Friday, 1 April 2016



  1. Love your post today! Lots of very good advice, Ilona.
    Margaret P

  2. ..or we could all practice telepathy and then we wouldn't even need the blog!

  3. Very good. :-) Can I please add my miles? 244 total for the end of March. I'm slowly catching up but haven't managed any this week. X

  4. perfect, I agree 100 %,,
    cool idea too to post hand writing letters,, lol,, I like that!!

  5. You are going to need a LOT of stamps to send those letters to all of your fans, including international postage for those of us overseas!

    Happy April Fools Day!

  6. 130 miles walked in March. Everybody is doing well, I'm very impressed. Well done!

  7. I love your humour. This made laugh even before the penny dropped that it was April Fools Day.

  8. Soon we won't be able to watch free catch up telly on the computer, will we pay up or not watch?

    Are we all fools, not only on this day?

    1. Hi Peggy. Did you read my blog post about this, Peggy? How are they going to bring in these charges? The only way to do it is for the BBC to charge a subscription to watch. How are they going to police that when people are watching on mobile devices? They will have to block the channel, and charge for an unlocking code. I can't see it happening just yet, there is a lot of technical stuff to sort out first.

      We will still be able to watch the other channels.

    2. Love your blog. You are very inspiring and often make me smile. X

  9. OMG. I believed it. Well done.

  10. I walked 130 miles in March, hurray!I hope to do even better now that spring has finally come to Germany.
    Btw, here every household has to pay for radio and TV even if they have no telly. Every workplace has to pay too, because there always is the possibility to watch TV on a tablet, smartphone, laptop etc.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.