Thursday, 19 May 2016

12 mile walk from Gillamoor in North Yorkshire

Good morning. A lot of photo's to load last night, I didn't have time to do the words. I have an hour before breakfast so let's see if I can get it done now. It was forecast rain, but I was lucky, there were a few light showers that lasted no more than ten minutes, and the brolly coped with them without the need to cover up. The plan was to head north from Gillamoor, I had identified some interesting looking terrain on the map, and was itching to explore. 
The walk took me through Farndale Nature Reserve, this sign made me titter, no plucking, ha ha. 
Leaving the road at Lowna Bridge, taking the track to Low Mill. 
Along the track I was caught up by this tractor trailer coming up behind me. I always step aside for farm vehicles, knowing the farmers have a job of work to do. I soon caught up with them at the next gate and watched from a safe distance. The driver was trying to reverse the trailer into a narrow path on his right. A bit of shunting took place, the driver stopped and asked if I wanted to pass. I said, no you carry on, I want to watch, knowing that the trailer was a beast to reverse with it's low bed, heavy load, and axle right at the back. Is he going to do it?
Nearly there, just one more shunt.
Success, now he can get on with repairing the gatepost. Always something interesting to watch when out on a walk. 
Through the woods, some very deep ruts along here. Thank goodness the ground has dried out a bit and they are easily navigated with a bit of  scrambling along the edges.
The wood opens out into fields full of sheep. This is what I am here for, the lovely views. 
Can't beat it, the tranquility, the twittering of the birds, and fresh fragrances of the foliage, occasionally punctuated with some pungent farm smells wafting past, ha ha. 
Into the tiny hamlet of Low Mill, this is the Old Post Office, now residential. 
Right next door is a new build. Attempts have been made to use traditional materials and blend it into it's surroundings. It hasn't quite worked, maybe it will look a bit better when it has weathered a few years. 
At Low Mill there is a car park with a sign saying £2 for the Daffodil Walk. Oh, that might explain the no plucking sign, there must be a lot of daffodils to see. The path follows the bends of the River Dove. It was very pleasant to stroll along accompanied by the water rushing over the river bed. Alas, the daffodils are now gone, but there are great swathes of bluebells to admire instead. 

I saw a sign for a cafe up ahead on a gate post, and found the Daffy Caffy. All very rustic with home made signs and home made food, and a garden to sit in. 

The ice cream fridge was housed in a shed opposite. Oooh, I must treat myself to a Magnum.
Me happy in Yorkshire. Yum. Tastes so much better in the great outdoors.
This is about the halfway stage, time to turn round and find another route back. Climb the ladder stile. Quite a few finger posts have been replaced with new ones, nice to know that these are being checked. 
Lots of shades of green in the trees over yonder. 
This is more like the Dales rather than the Moors. 
The map is telling me to go through this wood, it looks quite steep and I almost decided to take another easier route along the road. 
I am glad I didn't. Climbing up onto the moor above the wood and here was the bonus. More fantastic views. See that short road down there, that's where I was. It's good to look back.
Not a soul about, this is just heaven. I had to sit on a rock for a while to take it all in.  
The last part of the walk was a mixture of moor, tracks, and fields full of sheep, and finished with a steep climb up the hill back to Gillamoor. A six o clock finish was exactly what I planned. The day was fantastic, a total of 12 miles and lots of ups and downs.

I'll wind this up now, breakfast calls. Someone asked about the B & B, I'll include that later, so come back for the last part of the story. Thanks for popping in. Catch ya soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Wonderful Iliona and I think you are remarkable doing it on your own, not sure what that makes me a bit of a wuss I think.

    1. Ilona not Iliona

    2. People often make mistakes with the spelling of my name, as they also do with the pronunciation. It is not a big deal, I am used to it.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful pictures, I am really enjoying them as I sit here in suburbia! Sue

  3. Beautiful countryside Ilona. Balm for the mind and the soul.
    Looks like you have shed one of your layers in that last picture after the climb. Hope the weather is kind to you.

  4. I felt I was on the walk with you, beautiful photos and you look so happy. Carry on enjoying yourself and having a treat now and then it never does any harm.

    Hazel c uk

  5. Lovely, but would you mind a question: What is the difference between a dale and a moore? We have neither where I live. Thanks!

    1. From Wikipedia
      Dale......Dale (landform), an open valley, particularly in Scotland and northern England.

      Moor.......Moor or moorland, an uncultivated upland area that is characterized by low growing vegetation on acidic soils.

      Dales are low down, Moors are high up.

    2. PS. Dales are green and lush because there is often water running through the bottom of them. Moors are dry and barren because the rain drains down to the bottom.

  6. Impressive walk and photos. You are really very talented. I admire that you go off on your own like you do. I'd love to be able to walk with you but must admit I would not be able to do it by myself. Well done you!

    Looking forward to hearing about the B&B's

  7. What a wonderful walk, Ilona! Gorgeous scenery! And I know good scenery when I see it, living here in glorious south Devon, and if I say it's gorgeous, then it is, chuck!
    Margaret P

  8. What beautiful countryside! You are fortunate to live in such a picturesque area. It is good that England protects so much of the natural beauty.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  9. Beautiful scenery and I love bluebell woods. I see you are a fellow Magnum fan. I like the caramel ones best, although I only treat myself occasionally (got to watch the calories).

  10. Enjoy the rest of your trip Ilona. I'm enjoying the beautiful scenery from your photographs.X

  11. Wow. I just had a boring day at work. I am jealous. Roll on the summer hols. lol.

  12. Oh wow, the scenery is absolutely stunning. I often think I could never leave the place I currently live.... until I see scenery like that which is every bit as beautiful as that surrounding me here in Nunthorpe.

  13. Glorious! When i was still running, i would go through the woods across the road from us. There were walking and running trails. This reminds me of that. I had absolute joy out there. Thank you for sharing!

  14. You will always be my walking guru. I am very low with my mileage right now, the nights are dark at 4, even before I get home form work. The weather torrentially rainy, for weeks on end....oh bring back some light nights!

  15. Last post/this amazing pictures.

    it is as if you live in a picture postcard world. Lovely.
    Seems like the makings of a coffee table "picture book"...

  16. Oh that truly does look like heaven. I have always wanted to visit the English countryside. Alas, I may never get to, but I can relish the beauty through your photos. You enrich my life on a daily basis.

  17. What beautiful scenery ~ looks idyllic. When you wrote "Alas, the daffodils are now gone... I said to myself Alas, the plucking daffodils are now gone... haha. Thanks for taking us along. No wonder you were fascinated with all the shunting with your trucking career experience. Terrific post.

  18. Thank you for these beautiful pictures. I holidayed in Farndale every year as a child and came to love it very much. It was my mother's favourite place, and after she died at the age of 40 it was the one place I felt closest to her for many years.

  19. This is so funny because one of my friends from here in Perth, Australia, was in the Yorkshire Dales that same day also posting beautiful photos! I love Yorkshire and was sorry I didn't get to visit it last time I was in the UK.


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