Sunday, 12 March 2017

Saving money on my food.

Hello. I'm having to use the small computer because for some reason I can't access my Blogger Dashboard on the big one. Everything else is fine, but the Dashboard won't load. It could be something to do with the fact I am still on the old XP. I'm not panicking, I can use the little netbook. 
It's been a lovely day, like summer, and I have been pottering about getting a few jobs done. I had some tagliatelle left so I added some borlotti beans, peas, lettuce, and a few pieces of cheese, with a couple of dollops of mayo. It was bloomin lovely, made a filling lunch yesterday. 
Veg is a good price at the moment. I couldn't resist this cauliflower for 45p and carrots 43p from Aldi. A good buy to make cheap meals.

Mind you, Aldi has let me down on the bananas. Look at these two bags, can you spot the difference? The first one I bought yesterday, the next one is from a month or two ago. This one does not have the weight on it.

This one is a 1kg bag. I have been buying these bagged bananas for a long time, they are 72p. I count the bananas because I would rather have 8 or 9 small ones than 6 or 7 large ones. Now they are not selling them by weight, you get 5 bananas in a bag for the same price 72p. What a sneaky way to put the price up. I will have to go to Tesco for them and buy 1kg of small loose ones for 72p.

I got my mower out today for the first cut of the year. I am amazed that this cheap B & Q mower is still going after about ten years or more. I never do anything to it except scrape off the dry grass from underneath it. This cheapo was well worth the money.  
The leaves from the cauliflower came in useful, I made some soup with them.

I added some borlotti beans and spices, and blue cheese and zapped it with the stick blender. It tasted deeeelishus. 
Remember the mayo I bought from the Cash and Carry? Well it is a lovely creamy taste so I bought some more yesterday on my way to town. At 20p a jar it's bargain, even though it is six weeks out of date.

Found some nuts and fruit as well, at 50p a bag. This will be added to my breakfast cereal.

I've had a letter from the TV Licensing people, it's two years since they last wrote. They ask if anything has changed, do I need a licence. The answer is still the same, no I don't. I haven't been onto the BBC iplayer site since they brought in the new rule in September. I get most of my entertainment from Yooootoooob, forums, blogs, and online newspapers.

That's me done for tonight. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. 3 more years and you will be able to get your tv license for free Ilona.

    1. Blimey, I'm not that old :o( It's 75 for a free one.

  2. Your veg are a bargain...we never get food that cheap on Mark down here in the US...
    Got to confess that most of the carrots I buy go to the donkey and horses!!!

  3. The tagliatelle looks delicious. Never thought of adding mayo. Must have a go.
    PS You don't look 70 odd!!!!!

  4. Do you ever use dented tins? I bought some today and someone​ mentioned safety issues, but as I replied I have read all the guidelines and haven't poisoned the family yet.

    1. Hi. I sometimes buy dented tins from Tesco, but they are a bit tight and don't knock much off. If it's only a slight dent I would buy it, but if it is badly bashed I pass it by.

  5. The soup you made with cauliflower leaves looks wonderful. I never would've thought to turn those into a meal.

  6. I now buy the loose bananas from Aldi at 11p each, cheaper than the bags. When I get my petrol from the Tesco Express near us, the bananas there are loose 20p each or a bag for 89p so I always get a bag with at least 5 in it when I go to work.

  7. superb buys, yet again.

    Glad you snapped up the mayo, as i'm pretty sure the "out of date", is just to get folks to chuck it and buy more.

    I have seen so many recipes lately with mayo, maybe this sauce or that/fancy dips etc. Don't know if you go for that type of thing, but yet another way to use these.

  8. Must try that soup with cauliflower leaves. Cheers to you!

  9. Ilona, thank you for taking the time to blog. I enjoy reading it. I don't have use for tv much anymore either. I find more interesting bits on blogs and it's usually more pleasant than what's on tv.

  10. We really have to stay on our toes to stay on top of the way food goes up in price!

  11. The tagliatelle idea looks tasty - I've never used borlotti beans so will look out for them in Aldi. Your cauliflower and carrots were a really good price - my friend told me last week she went to her village shop and there was a cauliflower with a price ticket of £1.89!!! She didn't buy it. I know the smaller shops are more expensive and you pay for the convenience etc but that was a pretty dear vegetable. I agree with Melissa, I would not have thought to use the cauliflower leaves either, you live and learn. Amanda

  12. I bought a brandnew stick blender at the thrift shop for $10 which was a lot for me to spend but it turned out to be a very good investment. I use it all the time for soups, and I've been eating soup nearly every day all winter!
    The priced on your produce in the UK is just mind-boggling for this US-ian. Even the markdown stuff here is far more expensive than your "regular" pricing.

  13. Everything seems to be going down in size but staying around the same price. The manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers must think we are all stupid if they think we don't or won't notice. Maybe that's a good thing if you are a chocoholic ! Rae x

  14. I noticed the second bag says it is a product of Costa Rica. Could that be why there is a weight on that bag and not the other one? The first one perhaps came from a different country that did not require a weight to be shown. I am from America and I have to say in my 62 years on earth, I have never seen bananas in a bag. That is new to me. Anyway, our local little Mom-and-Pop store puts bananas down to 9 cents a pound when they are starting to get old. I take these home, peel them, wrap them in plastic wrap and freeze them. I then pull them out later for smoothies or banana nut bread. It is one of my frugal things to do. Some people freeze them with the peel on. I have tried this but they are really mushy and messy when you take them out. The plastic wrap is so much cleaner. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and am enjoying it immensely. I love the frugal tips and want to get started walking once our snow is gone. I walk on a treadmill now indoors. Does that count for your walking group (challenge)?
    Cate <><

    1. Hi. Aldi buy their bananas from anywhere they like. They are the customer, the supplier has to comply with instructions from Aldi the customer or they don't get the order. Aldi choose to sell their bananas by the bag, (5 bananas),not by weight, so they tell the supplier that they don't want 1kg printed on the bag.

      You can count any walking towards your total. It isn't a competition. The idea is to get you motivated to move. You can set your own agenda. Glad you like the blog. Thanks for your comment.

  15. okay, likely a silly question,
    but it just dawns on me mind, you said "leaves from the cauliflower"

    you likely won't believe this, but I have never eaten "leaves from the cauliflower". Had no idea they were edible (stupid huh?)

    so, I am guessing then, they must be edible?

    do they have much / any taste? I see you used them in a soup.

    might be good in a stir fry too?


    1. They are nice to eat. Like greens.

    2. Yes, the leaves of cauliflower are edible, as well as the leaves of radishes, the leaves of carrots, the stalks of broccoli etc. Usually, the taste like the vegetable itself, sometimes a bit more bland. I learned to use all parts of a vegetable when we grew our own.

  16. I finely slice the cauliflower stalks and stirfry them very yummy....Jessica

  17. Enjoyed your post.
    Would not have thought of using those leaves either.
    Been hoping to find a stick blender at a good price.
    Still looking.

  18. Are you doing any composting? Just wondering.

    1. Hi. No, I have had one for years but I've tidied my garden up and now I don't want one.

  19. The TV licence isn't worth it in my opinion, it's currently £145.50 per year and is set to go up later this year. I've seriously been considering giving up TV for Online entertainment.

    If you can't access Blogger on your main computer it might be worth trying another browser, like Firefox.

    1. You're right, there isn't enough interesting programmes on TV to warrant paying for a licence. I can still watch ITV and Channel 4 on catch up, it's just BBCiplayer I can't watch.

      Strangely enough I switched on as normal this morning on Gooooglie Chrome, and Blogger Dashboard is there, all OK, so I don't know what the blip was about. Thanks for the tip.

  20. I buy my bananas loose in Aldi; they're 11p each and usually a good size so you could get 6 large bananas for 66p while the bags might contain smaller ones and are 72p. It also means you can choose carefully and look each one over which you can't do so well with bagged ones.


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