Friday, 23 September 2016


Hello. It's thanks to my sheddie friends Oliver and Adele, for telling me about this latest article in Good Woodworking magazine, which features both our sheds. I am not in the habit of perusing magazines of any kind, let alone one about woodworking. I might flick through the odd trucking magazine, but only to get a free read before putting it back on the shelf. However, I was in town today and spent £4.50 just to get a copy of this for my scrap book. 
Next to mine was a picture of Oliver and Adele in front of their Shed of dreams. I am so pleased they won their category. They put a lot of work into that, it looks fabulous.

I had a quick whip round Aldi for a few bits and bobs. The main reason for going to town was to get the magazine, have a look at a new exhibition in the Arts Centre, and choose some books from the library. This is what I found.

The cats are all in for the night, Heidi has had her tablet, and I am not going to do my three miles tonight because I am going on an eleven mile walk tomorrow. I have a glass of wine, and I am going to sit in a comfy chair and enjoy the books. My idea of bliss.

Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. your fame is spreading

  2. Wow...those look interesting and good for you for getting the magazine for your scrap book. Well deserved. Happy weekend.

  3. Lovely pictures IIona am also pleased to see the different ones of Rocky you put on :) .


  4. I spent a bit of money the other weekend buying a Victoria magazine that featured houses and shops in England. My daughter and I enjoy alot. Today I went to Goodwill, a thrift shop. Wound up with a lovely red skirt and a sweater and a cookbook. All for $19....and a packaged cookie. Happy that a red top at home goes with the skirt. Still am looking for a dark grey skirt though. Look elsewhere. I am glad you got a copy of magazine featured your shed. Good for you!! Have a good weekend walking!!

  5. Hi Ilona, a night in with books is wonderful - I'd doze off half way through if I had wine though. Loving the pics of Rocky, I have a book on making books ...... you start with pieces of fabric and decorate them in some way, these become the pages of your fabric book - the book shows how to bind them together in various ways. It's a way of keeping a record of your arty fabric accomplishments. I love the book, and the idea, never got round to doing any yet though! Have a good hike, hope the rain holds off. Love, Elaine B

  6. So pleased your wonderful summerhouse is getting so much publicity. This is really well deserved and couldn't have happened to a nicer person. I hope you are ok and feeling a little better. Kristel

    1. Hi Kristel. Yes, feeling a bit better now, though Rocky is never far from my mind. I walk into the garden every morning to say good morning to him, even though I know he is not there. His spirit is though, the cats seem to sense this and follow me around.

    2. Ilona, that is so touching. I do the same with memories of my sweet dog, KaTy. I have a memorial tree in the backyard where I often say 'hello' to her spirit. Take care. Jackie

  7. I'm glad your shed is featured, it looks so cheerful. I'm surprised the magazine didn't send you a free copy. I enjoy hearing about the walks you go on, the longer ones where I see a bit of England. I live in Canada now, and do miss the English countryside. All good wishes, Jean in Winnipeg.

  8. Would love to know the kind of things you like to pick up at Aldi's since I shop there as well and maybe I am overlooking a bargain.

    1. Hello Lana. I usually get the same things from Aldi most times I shop there. Strong cheddar cheese, £1.49. Cream crackers, nuts, bread, fresh fruit and veg, look for the super six, yogurt, wine, butter, soya milk. I also buy these things from Tesco, depends which part of town I happen to be.

  9. Hello Ilona, thought you'd like to know that your beautiful shed is featured in the Western Morning News Saturday magazine, here in Devon! I love your blog, so inspiring and entertaining! ( being frugal our neighbour passes the magazine to us! )

    1. Thanks Christine. Tried to find it online but no luck. I seem to be getting around a bit.

  10. Lovely. Very nice for you, and much deserved.

    I have not been popping in for a bit, tied up with life.
    However, today I got an email alert of a new posting (I am one who mentioned was not getting them), so somehow that sorted itself out..

    1. I'm glad that seems to be working again, thanks for telling me. I think sometimes they have an odd blip or two.

    2. you're welcome. my own computer has gremlins at times, so who knows...possibly it was something not working in my computer

      hopefully I get them regular now, as with one thng and another, I was forgetting to check in.

      I appreciate reading your posts..

      take care


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