Saturday, 16 May 2015

More colours added

Hello. Bit late tonight, I decided to mow the lawns after dinner, been putting it off, it needed doing. Covered in paint again. Good job I have old clothes on. 
I tried the mixing of yellow and red to make orange, it's not quite the shade I would have liked, but I can live with it. Trouble is I didn't mix enough and ran out before I got to the bottom. It wasn't worth mixing a bit more, I wouldn't have got the exact shade, so I dipped my brush into the red tin and finished off with that. The door next to it I painted in a pale lilac colour. I mixed a couple of small tester pots of purple with some white.
Looks quite good I thought.

The next colours I mixed were some of the green with white, it's turned out really nice.

I made too much of this one, so I painted the top and side of the darker green door. 
 And I painted two plant pots.

And finished it off by painting this bit, but ran out before I got to the bottom. By this time I'd had enough.

There are two more doors to paint inside, they are patio doors and are mainly glass which I am going to leave clear. Can't decide whether to paint them or not.

Ooo errr, I don't think Heidi is supposed to be up there. 
My lunch today was a big plate of salad, with the addition of brazil nuts and almonds in the broccoli/carrots/radishes mix in the mini chopper. 
 Dinner was steamed veg, with a Tesco Value macaroni cheese, yellow stickered to 24p.

I couldn't think of anything special to do for my birthday, I was happy to work in the garden. I did have a treat, a Magnum ice cream. I'm easily pleased, ha ha. I have got two short breaks arranged for the end of the month, and the beginning of June, so that will be nice.

Have a great Sunday. Toodle pip.


  1. Happy Birthday. gwen765

  2. Happy Birthday Ilona, I am glad you have the two trips to look forward to. The colourful Summer house will likely have an interesting and creative roof on it by then! I think you are also giving Heidi a fun experience with all this!
    Very best wishes, Jan F

  3. Happy Birthday ! Three cheers for Illona. Well you are setting a cracking pace with your summer house and I love how you are painting the occasional pot with different colours . Colour always makes me happy .

  4. Loving all of the color combinations - looking really nice. Hope you had a lovely day - Happy Birthday! Ranee (MN)

  5. Happy birthday, Ilona.

    Maggie from Florida

  6. Happy Birthday!! Glad that you had a treat!
    You doors look pretty too.

  7. Cheers, happy birthday and to many more healthy ones!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Happy Birthday Ilona...glad you had a wonderful day....painting and eating ice cream who could ask for more?
    Wishing you many more birthdays with love.

  10. Sounds like a lovely way to spend your birthday. I hope the year ahead is a happy one.

  11. Happy birthday.. All the very best for the forthcoming year.

  12. Happy Birthday, Ilona!

    I'm glad that you enjoyed your day.

  13. A very happy birthday from Audrey, New Zealand

  14. Hello,birthday girl!I'm wishing you peace,love,wisdom,good health and happiness and financial serenity with many happy returns of the day to you,m'dear.If I were closer I'd have baked you a cake.It seems your day was very productive and the summerhouse colours are looking good.Bye for now,big hugs,D.

  15. Happy birthday to you!

  16. You're going to end up with a 'house of many colors'.

    Mercy, that door is a shocker....Is that the red ocean on the bottom or waves of red clove?r....How about a bright yellow sun just above give the look of a warm hot sunny red clover field!
    Keep on with your keeping on....I'm still pondering the finished product.....wish I was there to help you paint...I have many extra buckets....
    PS....As with my cat as well, if it is high enough and he can get to it, he will manage to climb it and take a looksee from the top....better to see the meese from there, I suppose!

  18. Happy Birthday from Germany! I think it is lovely to spend a birthday just like any other day, but my family insists that I do otherwise.

  19. A very happy belated birthday xx

  20. Happy Birthday Ilona. X

  21. Happy Birthday to you Ilona! You are such an inspiration to me. I am loving the new "building" project. You are a mighty and creative person.

  22. Happy Birthday Ilona. So pleased you had a good day and yes magnum ice creans are yummy. Kristel

  23. Your house of many colours is great, I am quite envious. I am casting a beady eye over my little shed, I stained it last week but in the autumn it could find itself wrapped in a rainbow.

    Thank you for all your wonderful, inspirational and thought provoking posts. I really look forward to catching up with what is happening in your neck of the woods each day.
    LOVE all the colours you have created. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEERS. Jo

  25. Your summer house is coming along nicely and so colourful. Happy Birthday

  26. Happy Birthday Ilona. Your garden house is looking good, can't wait to see the end product.

  27. Happy birthday! Wish you all the best!

  28. Happy birthday- magnum sounds wonderful.

  29. hope we don't miss you at the beginning of June , otherwise it will have to be when we come back to Hull on 1 July. Happy Birthday. Jozef had an ice lolly after his long birthday ride as he forgot to take money to buy one with. The 6 pack from Li+l was the same cost as a Magnum at the bird sanctuary. eeek.

  30. Birthday greetings from me, too.

  31. Happy Birthday! The summer house looks so cheerful. I love the colours you have used. Jane from Cornwall.

  32. Belated happy birthday Ilona! I am submerged in work at the moment but like you looking forward to several trips (on the cheap) over the summer. I also have a lot of DIY to do too :-/ and have to look for a new job. I love the bright colours and good for you for using discarded stuff!

  33. Happy Birthday, hope you had a wonderful day, your summer house is looking so fantastic and your pots look great painted in bright colours ! AussieCheryl : )

  34. Sorry I'm late in wishing you a very happy birthday Ilona, as they say better late than never:) Linda x

  35. Many Happy Returns of the day from an Expat across the pond. Good way to celebrate with an ice cream treat. Love those painted pots and your summer house is looking grand. I really enjoy your blog.

    Take care,

  36. Happy Birthday from Canada!! Tried to comment earlier but it seems not to have gone through so I'll try again. I am loving the summer house you are building! So colourful and lovely that you are keeping on with your "colour your world" theme that you chose in the new year. Such bright and happy colours ... good job!!

  37. Wishing you a very happy birthday Ilona. Glad you had a lovely day. Ann x

  38. I'm late but.......Happy Birthday!!! I love reading your blog and Thank You so much for the out and about pictures you share with us. Places and things I'd never get to see otherwise. I hope you had a wonderful day with many more to come. :)

  39. Belated Happy Birthday, your summer house is looking great.

  40. Happy late birthday - to many more. Your little hut looks very Caribbean-ish with all those pretty colours. Love it!

  41. Best Wishes on your Birthday.
    What a lot of Happy Birthday wishes you have.
    May be I should start a blog so I get some when my birthday comes round.

  42. Glad you had a lovely birthday doing all the things you want to do. The posh ice cream was a real treat for you. We are loving every stage in your Summer House project, you are amazing!
    Wendy (Wales)

  43. Happy Birthday. Tricia x

  44. A very Happy Birthday to you. The summer house is coming on a treat. Love the green.

  45. Happy Birthday, Ilona.

    I'm glad that you enjoyed your special day and hope that the year ahead holds many nice surprises and fun adventures for you!

    Gail :)
    P.S. Your little summer house is very cute. Will you put furniture in it?

  46. Happy belated birthday! Summerhouse looking good. I'm impressed at your strength, I find doors too heavy to move the weakling that I am. Debbie

  47. Hope you had a lovely birthday Ilona, happy as well as rewarding. And a wonderful year to come. Thank you for keeping us educated and entertained. You remain a breath of fresh air! God bless Liz Gilbey

  48. Happy birthday Ilona! I like your door colours.

  49. Happy Birthday Ilona! The summer house is coming along nicely!

  50. A very Happy Birthday to you! Your garden house is so unique, quirky and just happy. I love it and hope you have many, many days using it.

  51. I've never commented before but I just had to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! From another 66 Year old, soon to be 67. Your Posts give me so much pleasure. Thank you. Margaretnan.

  52. Happy Birthday Ilona! Sounds like you had a great day doing just what you wanted to. That's the best birthday ever. Good luck with your summer house. It's a wonderful, colorful place to relax. Hope you find something suitable for the roof soon. What are you going to put inside? A comfy chair?

  53. Hello from New Mexico in the United States. I've been enjoying your blog for about the last six months, first time to comment. Your zest for life, your refreshing uniqueness, your honesty and your humor make for a very enjoyable read. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday and a wonderful year ahead! Sixty-six years young! Becky

  54. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday Ilona! Looking forward to seeing the completed summer house.

  55. Many, many happy returns, I absolutely love your blog, I'm re-reading it all for the umpteenth time now, and always find new things to learn, thank you so much, and enjoy your coming holidays xxx

  56. Hope you had a very Happy Birthday Ilona x

  57. Happy Birthday Ilona. I'm from Holland en enjoying your blog for about some weeks.
    Love it.
    x Renée


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