Friday, 10 March 2017

Come walk with me

Hello. I'm just getting back into the daily routine now, the feet are healed so I can walk again. Bailey's owner is not very well so I am helping with the dog walking. I shall take him out in the mornings, and someone else will do the afternoons. I've also started on the three mile walks again, need to keep up with it, and I like getting out to chat to people.

Mayze has been very affectionate since I have been back. She has taken the place of Bugsy on the desk, so when I sit at this computer she plonks herself right under my nose. She also takes an interest in what I am having for dinner, and if it appears to be tasty she is waiting to lick the plate when I put it down. She liked the mayo and the cheese sauce, but doesn't like the toasted sesame seed oil.

This is the frozen cheese sauce I bought from Tesco, it's in little brick shaped pieces, it needs microwaving for two minutes.

So, the verdict. It has a lovely creamy taste and consistency, but is not very cheesy. I don't know if that's because I like strong cheese. I think I will add a bit of real cheese to it, to up the taste a bit next time I make it.

I've made a little video about my walking trips, and put it on yooootooob. It took a while to upload, but it's published now. Don't expect my videos to be perfect, it's just me talking, a bit of fun.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Thank you for sharing your walk with us and for the video. I wish my knees were up to such a journey as I would love to do longer walks than I manage at the moment.

  2. Loved your video Ilona and great to hear your voice.You are a good role model to me.I admire your approach to life ,your lifestyle and your healthy living ,food and exercise.Thumbs up to you.I hope I could be like you now at 57 ,never mind at 67.You're great x

  3. Ilona... my brain is ticking over now. I am tempted to give a long walk a try. Maybe not as long as your walk but perhaps 60 or 70 miles over a couple of days. I will let you know if I ever get around to it.

    1. Hi. If you are a fast walker work on 20 miles a day, so your 60 or 70 would take 3 or 4 days. If the terrain is flat it would be about 8 hours a day. If it is hilly you are looking at 9 or 10 hours a day.

    2. Thanks, I think I could manage about 20 miles a day

  4. wow, well done Ilona. How do you research your journey before going? Do you know that every pathway is safe and in good condition before you go or do you get any surprises? I'd be worried I couldn't walk as far as the next bed for the night, I might have to use some public transport or taxis!

    1. Hi. I don't research exactly where I am going to walk. Now how would I know if paths are in good condition and safe? I suppose I could go onto gooooglie earth, but that would take hours to check each one. The fun about not knowing the path beforehand is that you never know what you might find. I like surprises.

      All I need to know is the start and finish, and if the beds are about 20 miles apart. If I am passing through towns there is a good chance of finding somewhere to sleep. If it is mainly villages it's probably best to check on the internet for accommodation.

      On a long walk I walk the whole distance, but anyone having a go might like to get a bus or a taxi. You need to know how far you can walk in a day, and if it is hilly or flat terrain. I know I can walk at three miles an hour, but with stopping and starting, it is between two and two and a half.

  5. Really interesting video Ilona! Have really enjoyed following your journey this week and totally admire your fitness level. I am wondering did you plan the entire route beforehand, i.e. decide exactly which roads you were going to use, or decide on the day? I think I'm going to try and tackle a longer walk in my local area but would prefer to avoid main roads as some of them near me are extremely busy and on the dangerous side. I want to improve my stamina and fitness levels and you have inspired me to do this, thanks for sharing your big adventure!x

    1. Hi Kate. When I first started long walks I took ages to study the map, and marked a proposed route with a highlighter pen. When I came to do the actual walk I used it as a guide and always altered the route. Now I don't bother to do that. I just look at where the towns are that I might walk through, look for the footpaths and bridleways, and quiet roads, and make it up as I go along.

      I did walk along main roads sometimes, because to find alternative routes would have added many more miles onto the total. I knew it would be about 140 and wanted to do that in seven days. The traffic was fast in some places so I had to walk along wide grass verges which was not ideal. I would not walk on the actual road itself, it is very dangerous.

    2. Thanks for info, Ilona! I'm going to start by walking to a local town, using B roads or side roads I think, and will see how I get on x

  6. I bought a new brand of "sharp cheddar" on sale last week that turned out to be a semisoft, nearly flavorless item. Just to use it up I added some pieces to a bowl of soup and discovered that it would melt nicely into a sort of sauce. I'm glad I figured out a way to use it, but it certainly was NOT "sharp cheddar." Won't buy it again, even on sale!

  7. Brilliant video Ilona. Love to follow your progress when you go walking. Will get out for a walk tomorrow - whatever the weather! x

  8. That was a wonderful video Ilona! I admire your level of fitness and determination. I just about manage my two miles a day at age 72 and having one foot which is very arthritic!
    I also found myself smiling as you chatted at the end, you have a lovely manner!

  9. Thank you for sharing your the photos, comments and video. You are an inspiration. I recently retired and will finally have time to walk again.

  10. Ilona you are amazing!!!! there is nothing more I can say, you really are!!!.
    Alana xx

  11. I really enjoyed following your journey and watching your video. I am so impressed by what you accomplished! I walk a little but will push myself to walk just a little more (a 3 mile walk is a long walk for me). One question, are you able to find restrooms when you need them? that would be one of my concerns about walking too far.
    Deb in Ohio, USA

    1. Hi Deb. By rest room I assume you mean toilets. My bowels work like clockwork, they empty first thing every morning. For the rest of the day it's a matter of peeing behind a hedge, in a wood, and finding cover away from the roadside in bushes. Some towns will have public toilets but you would waste a lot of time finding them. If I am walking towards a town I will make sure I pee before I get there.

    2. Hi Deb, Speaking as a Yank who has also lived in England, I think the important difference is the size of the countries. In England, I don't think I would ever worry about being too far from help if something unforeseen happened, but there's a lot of pretty empty territory in the US and the standard hiking advice is to not go alone on even a short hike. Yes, I live in Oregon and one can be in a surprisingly difficult situation just a few miles into a hike, and maybe that's not the case where you live. But I'm sure Ilona would agree that one should assess the likely problems and plan ahead. I certainly don't mean you should be afraid to hike by yourself, but plan ahead. Another difference that strikes me when I read English blogs is that public footpaths are well established, and I so wish that were true here. I seem to have little choice between a walk around the park and the Pacific Crest Trail! And I promised my adult children that I will not die in a blaze of glory hiking off into the wilderness by myself! I hope you find some good walks where you are--I know it's a challenge. Best, Kate

  12. Greetings Ilona. I so enjoyed following along during your walking trip. I'm sure your little furry friends were happy that you're back home with them. Lilly won't leave me alone after I come home from a long vacation. My best to you, Pat

  13. Have you tried Bisto cheese sauce granules?.BM stores sell them. Lovely strong cheese flavour ,though you do need to add a third more than they suggest or is a bit watery.

    1. Hi. It's very rarely that I make sauce, but I might give that a try thanks.

  14. It was great to follow you along your walking trip. I would like to walk with you although you are way too fit. I can't help wondering how safe is it to walk all these distances alone.

    1. I think I've heard you have to walk with the appearance of authority ,like a policeman .I don't know whether this is correct though.

  15. Really enjoyed your video, you have a lovely way of putting things across. SueM

  16. I really enjoyed hearing about your walk. I find that amazing. I bet it's so beautiful in the English countryside. Thank you for sharing. ☺


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