Sunday 24 July 2016

Winteringham Open gardens

Hello. I've had a fantabulous and brilliant afternoon out, looking around gardens. It was Winteringham Open Gardens today, this is the village where I help to deliver the Parish newsletters, so I've seen all the front doors, but never looked round the back. Janet came with me and we really enjoyed it. 
I have lots of pics, too many to put into one post so I will split them in half and you'll get some more tomorrow. 
The gardens were really stunning, every time we went round the back of the house our first reaction was, 'oh wow, look at this'. The owners were all very friendly answering any questions we had. The event was very well supported so there were lots of people traipsing around the village with their maps in their hand. 
First off we went to the Village Hall where we handed over £4 each for the map. The money made from the event is to be shared between the Village Hall and the Hospice. There was also an art exhibition, with stalls inside and out selling plants, wooden garden sculptures, and outdoor ironwork and stone carvings.  Refreshments were available but we didn't have time to sit down, there was a such a lot to see in 14 gardens. 
The first wow factor had a big pond with massive fish in it. A waterfall and rockery with mature shrubs. 

There were pots of flowers everywhere.

This garden was overflowing with plants and shrubs. Walk through the pergola to the pond and water gardens. Ornamental herbs and vegetable/fruit gardens. Lots of little meandering paths through the greenery. It was fabulous. 

Not much garden here. No, not yet, but it has the potential to be great. Hope they open it next year. This site has been under construction for a long time, the building is renovated barns. The owners had the house next door while the major building work was being done, now they have moved into here and work will start on the garden soon.

Lovely paved patio to sit under cover. 
We even found pigs at the bottom of a huge garden. There were ten altogether, five sleeping and five foraging.

Just leaving this one, on to the next one.

Now this was a little stunner. The house from the front looks nothing special, it's straight onto the pavement, no front garden. But go round the back and you find a water feature made from two genuine old lock gates, A veranda dining area, and a secret hideaway, a small Swedish guest house in an old barn attached to the house. Janet is just emerging onto the patio.

The inside is just fabulous. Wooden stained paneling with two sets of stairs up to the sleeping balconies. 
There is a wood burning stove with comfortable arm chairs, and it also has a shower room, sauna room, and a toilet with hand wash basin. This is used as guest accommodation when family come to visit.

Al fresco dining area.

Poor old wheelbarrow is broken so they have transformed it into a planter.

If you click on a pic they will become bigger. That's all for now, I'll post some more tomorrow.

Thanks for popping in, see you soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Beautiful gardens!! What fun to be there in person.

  2. I love to visit gardens. The first one with the pond is really amazing. I also really love the alfresco dining area. It looks like you had a lovely, sunny day.

  3. Is your garden open to visit?

    Did you get permission from the house owners to put their gardens on your blog?

  4. Love a fabulous garden. It's amazing what some people can accomplish in their yards.

  5. We had an event like this in a neighbour village, and I could not believe what was hidden behind some of the houses, so beautiful, unique gardens!

  6. Such a lovely way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon. They are all so pretty my favourite has to be the first one, I love the large sun with all the others hanging down. It's very much like a Chinese garden, your photos are really lovely and clear. I opened my garden several times years ago for the Middlesex cottage garden group, it was fun at the time but hard work.
    Look forward to seeing the others.
    Enjoy the day.
    Hazel c uk

  7. I love peeping into other people's gardens. Natalie

  8. thanks for sharing. I love that loft area.

  9. How lovely to be able to go and have a look around other folks gardens, raise money for good causes AND come away with inspiration for your own. There's a village near us that does this under the NGS, each year we have been away on the day they were open, fingers crossed we will be here this year.

    Love your one word answers to Anonymous, I do wish folk would just add their names :-(

  10. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your day with us.


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