Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Make a crafty bowl

Hello. Feeling crafty today. Weather is changeable so I'm indoors when it's dull and out in the sun when it breaks through the clouds. I've made two more fabric bowls, and here's how to do it if you want to copy. Someone sent me the sunflower fabric a while ago, I knew I would find a use for it. Cut a perfect square of the fabric you want to use for the inside of the bowl. Then use this as a guide and cut a second piece exactly the same size in a piece of any old fabric you don't need because it won't be seen, thick is best, cotton is too thin. Then you want a backing which will be the underside of the bowl, I am using green felt. If you have something which doesn't fray that's better, but anything will do.  
The backing piece is cut 2cm larger than the others. Use a few pins to hold the layers together.

Then set the machine to a zigzag stitch, or whichever stitch you fancy. Start along the outside edge, and go round and round in ever decreasing squares until you get to the middle. Keep smoothing the layers flat as you sew to prevent wrinkles.

Turn over the 2cm backing to the front, pin in place, and mitre the corners. That's trimming off a triangular piece and hand stitch in place using matching cotton to make an invisible join. Then machine the four edges using whichever stitch you prefer. If your backing fabric frays instead of making it 2cm bigger, make it 3cm, and fold it over twice.
Fold the piece in half and pinch in 2cm from the centre of the fold and secure with matching cotton. Fold the other way and do the same again. And there is the bowl. Thank you to the kind reader who sent the sunflower fabric. 

I made this one yesterday. I made a patchwork of coloured scraps topped with snippets of felt and sequins, topped with shiny organza. 

Here are the two I made previously.

There's time to make some of these before Christmas. They can be made any size and filled with sweeties, or a smaller one with a soap inside would be a nice gift. If you don't have a machine you can hand sew but it might take a little longer. Instead of zigzagging do a few cross stitches one inch apart, to keep the layers together. Have fun. An easy project to get you started if you haven't tried crafting before. If you are a crafter, something to knock up in an hour.
Toodle pip.


  1. I will have to give that a whirl, many thanks for sharing.

  2. Just too clever. I love they way they turned out.

  3. Love the sunflower one 😊 easily your best one yet. Going to have a go at this myself, thanks Ilona !

  4. They would make a lovely basket for bread rolls. I will definitely have a go, thank you, Ilona

    1. Hello. They would indeed make lovely bread baskets, just make them bigger. Remember to choose washable fabric, mix and match the colours to complement your decor.

  5. They are lovely and so useful. Thank you for sharing:-)

  6. They look lovely. Will definitely give this a go. Thank you for the instructions Ilona.

  7. I'm not very crafty, but these look easy and I'm going to try one. Thanks Ilona!

  8. So glad to stop by and visit your blog. I intend to get all caught up from September on -a lot to read and enjoy-be inspired. The fabric bowl baskets are beautiful,and would make a lovely gift with homemade treats.Now that it is cooling off here in Brighton, Ontario, and after moving house and all that brings, and replanting the two hundred perrenials we brought(yes I'm mad for gardening)I can turn my eye to hearth and home, and plan the veggie garden for spring.It was worth all the transition and effort to achieve this debt free lifestyle and to sleep peacefully and feel content again.You inspired me to see the possibilities and get out of the status quo trap that had taken over our lives.Thank you for that. Still have lots to learn on the frugal front but will persevere.Have a good one, regards, Destemona.

    1. Welcome back, Destemona, you have been busy. Your new debt free life sounds wonderful, now you can start living the good life and not just existing. Well done. You can pick up lots of frugal tips as you go along. Best wishes.

  9. These are amazing hun, think I will have to try to make some of these. The trouble is you make it look so easy...

    x x


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