Monday, 4 May 2015

Another door appears

Hello. How ya diddlin? Translated that means, How are you? It's been a super warm day here. Not many at Crafty Club this morning, but we still had a good natter. 
This afternoon it was get out in the garden time. I needed another large pallet, but the only one I had wasn't big enough. Not to worry, I also had a part pallet with some slats missing. I measured the space I needed to fill, and cobbled together a pallet to fit. Now this is ready to attach another door. 
The door I had in mind to use next is an interior door, I was a bit reluctant to use it as it wouldn't stand up the the weather very well. I decided to do a bit more work on building up the height on the other doors, and thought I would go to the door company and pick up another door tomorrow. 
I got quite a surprise when I saw that my next door neighbour had removed his front door, he said he is getting a new one fitted. What a stroke of luck that was, he wanted to get rid of it, and I needed it. Perfect, just the job. 
So here it is in it's place. I have put the outside of it to the outside of the summer house. It's all painted up so I won't have to touch that side of it.

The inside will need painting. The strap is there to hold it in place while I screw it down.

This is the view from my neighbours garden. I will paint it, but I also have a plan to camouflage it. 
This is the side which is facing the back of the garage. I tied the corner together while I put the screws in.

I'll do a couple of hours on it in the morning, but I am off out in the afternoon. I'll take the camera and bring some piccies back. That's all for now. Time to wind down. Toodle pip


  1. I hope your neighbor has confidence that you are going to camouflage this to some extent....looks a bit weird at this point!

    1. Hi Linda. My neighbour is not bothered. He is a young man in his twenties, laid back, easy going, we rub along nicely.

  2. If she plants some grapes or raspberries no one will be the wiser.

  3. I had a question has the neighbours said anything about this project?

    1. From ground level no one can see it except the young man next door, and as I said above, he is not bothered. I have a big garden, and it's well hidden behind the garage. There are high hedges on the other two sides.

  4. You're amazing, as ever!

  5. I think it looks charming and would be happy to have it in my garden!
    I'm wondering what the pallets are secured to? Do you have posts anchored into the ground in cement? It looks really lovely, well done to you for your innovative approach.
    I think you should send photos to this guy - he has been interested in unique buildings for a long while.

    1. Hi. The pallets are secured to each other with metal brackets and screws. They are fixed to the ground in a couple of places. There are posts on each corner but these are not fixed into the ground, they are there to make the join more solid. The doors are heavy and screwed to the pallets and fixed to each other, but it will be the weight of the structure which will hold it together. There is one more section to add. The front facing the garden will have an opening but I need to join the two sides at the top and bottom to complete the square. Then the roof can be added.

  6. Can't wait to see the finish article.

  7. I suppose one could close it in for the winter and use it for a greenhouse...of sorts! Also, I think painting it a solid color would bring it al together, even the pallets...

  8. Hi,Ilona.You really do have good luck in finding doors for your summerhouse and am glad that you have a nice neighbour that is cool.Good work!Bye for now,D.


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