Wednesday, 20 May 2015

A brilliant night

Hello. I've had a belting night, with these lovely ladies. My frugal living/money saving/living within your means/having a brilliant life on a pension/walking and crafting, talk went down a storm. I took three friends with me from the Crafty Club, everyone was so friendly, and no one got up and walked out, ha ha. There were several textile artists and crafty people in the group, so I hope I gave them some ideas as I showed a selection of my creations. 
On the way back we passed a large Asda store which was still open. I left the ladies in the car while I went in search of chicken for Bugsy cat, as I remembered I was nearly out of it. It was force of habit to look if there was any yellow stickers as I passed by the veg counters. I couldn't believe my eyes, everything was 2p. I had to go back to the entrance to pick up a basket. Veg, salad, bread and milk, eleven items at 2p each. Wow, what bargains, better than Tesco.

I would say it was a brilliant night, and the cheap food was the icing on the cake. Brilliant.
Toodle pip


  1. Glad you had a great night! Sounds like fun. And! Move over...I'm coming for dinner. :)

  2. That is so great that you shared your knowledge of living well on a budget and your philosophy of happiness. It looks like you had a cheerful group.

    Wonderful deals on the yellow stickers, too.

  3. So glad you found some goodies and at such a great price. Here in the USA we are having a real difficult time finding anything that is low cost. Meat is over the top.

  4. did none of the other ladies want to go inside with you...........

    1. Hi Gill. I did ask if anyone wanted anything, they said no. I showed what I had when I got back to the car, and one lady said she wished she had gone in. I said I had almost cleared the shelf. I gave her some items.

  5. But did you get any chicken for Mr. Bugsy Cat?

    1. Hi. Yes, I got a pack of chicken, and one of turkey, £1.38 each.

  6. congrats on the bargains and happy birthday. maybe the 2p items were the universe's happy birthday! x

  7. What a haul - and ready prepared too! :)

  8. Reminds me of a song " Nobody does it better" Well done you. What a day you had - and the great thing is that you totally deserve it. JanF

  9. A fantastic night all round then, I'm sure the ladies loved it too and yellow stickers as your reward.

  10. I would love to see one of your talks. Have you ever thought about recording one for yootube or something similar? Great haul. Debbie.

    1. Hi Debbie. I haven't thought about that. I'm not sure if someone would want to hold a camera for an hour, and it would take ages to upload onto the internet. I would need to pay someone to edit out a lot of it, as it wouldn't be professional enough for a world wide audience.

  11. Glad you had a good time , Do you mind me asking what time it was when you got the reduced stuff please xxxx

    1. Hi. The till receipt reads 22.01, so just after 10pm. The store closes at 11pm. I wasn't expecting to find anything at that time. My Tesco normally clears their shelves just after 9pm, that's if there is anything left. Stores have their own policies as regards selling off going out of date stuff, mostly it depends on the manager. You need to visit your own store at different times and different days, to spot their patterns. Familiarity of the layout also helps as well. I had to ask the lady on the bread counter where the reductions were, as I don't go in that store very often as it is at the other end of town.

    2. Thank you , Its just that since moving house we have to drive to find bargains and it would be easier to know roughly the times xxx

    3. Hi. I understand you wouldn't want a wasted journey, so it might take a few visits over a period of time to establish their routine. You could go there at the time you think is about right. Keep your eyes peeled for staff that are marking down on the shop floor. Some stores take the stock into the warehouse and bring it out ready marked down on a trolley. It's a good idea to be chatty with the staff, make a connection, so they get used to seeing you. Laugh and joke with them, don't appear to be grabbing and desperate. Ask questions, is there likely to be anything else coming out? Be happy with what you already have, and not desperate for more. Good luck.

  12. Would have loved to have heard your talk to the ladies.
    You lucky lady getting all of those bargains!
    Did Bugsy enjoy his chicken/turkey dinner?

    1. Hi, yes he did. He has gone right off wet cat food, I get him what he likes.

  13. It sounds like a wonderful evening. I would love to be able to listen to one of your talks. Such fantastic bargains! I understand now why my local supermarket doesn't have many great mark downs - it's open 24 hours. X

    1. Hi. My Tesco is a 24 hour store, but they still have to get rid of the stock going out of date on that day. There should be some bargains unless it is the store policy not to offer it for sale at a cheaper price. Maybe the staff have the first pick.

    2. Thanks Ilona. They do have yellow stickers but often not even a third off the original price. On a better note, thanks to one of your previous posts I have finally booked to go to Whitby next month. I'm very excited so thanks for the 'nudge'. X

  14. Excellent bargains and so pleased you had a great time with lovely people. As my mum is fond of saying 'there are many more nice people than horrid ones'!

  15. Hi.Your "talk" looks to have been appreciated by the nice ladies that were there.I think it's great you share all your experience and also get to meet new people that way too.It's sounds like an interestingtime and you are contributing to your community,Ilona.As is said over there-brilliant!Okay, am admitting to some sticker price envy, looking at your bargains.It's very caring of you to make sure Bugsy gets what he likes now that he's such an old timer,his teeth must be in good shape.Bye for now,D.

  16. What some great bargains in Asda. Glad the talk went down a storm, you have certainly given me some ideas since reading your blog and I greatly appreciate it Ilona.

  17. If you'd got the food on the way there it would have made a great exhibit for your talk.
    I'm still on the same job delivering consumables to asda stores which can include 'whoops' stickers.

  18. Brilliant bargains, there's not much you can get for 2p usually. Maybe you should build a folder of photos of your reduced price foods for a talk in the future to see what's possible when you put your mind to saving money.

  19. I probably cost more for a member of staff to price up the goods than what the store will have made on them! But what bargains - if you are prepared to shop at 10 pm at night, of course.
    Margaret P


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.