Saturday, 21 May 2016

A perfect night out.

Hello. I'm just back from a fab night out. The Scunthorpe Male Voice Choir were joined by similar choirs from steel towns in the north of England. It was a full house, tickets were sold out months in advance. I had a front row seat, and Leslie Garrett was right in front of me. It was brilliant. 
There were songs for all tastes, it was hard to pick a favourite. The choirs sang I Dream a Dream, and I immediately had Susan Boyle's voice in my head. They sang it beautifully. Unchained Melody, and The Rose,  are also two of my favourites. Lesley did opera, I don't know how she reaches those high notes, and she did some smashing songs from the shows. There was a medley from The Sound Of Music which she starred in, in London.

I've found a video of Lesley with the Peterborough Male Voice Choir, singing You'll Never Walk Alone, she sang this as a closing number tonight. The combination of a female opera singer with a male voice choir are just perfect together.

I've just noticed that it's past midnight, so I'd better get to bed. I'm going to adjust the date to the 21st, ha ha. My birthday treats are over, and I've really enjoyed myself.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. Nothing better than listening to a good choir. So pleased you enjoyed your birthday treats. I'm away to the north yorkshire next week, it's one of my favourite places to visit too. Hope the kids are OK.

  2. Male voice choirs always make me cry.

  3. Happy you enjoyed your birthday!
    I wish you many more fabulous ones!

  4. Love the men's' choirs! Have book marked your B and B for a future trip...looks wonderful and convienent to a lot of places! One of my best friends lives up there, but we never go anywhere when I visit, so I have vowed not to go again unless I have a car to use( usually go by train).....,

  5. I saw Lesley Garrett in concert here. She is an amazing communicator.
    J x

  6. That rendition of "You'll Never Walk Alone" was magnificent! I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face - good music does that to me (also a Liverpool supporter)!

    I have just discovered your blog and am really enjoying it. Unfortunately I cannot retire until I am 67 here in Australia. I would love to be doing what you are doing. I have cut back on work though, and find your money saving ideas very inspirational and helpful.

    Thank you so much Ilona.

  7. A fabulous time all round. I've enjoyed reading and looking at your pics. Your evening out with the choir and Lesley Garret sounds perfect to round off your birthday treats.

  8. So pleased you've had a brilliant time. Belated birthday greetings mate! xx

  9. I love the rose!! Havent listened to that song in ages , think i might be looking that up on youtube... Sounds like a beautiful evening :) x

  10. An amazing end to your birthday week Ilona! Glad you had fun,xxxx

  11. What a wonderful night out you have had.

  12. Thank you for sharing that wonderful piece, My keyboard is now all wet!x

  13. I am so glad that you've treated yourself this week, Ilona. You deserve those treats for your birthday and at other times during the year. (Not saying you should go wild which I know you won't.) Here's an idea: How about some treats on your half-birthday in six months rather than waiting a whole year. When I was in school we celebrated half-birthdays for those with birthdays during the summer when there was no school. So now I like to celebrate both my birthday and my half-birthday.

  14. Thank you for sharing that lovely video, I too have tears in my eyes. This year I am trying to raise money for Help for Heroes and the lyrics are very close to my heart. I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday, Ilona. Have a wonderful year ahead too .

  15. so glad you had such a lovely night out. it sounds like my kind of enjoyment

  16. I really enjoyed the music, Ilona. Ms. Garrett has a beautiful voice. I'm not sure if your birthday was May 20 or 21st but whatever the case I see you had a great one. May you have many more!

  17. As a child in elementary school, we sang that song in the choir. It was always beautiful and special, thank you so much for sharing that video. It brought back sweet memories for me.


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