Friday, 14 November 2014

Spring cleaning the sewing machine

I knew I shouldn't have opened a bottle of wine tonight, I'm struggling to stay awake. It has that effect on me, I'm no party animal, more like crawl under the table and fall asleep. Don't know what has happened to the old me, swigging a few pints and clubbing all night long. Now I can only manage a third of a bottle of wine, or one can of cider before I collapse in a heap. I'm a cheap date now for sure. 
This mornings sewing session got off to a bad start. I chose the fabric for another bowl, and changed my mind several times. Someone mentioned that they would make a nice bowl for bread rolls, and indeed they would, so I decided to make one a bit bigger. 11.5 inches square to be precise. I settled on the orangey yellowy fabric with green stripes, and a plain green back on the other side. I cut the pieces and pinned it together then set about sewing the zigzags along the green stripes to hold it together. Only it didn't go according to plan. The stitches kept missing bits, and it looked a mess. 
I had a look in the instruction manual, I never read instructions by the way, ha ha. It said that the needle could be bent, or I'm using the wrong cotton for the fabric. I removed the needle and put it lengthways on a pencil. Yep, it was definitely bent. Hardly surprising with all the hammer I give it, forcing it through ten layers of thick fabric. The needle has been on the machine ever since I bought it, about fifteen years ago, about time I changed it I suppose. I ended up removing all the moving bits and giving it a good clean, as per the instructions. You should have seen the muck in there. Anyway, with a new needle and freshly cleaned and oiled it now purrs like a contented pussy cat. 
So I got to finish the new bread bowl.   
It looks lovely, I am pleased with it.

Now I have seven bowls to sell tomorrow at the Scrapstore Christmas Fair.

Tonights dinner was the rest of the pasta I cooked yesterday. I don't call it left overs because I deliberately made enough for two days. I went out this afternoon and called in at a couple of shops to look for reductions. I got a cucumber for 20p, a lettuce for 20p, and a bag of egg noodles for 29p. Here we have mushrooms, still haven't finished the family pack I got on a yellow sticker, cooked in oil, lemon juice, a splash of wine, and a shake of packet sauce mix. I added some of the egg noodles and the pasta in the same pan, saves washing up. A sprinkle of grated cheese. I must say it was bloomin delicious.  
Anyway, I must get my things ready for tomorrow, I need to be away by 9am in the morning. The Fair is open from 10am to 3pm, so if you are around Hull, it's in Dairycoates Avenue. Hope to see you there. Toodle pip.


  1. Have a good day tomorrow. The bowls look great. I've just informed my sister-in-law about the Scrapstore and she said she will check it out. Told her about the fayre tomorrow as well. She lives just off Holderness road, so not too far from Dairycoates.

  2. I hope those bowls sell well tomorrow. Good luck!
    I`m going to be cheeky and might well copy the bowl making idea for a few X-mas presents this year, if you don`t mind.

    1. Go ahead, sharing ideas, that's what it's about.

  3. I hope you slept well and that you sell all of your bowls, have a great day!

  4. I'm surprised your maching was sewing at all with the same needle after 15 years, Ilona. When I bought my machine last year I was told I should change the needle every 8 hours or so of sewing, never mind years. Not that I do, of course, but I have been through a couple of needles already after trying to sew really thick layers. I must have a look at the manual and see how to clean mine properly as I've only ever given it a quick dust off. I do love those fabric bowls, so easy to make and versatile. I hope they sell well.

  5. Sewing machine 'people' say the needles need to be changed quite regularly,,, your machine will feel like it is sewing through butter. I haven't cleaned mine out for a while,, hate to think what muck is in there. Like the colourful bowls,, very useful.

  6. It was me who commented on the bread roll bowl and voila you have made a beauty! May I copy too please? They look great. Hope you make lots of dosh on the stall.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.