of cancelling because I have watched all the good ones and there is a lot of rubbish you have to sift through).

    Looking forward to reading about your bus holiday - how exciting.

  14. Yes, generally TV is a bit rubbish, but there are some nuggests of gold amongst the dross. Mr FD recorded an interesting programme called "Castles in the Sky" about the invention of radar, and there is another "scandi-drama" series "Crimes of Passion" that is quite good. We watched those last night after Doctor Who.

  15. You certainly have nailed the ho hum world of television. Used to be there were lots of entertaining shows, but now everything is a cop show or somehow related to really tough ladies in the world. Gets on my last nerve.

  16. Will you be including pics of the buses as well as the countryside, you could start a new hobby, - bus spotting!


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