Monday, 18 May 2015

Soak it all up, clean the plate

Hello. I've had a bit of running about to do today, so haven't done very much.  It was raining heavy all morning. I only had an hour at the crafty club because I had to take a dog out. Timing was crucial because the dog is on tablets which are making him pee a lot. Luckily no accidents in the house when I got there, but boy did he cock his leg a lot once we got outside on the grass. 
I found some useful pieces of timber in the bin outside the Village Hall, that's where we have our craft meetings and I always look in the bin. Too good to let them go to the tip, and too heavy for me to carry, so I went round in my car to pick them up. The library came today, so I chose some books, Stan won't be coming next week, it's Bank Holiday. 
Lunch today was guess what, a salad, with mushrooms cooked in olive oil and garlic powder, and two eggs scrambled into it. I chucked some spinach in for the last few seconds.  
I don't make gravy very often, about once a month if that, but tonight I fancied some on my steamed veg. My veggie Bisto lasts ages, occasionally I will put some in a stew.

I always save the potatoes till last, something I picked up from my mum, she always did this. Mash them into any gravy left on the plate. Here I've mashed the swede as well. 
Keep mashing till the gravy is soaked up, as it helps to pick it up with the fork. I suppose you could always use a spoon to finish off, if you don't mind washing up one extra utensil.

And there you have it, an empty plate. I paid for the gravy so I'm going to eat it, or is that drink it, ha ha. My dad used to soak up his gravy with a slice of bread. How do you soak up your gravy, or do you swill the plate under the tap before you put it in the dishwasher? Ssshhhh, don't tell anyone, but I lick the plate  :o)  Ooops, did I really say that, ha ha.

It's gone really black outside and it's raining again, so I'm going to get on with a bit of sewing. I'm going to put the landscape picture on hold for a while until I can think of a solution to the problem. I took it to the Crafty club this morning for some feedback, and this afternoon I acted on a suggestion. I'm not sure if I like the result and I'm mad with myself. It's taking up too much time and thinking about it is making my brain ache. I have to walk away from it for a while. Sorry if you are waiting for the finished picture, it will come eventually, but not just yet.
Toodle pip.


  1. A very belated happy birthday xx

  2. I'm making a Christmas wall hanging (if I get it done by Christmas.) I have to add Christmas trees to it and have had trouble using the iron-on under cover for the trees. So at present it is hanging on a bedroom wall. I keep looking at it hoping it will fix itself. Hopefully it will be done for the holidays. You have much more talent than I do!!
    Maggie from Florida

  3. I mash my potatoes into any juices too... and I might lick the plate as well :-)

  4. Licking the plate - rude not to! ;)

  5. I lick the plate. Why not! It helps whoever's washing up! I can't waste gravy (mmmm) or icecream!

  6. ,,, You're refreshingly honest - as always !!!

  7. You're awesome Ilona, I really liked today's post, as we say here " no bulls___". I soak up my gravy with bread just like my dad did too.AussieCheryl : )

  8. Hi.Oh, that's delicious looking.Usually soak up any juices etc. with potatoes or rice or noodles.Will check out the health food store for veggie gravy mix as it's not in our local grocery stores here-just bouillon cubes or liquid form.Art is a process so my artist/daughter tells me.Walking away from it is a restorative good thing, it will happen when it's meant to, as much as you'd like to get it done now ,time has a way of working things out,I find.We're just heating up veggie soup from the freezer today with some wholegrain bread and cheese-simple and good for you.Had unexpected company today who are old neighbours and avid gardeners.i was delighted to see them and we are all grumbling about how dry it's been here,unlike your weather.I've had to use the hose to water some plants that were parched,very strange for spring.Hmm.Bye for now,D.

    1. Destemona, I am vegan so tend to read labels a LOT! I was vegetarian for many years before that and automatically bought veggie gravy granules. Through having to read what's in everything (generally it's milk rather than anything else lurking in ingredient lists) I have discovered that lots of non specifically veggie gravy granules are in fact vegetarian (they just don't tell you as they want you to spend more or the more expensive specifically veggie ones).

  9. I don't actually lick the plate, however, I do run my finger through it and lick my finger until all is cleaned up. Heh. I have found in most cases, if I run into trouble or get stumped, it almost always works to walk away for awhile (a day or two or week - whatever it takes) and an idea or solution will pop out at me, when I return to the project. When that happens, I still question why it takes so long to see it. Once the solution or idea appears, it seems so obvious. You are very talented and no doubt, a brilliant idea will come your way sooner or later. It was nice to get ideas from your family. Same DNA - brilliant minds. Ranee (MN)

  10. Thought you might enjoy this:

  11. My hubby has been known to lick the plate when he thinks I am not looking :-)!

  12. As you know, we have a dog... :-D

  13. I lick too! Waste not, want not.

  14. I like the way you write a price on your packaged goods. Great for remembering whether you are getting a bargain whilst you are out. Debbie.


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