Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Using up the smellies

Hello. I've been on a mission to use up the toiletries that I already have before buying more. The hair conditioner is gone, I used it instead of shampoo. The Value baby shampoo has been used up, and a new bottle of cheap Aldi shampoo is now in use. I could use the bath foam on my hair, but it will get used when I have a bath. I have two deodorants, one given to me by my sister, and the other from a friend, both didn't like them. I don't care, it's all the same to me, I have no particular preference when it comes to under arm spray. 
The Nivea sun lotion is being used as a face moisturizer. I got the Yardley violets spray out of a skip, someone's  house clearance. The Youth Dew perfume is about 35 years old, it doesn't spray very well, that's why it has lasted a long time, ha ha. I don't buy perfume now, I think it was about 35 years ago when I last bought some. The So Soft body oil gets used as a face moisturizer, I don't feel the need to moisturize my whole body. What's the point of scrubbing yourself clean, only to block your pores with gunge. The Baby lotion also gets slapped on my face from time to time, as does the Aloe Vera Jelly. 
I am holding off buying anything new, until I really have to. I use everything sparingly so it lasts ages. I don't need a lot of bottles cluttering up my bathroom cabinet, these few items will last me for a while. 
I've just had a bowl of fabulous soup, and plenty left for tomorrow. I found two packs of celery in the small Tesco yesterday when I popped in on my way back from the council dump. Always worth a look if passing. Aha, celery soup I thought when I saw them. I also threw in a few other bits and bobs which needed using up. Half a dozen mushrooms, half a parsnip, a carrot, a potato, and a handful of spinach. I used six sticks of celery, still plenty left for another batch. Chuck in some spices, simmer for ten minutes, zap with a stick blender.

It was bloomin lovely. I love these chuck it in and see what happens kind of soups.

I did my walk early today, and I have hit the 250 miles, YAY. Trouble is it took me over three hours to do it, ha ha. Paul was in his garden as I passed so I stopped to say hello to him. Then I popped in to see the other Paul, as he was on a late shift. I didn't stop long there as he was watching a film on TV. Then I saw that Phil was in his garden and as I hadn't seen him for ages I stopped to see how he was. He was hobbling because he had missed the step as he was getting out of his lorry, and pulled a muscle in his leg. He said come on in and see Angela, so I did and ended up staying for a coffee, two coffees in fact and some lunch. Angela has a new hobby of painting up old furniture to give it a new lease of life, and she is making a good job of it. I was dead impressed.

Almost the end of the month, are you having one last splurge to top your miles up? Only another nine months to go. You can make a start on the 1st of April if you want to. The next target to work towards is 500 miles at the end of June. Or if you are a late starter try for the 250 miles in three months. Come on, put your best foot forward, you can do it.

The kids are all in for the night, I'll give Heidi her tablet shortly. She has been such a good girl, mostly I get it straight in and she swallows it, sometimes my aim is not so good and she spits it out, ha ha. But whatever happens she is never annoyed with me, always after lots of cuddles.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip



  1. I always feel very guilty when I see your toiletries collection. I think you would be shocked if you could see mine. I have slowed down and buy a lot less and use my expensive products far more sparingly than I used to. I have started rotating things so they all get used up. I like painting old furniture too, its great fun!

  2. Celery soup is lovely, even better when it is at a bargain price. It is always great to pop in and see friends for a coffee and chat.

  3. I love using up toiletries. I've got hundreds of free samples to get through, collected over years. I get my cheeky head on when in some shops and pretend I'm interested in various toiletries and ask for free samples! My walking distances will improve now that our local forestry commission woods stay open til 10pm and there is a particular trail that I like to go on, so I'm pleased with that. P.S. I love Youth Dew! Will tot up my March mileage tomorrow.

  4. After reading in one of your previous posts about you washing your hair in baby shampoo I bought some to use as a showergel/shampoo when we went on holday last week/ It made my hair really soft and saved me taking shampoo,conditioner and a shower gel. Hubby and I both used it so it saved on packing his shower gel too. We are now using up all our bath products and as soon as it is all used up we will stick to buying the baby stuff from then on.

  5. I used to love a youth Dew as well, but that was over 40 years ago and for years I haven't been able to bear strong smells. They make me feel sick and give me a headache. I wish people wouldn't slather it on the way they do, especially as they always seem to sit next to me! Trying to eat next to strong perfume is horrible.

  6. I don't know where toiletries come from. They seem to spring from no where and clutter the bathroom for decades. I did a huge clearance last year and felt bad that so much plastic was chucked into the bin. And we still have stuff that is hardly ever used. Lately I have been trying DIY products and am pleasantly surprised. I'm reducing waste, saving $$$ and the results are not half bad.

  7. I use up things, but would NOT use the hair conditioner instead of will not clean your hair....

    1. Hey Lynda, conditioner will clean your hair. Conditioners contain ingredients that can clean hair because of their detergent-like qualities, meaning when combined with water, they can help rinse away dirt and bacteria.

      But these cleansing ingredients, which are called cationic surfactants, are positively charged and are therefore attracted to the negative charge carried by the protein in your hair. This means they are more likely to stick to your hair, rather than rinse away. Put simply, conditioner probably won't rinse dirt out of your hair nearly as well as shampoo, but it does clean your hair and is apparently good for dry or curly hair.

  8. I hate wasting toiletries but it's so easy to accumulate stuff - all those freebie samples, half-used hotel bottles that I don't like but can't bear to throw away. I'll have to take a leaf out of your book and use them up regardless.
    BTW a couple of long walks in the last couple of days mean I've reached the 3 month target - 251 miles!

  9. Brilliant buy on the celery, you can't beat a 10p bargain can you :-)

    Hair conditioner won't clean your hair, it's designed to counteract any shampoo that's left in your hair, but I applaud you using up all your toiletries, it's something I'm on a mission to do at the moment. It's scary how much is actually in the cupboard once you look!!

  10. I too don't like moisturiser on my skin. But I have eczema so try and slap some stuff on just where I need it. I've said before here that when I went to the dermatological department at Peterborough hospital, the doctor bloke was amazed that I didn't use moisturiser on my face! I still don't like to. My Dad was in India in WW2 and he just used soap and water - I think that's where I get my no nonsense attitude from! As a child I used to distill rose petals as scent. Natalie

  11. A fun image of you cuddling your Heidi.

  12. I haven't used a deodorant for years - no, I don't smell - I met a dermatologist a few years ago through a friend at a party and he said that they block the pores and all that was needed was a hygienic wash under armpits in the morning; he was particularly concerned about the 'chemicals' in these products. That's all I'm saying - have no scientific proof to add - but it's worked for me, and so far haven't lost any friends! Probably a very naïve remark to make Ilona, but when I had to get tablets down my dog, I crushed the tablet and coated a small piece of meat/chicken (picked up her eating bowl so couldn't be tempted by that) and she had to eat it before was fed; it's not cruel, she got used to 'medicine first' then a meal, but I don't know much about cats and their habits. I always gave her a very small treat after tablet had been digested and this routine worked well; she lived happily to 21. Amanda

  13. Youth Dew by Este Lauder was a favorite perfume of mine many many years ago. Your blog is so inspiring. It reminds me to think before I buy and use up what I have. The days are long past that I buy just because I like something. At my age, what do I need with more clutter?! You are my inspiration for reusing building material. Just built a little overhead, in the yard, and tried to reuse as much old lumber as we could. Once painted, it looks beautiful. Must say I have a long way to go.....but you are inspiring so many of us to not waste food and other resources. Great job!! Patty Mc

  14. Hi
    You have inspired me to use up all my junk (I mean toiletries) in the bathroom cupboard! There is so much stuff there that I could probably go for 6 months without buying anything more. Only use 2 cleaners though - white vinegar for cleaning and disinfecting and a degreaser spray from the £1 shop called easylift. Between them they clean everything lovely. Love this blog and I'm reading from the start slowly. Up to 2012 now lol Keep it up xxx sally

  15. About your deodorants, check that they don't contain aluminium. Many deodorants and antiperspirants do. Aluminium compounds in deodorants have been found to be a major cause of breast cancer.

  16. Love chuck it in and use it up soup too. My last batch of celery had a third of a bag of watercress chucked in towards the end of cooking and it was so yummy - Tam

  17. Really enjoy your posts, great hearing about your miles, good for you!


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