Saturday, 9 May 2015

Hair today, and gone today.

Hiya. I've saved myself a bit of money today. Not sure how much a cut and blow dry costs these days in a salon, but that's how much I've saved by doing it myself. As I have mentioned before I have two doors facing each other, I hang a mirror on each so I can see the back of my head. I snip away at it with a large pair of scissors, trimming until I reach the desired length. My goldilocks are on the mat. 
Here are the before and after pics. When it gets to this length the style does not suit my face, I look like an afghan hound. I don't like it too short either because that makes me look like a fella  ;o(
This is just right. I gave up trying to explain to hairdressers how I like it. I always came away looking like I had been scalped, or they took so little off it was hard to tell I had even sat in the chair. At last I have found a good hairdresser, me, ha ha.

Lunch today was the rest of the Quorn and sprout mixture, with couscous, beetroot, the last tomato, and grated carrot. 
Tonight's dinner was a belly buster, I've made too much, oooops. Couscous, I made extra earlier, sprouts, carrots, frozen sweetcorn and peas. Oh my, I couldn't manage it all so there's some left for tomorrow's lunch.

Hoooray, the sun has come out at last, and it's only 7.30pm. Been waiting for it all day. Nothing done in the garden, it's been a sewing day. I'd better get off here and take the dog out, then I'm off to sit with Janet's cats, and watch a bit of tele. Catch you tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. you have done a great job on your hair.

  2. Hair cut is excellent! Good job. I'd love to see before and after photos of the front too.
    I used to try to cut my own but gave up as my shorter style is tricky to do. JanF

  3. I love it when you show how you cut your hair, you are really good at it. (Lots of practise!)
    Wendy (Wales)

  4. Your hair looks fantastic! As do your meals. My husband cuts my hair and I cut his. I think we have been doing this for 20 years now. I imagine we have saved quite a bit of money over the years!

  5. well, you've not just snipped the ends, have you. I must say you've done a really good job! Looks really nice and neat.

  6. I cut my husband and sons hair and my nephew cuts mine. in return I attend to his feet or his wife back as I was qualified to do both. I have done a bit of sewing today too and this evening we got sunshine at about 6.00pm and had a cycle ride then. best part of the day.

  7. I agree very professional looking your hair.

  8. Love your haircut. You said you didn't know how much you had saved - well in London anything from £20 at the absolutely dead cheapest place with a new/trainee, and up to £60/£80 at one of the high street chains! Madness isn't it? (and I am ignoring the 'super rich' brackets which I'm sure existing for hair, as they do for everything else, in London...)

  9. You are brilliant as your own personal hairdresser. By the way, a wet cut and blow dry costs me £15 every 6-8 weeks. I wouldn`t trust myself to do what you do.

  10. I used to cut my own hair when it was quite long, because I could just comb it all to the front and cut. Now my hair has become so thin, I keep it short and don't dare cut it myself - I could lose an ear. Or an eye. Or possibly part of my brain. But I do get it cut quite short at a salon, so a cut "lasts longer." I probably go through 2 or 3 different "styles" before it grows long enough that I can't stand it anymore and pay for another cut.

  11. Snap. Done my hair today. A quick trim with my £10 scissors (had them years) and a £2.99 colour. With the help of my teenage daughter for the back I have saved myself a £100 (yes that's what I used to pay - and look better than the the professional do). Yours looks great. Debbie.

  12. Your haircut looks wonderful, shaped beautifully. Here in the U.S. I pay $13.99 at a bargain place for a wash and cut.

  13. Love your hair cut.. great job... lots of money saved and it is just how you want it. Win-win. Cheers. Jo in Oz

  14. That is such a good haircut ! Well done!

  15. Hi,Ilona.The meals look very filling,nutritious,inexpensive and tasty.So nice to see all the cooking you do.Lovely layers there in your new haircut done by you,looks very good, I think.Always inspiring and frugal,thank you for sharing, hope tomorrow is fairer weather for you,regards,D.

  16. I don't think I would dare cut my own hair... but never say never. You did a great job

  17. Great job! Except you've just reminded me that today is the day that I told DB that I would do his hair with his new clippers and I'm dreading it! Oh, the responsibility - and his hair is as fine as a babies so wafts every which way! If it works it will save a tenner (yes- a tenner for a bloke!) Wish me luck!

  18. You hair always looks great when you cut it - loose and relaxed but still tidy. Bit like a 'bedhead' or whatever they call it these days. I had the same problem with hairdressers - they just never made it look nice.

    My other half now cuts my hair and I vastly prefer it to any salon cut I ever had! i have just started cutting his and didn't make too bad a job - if anyone wants a good, basic guide for a quick men's scissor cut, Miss Ruby Tuesday (American!) on youtoob has a good one.

  19. I got a hair cut last week. Showed the hairdresser a photo of the style cut I wanted which would have been about an inch or so off and came home with nothing resembling the photo and shorter on one side than the other! All this for $25.

  20. My neighbour used to have her hair cut by hairdressing students at the local technical college. I think it only cost her £5. Home hairdressing in our family too!

  21. The hair does look very nice. I have mine cut about once or twice a year. It is very long and I keep mine in a hat most of the time as I have difficulty reaching up to style or cut it now. I have in the past gone to Stamford College - good but I think the poor girl rued the day I stepped into the salon. I've found a little backstreet stylist in Stamford (again) that cuts it very well - when she cuts it, it looks nice for months. I feel sorry for her that I cannot go more often. Natalie

  22. Looking good Ilona. I've had my hair ruined by expensive hairdressers more times than I care to admit to. I now go to a guy at the end of my road who does exactly what I ask and doesn't insist on layering my over fine hair and best of all he's cheap. I've also stopped using shampoo and mostly just wash my hair with water. Kristel

  23. Top bit if scissor work you've done a nice job.
    I got mine cut at the barbers down the road for £7, i've give up on home barbering since my wife attacked my barntet with no attatchment on the clippers and i ended up with a bald stripe on the top of my head.

  24. I can't believe you did this yourself. Awesome job!


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