Friday, 5 August 2016

Much work to do in the garden

Hello. I loaded these pictures last night but then I was too tired to add the words. I am up around six every morning then get a bit knackered after a full day of doing stuff. Yesterday I was sewing in the morning, chopping down hedges in the afternoon, plus the walk, and I did a late Tesco shop in the evening. 
Today I need to do some more garden clearing, up the side of the garage. My neighbour is putting in a wooden fence in a couple of weeks time, so I need to clear the weeds out of my side of the boundary to give him room to work. I think a trip to the council tip will be on the cards for later on. 
This is how the latest picture is going, it's slow progress. The base is covered with the red mesh bags, next is adding the green foliage for the flowers I am planning to put on later.  
The back shows how much stitching I have done so far. I am going to add a large piece of sturdy fabric to the back of this now before I start the next lot of stitching, to make it more solid.

The shopping last night. Not many people in the store and some yellow stickers for me. Spent £33. It's almost three weeks since I last went to Tesco, I did a top up shop at Aldi in between. Fridge now full again.

Here's a little reminder, it's Shed of the Year tonight, Chanel 4 at 8pm. As usual, I shall be watching it later. Here is George posing with some of the sheddies who dressed up for the occasion.

Thank you all for your useful tips on staying safe in your house. Please read all the comments and make some notes of things you want to remember. Time moves on quickly on this blog and posts soon get buried. Topics do get repeated on occasions, but I like to keep things fresh and move on, it's up to you to make notes. You can always open a folder on your computer to store links, or copy and paste, topics you want to refer back to later.

Here is a little bit of fun to finish off with. The giant benches that make adults feel like children. Very amusing. On the BBC website.

Right, the kids want their breakfast, and I have plenty to do. We'll catch up soon, have a nice day.
Toodle pip


  1. wow

    as usual a great (cheap) shop. always amazes me how well you do.

    Look forward to shed results...

    Yes, thanks, good suggestion to make some notes on safety, as it is easy to get lost in many posts, so to speak.

    have a great (safe) day.

  2. Saw you on the Sheddie proggy again, you really stand out against the background as you look wonderfully colourful! Can't wait for your prog. Oh, but a crocodile in a shed ... I admired the 'shed' which rose above the flood waters of the Thames but really, that's not a shed but a large building project that's had money thrown at it.
    Margaret P

    1. Agreed - I find I like the ones that are handbuilt and quirky - they have something of the maker's personality in them. The bog standard shed with a load of dolls houses on the shelves didn't do it for me either.

    2. I agree, Linda. The dolls house shed was just a shed full of dolls houses. I would have expected it to be boarded out and backdrops painted behind the houses, like scenery. Street scenes, trees, etc.

    3. Yes, it was disappointing. Lovely dolls houses but they could've been anywhere. I was also concerned that with such a collection in a shed so close to the road that the TV crew filming would've taken a bit more care about not showing the road, the woman wouldn't want unwelcome visitors, would she? It wasn't as if the shed was concealed in her back garden, it was in her main driveway just off the road! We were, after all, recently discussing security with Ilona, were we not!
      Margaret P
      Margaret P

    4. I thought it was daft to have the shed there, close to the road. Should have been more hidden. For security, a room in her house would be better.

  3. Hope you got lots of gardening done. I was cutting back a twisted Hazel yesterday and it looks so much better for it, now I can plant some bulbs underneath.
    Watched the sheds last night missed a lot for I fell asleep but was pleased with the winner in the second half.
    Nice haul of goodies you got and the project is coming along well.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  4. This time I was in agreement with the shed that won the first section. I bet the children love it. I also agree that the one that rose above the Thames is an amazing project but it's not what I would call a shed. Can't wait until the final show to see yours.

    1. Yes, I liked that winning eco shed as well, very quirky, great for his kids. I thought the shed that lifted up was in a funny position. You saw the house and garden which was flooded, then they walked away from that and the shed seemed to be in the driveway in full view of other houses. Very odd. I didn't think it qualified as a shed either.

  5. Saw you at the front for a brief moment last night. I liked the little round Eco shed the best. To make shingles out of inner tyres was inspired. Would love a visit to the animal man's garden though!

    BTW - there is another programme on handmade coming up on BBC - - It's called Paul Martin's Handmade Revolution. I would say that it'll be on iplayer as well.

    Linda xx

    1. Yes, I saw me, twice, did you wave? Ha ha. Thanks for that link, I've had a look, it could be interesting. Blimey, it's on at 6am, I suspect a lot of people will be recording that or watching on catchup. It looks like there will be a lot of projects that the ordinary person will not be able to do without spending a lot on specialist equipment. It will be good for ideas though.

  6. I waved at you on the shed programme ;) I loved the haunted chapel; I would as a Goth eh :) Really looking forward to seeing your episode. XX

  7. Just wondering why you get up so early?

    About watching catch up - from the 1st September it'll be illegal to watch any BBC programmes on a computer or suchlike device without a license. Either when it's on or as catch up. They threatened to do it and now they have.

    1. Because I wake up early.

      Ha, Not yet they haven't. I'll believe it when I see it. Read this article, and the comments.

      It will only work with wifi, that's if they get permission. I don't have wifi.

    2. Yes, if you use an ethernet cable connected to your router they can't do a thing about it. Mind you watching catch up on C4 and the other channels isn't affected - so we can carry on watching Amazing Spaces! The BBC needs to remind itself it is just a broadcasting company and nothing else and should stop acquiring bully boy powers. It doesn't own the Internet or my laptop. Methinks Edward Snowden has a point or 2.

      Linda xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.