Tuesday 26 July 2016

Not long now.

Hello.  Ooooh look. My shed is on the Channel 4 trailer for Shed of the Year, starting on Friday.

It's also in the TV guide of the Mail. Thank you to the readers who told me about it, my friend gave me her copy.

I took some more photo's today, the Summer House looks lovely now there are flowers in the beds.

I have painted this frame for the new picture, just need to put it together now. I love this colour.

I found two courgettes on my doorstep when I returned from town yesterday, that was a nice surprise. Don't know who left them. People round here know me, ha ha. I already had some cooked pasta so I put it in a pan with some oil, a chopped courgette and some frozen sweetcorn, with garlic and veg granules, and this is the result. A quick and tasty cheap lunch.

Thank you to Nikki for the mesh fruit bags. I am getting on with that picture now, it's looking good.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. looking forward to seeing the shows. I may try to watch on my phone as I am off cycling for a long weekend while DH decorates our house.

  2. I saw this advertised and I cant tell you how excited I was when I spotted your shed Ilona!
    I do hope Rocky is feeling cheerier as are you. Your photos of the gardens were fab. We have something like that locally and it is very nice.

  3. Your summer house looks perfectly splendid...I'm totally envious!

  4. Can't wait to see it your shed I lovely and so colourful.

  5. Isn't it amazing how we watched you build your summerhouse last year and now you are famous across the UK! I think the thing that makes your "shed" stand out is that it is so colourful.

    I love the colour on your frame.

    Lunch with the pasta, corn and courgette looks delish.

  6. I am so looking forward to this series, Ilona, and seeing you and your wonderful summerhouse shed! I just love the ingenuity of your creation, all from things you found, you are truly the most amazing Womble! And I mean that kindly, I think you're great!
    Hope Rocky is feeling a bit better, the darling little fellow.
    Margaret P

  7. Your shed is so nice! The frame is lovely and I always enjoy your culinary creations since I am not a person for whom cookery comes easily. I may not be able to view the series because I do not live in the UK but I hope you enjoy it.

  8. We get "Amazing Spaces" over here so I can't wait to see this series! Your shed and your garden look so beautiful - you should be very proud!

  9. I like the budget ones best. A few years ago, one of the runners up was a Roman temple - all the frontage looked like it had come straight out of Pompeii. Another good one was a shipping container but when you stepped inside, it recreated the Titanic's sister ship _ all the crockery, panel lung etc was authentic. Yours is fab. Natalie

  10. Looking forward to watching on Friday and really hope you win for yours is beautiful, just my cup of tea. I love the colour of your frame.
    I to hope Ricky us doing okay it's a lot cooler here this morning.

    Enjoy the day.

  11. Hi, 1st time for leaving a comment, only just found out how. Good luck in Amazing spaces. Other half and I have been visiting open gardens for charity in our area, Suffolk, now for 3 years. Here is the main site I use http://www.opengardens.co.uk/about.php so easy to use, well if I can navigate it has to be easy. Fantastic way of raising money for charity as it is so direct. Keep up the good work. Veronica

  12. Have noticed gardens open at Appleby this Sunday. Don't know if this anywhere near you.

  13. Patricia Brambley27 July 2016 at 15:32

    Ilona, I just switched on my phone, and up popped B&Q advert, with your summer house featured on shed of the year. Looking forward to watching now to see if you win

  14. Looking forward to watching the program. There are always people on there like yourself who can something out of nothing. Very inspiring. Good luck.

  15. I hope you win!
    I enjoyed watching last years building of it.
    The flowers look fabulous there!
    The meal looks very good!


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