Thursday, 7 May 2015


Hello. Some people are good at crosswords, others enjoy a challenging game of Sudoku, and some like pub quizzes. I am no good at any of those things, my brain doesn't work like that, but I do like to put things together on a more practical level. I used to love my brothers meccano set, I played with it more than he did.
Today I was searching through my bit box for something to join two pieces of wood together, something metal with two screw holes in. I haven't got the exact right pieces and I don't want to buy anything, so I thought, improvise. I have a lot of these cupboard door catches left over from when I had a new kitchen. A bash with the hammer did a good job of breaking them apart, bingo, a small piece of metal, just right for the job. I left some of them flat.  
And some of them I bent into an 'L' shape with a pair of pliers, very useful for joining two pieces of wood at an angle like this. Just the job, it works.

 I made this corner section today, and fitted the last door inside it.

This is the front, the entrance to get in and out. The plan is to put a long length of timber along the top, bridging the gap. Only trouble is the two sides are not lined up very well. I need to have a think about it, there must be a solution, hmmmmm. 
It was a beautiful sunset tonight. I am feeding Janet's cats while she is away, and this is the view from her conservatory window. She is very lucky to be able to see this from the comfort of her arm chair.

I've cropped this one, it would make a good header. Stunning colours.

I'm a bit late with this so I'll say Goodnight. Thank you for popping in.
Toodle pip


  1. Wow, lovely colors in the sky, and your door project is coming along nicely.

  2. Hello! Your sunset pics are just beautiful. I hope to see a sunset in the UK/England someday in person. I've seen it set in LA, Seattle, San Francisco, Cairo Egypt, and many other places, but none compare to the hot pinks in that sky.

    I too like your door cottage. I must read back and see what you plan it to be.... a summer room perhaps. It is unique, and would be cute when you have ivy or sweet peas climbing up the sides! I do enjoy reading your adventures. I find many free items here in Indiana on Craigslist. Last week I was given tons of Lilly of the Valley plants, an eight foot very old oak counter/cupboard (that I'm stripping green paint off of) and two amazing like new living room chairs from a local hotel that is remodeling. I couldn't have earned enough money last week to pay for all of that!! I told on of the ladies (who gave me the lilies) that we girls have to stick together & share like the old time pioneers, but we are the new urban pioneers who are taking back a run down neighborhood, and making it beautiful again! Toodle pip friend! ~~~Holly

  3. Can`t wait to see the finished product of this unique summer house! The sunset pictures are just stunning!!

  4. Re your summerhouse not being lined up properly "Wot we say in Suffolk is... Sightly on the huh!"

  5. Wow, incredible sunset! Your door shed is progressing well. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Awesome sunsets. I have no idea how to finish your project, but good job for the improv. People who see it are probably wondering which door opens? Have a special weekend, Ilona.

  7. Re: your roofing challenge - you might want to take a look on the blog that Derek Diedricksen writes called Relaxed Shacks. He is one of the leading proponents of the Tiny House movement here in the US, and builds some amazing little homes, all with recycled goods. His houses are sometimes wacky, but always creative and put found materials to excellent use.

  8. It's gonna look amazing! So unique and quirky. Have a great weekend. Debbie

  9. Hi.Gorgeous sunset and your photography skills are ace.Repurposing the cabinet hardware is a great idea and your unique summerhouse looks so cute.I especially like how tidy and swept your jobsite is-and that you have the slabs back in for the floor.Looking good! We recently made a birdbath out of a solar dish that we removed from our house.The weather report says rain is coming-yay!Bye for now,D.

  10. Hello. I have been reading your blog and I really enjoy all parts of it right from the beginning. I dont know why but I've not commented yet. Anyway regarding the roof for your summerhouse why not make it a Pent that is angled one side a little higher than the other, we have one like it and are really pleased with the way it works. i.e. easier for rain to slide down therefore a lot less worrying for any leaks etc. Vee. Thanks for such a great blog.

  11. I enjoy reading your blogs and I learn a lot! Who needs crossword puzzles, etc when you have sooo much talent in all that you do! I look forward to the big reveal! Shirley

  12. I think you could be a professional stylist!! Your hair looks great!


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