Friday, 21 April 2017

Meeting Jordon.

Hello. Here we are, two money saving experts at opposite ends of our lives, and both of us striving to make our own lives the very best we can. I am bimbling along towards the close and have years of experience, and Jordon is starting out, with a very mature head on his shoulders and knows exactly where he is going. It's refreshing to meet someone so young and so positive. 
I really enjoyed talking to Jordon Cox last night at the Lincolnshire Groups W I meeting. The church was full to bursting and he presented an enlightening and entertaining talk. The ladies were scribbling their notes, it certainly gave them something to think about, and I learnt a few things as well.
The world of money saving and frugality is ever changing. I am getting left behind, relying on the old fashioned make do and mend methods, Jordon is forging ahead embracing new technology with couponing, cashback deals, and apps. There are many different ways and options available to manage personal finance, I stick with the tried and tested, Jordon is hungry for more knowledge to help him better manage his money. 
One thing I have learnt from Money Saving Expert is, there isn't one solution that fits all. Everyone has different needs depending on their family circumstances, individual needs, lifestyle choices, the influences around them, and the area in which they live. I never tell people what they should be doing, I suggest what they might think about, I say how I would do it, but ultimately it's down to the individual to do what they think is best. 
I've found this yooootoooob video of Jordon giving a Ted talk. It's similar to what he did last night, a slightly shorter version. It all started when he was about 15, using coupons to save money on the weekly food shopping to help his mum. Look where he is now, Martin Lewis offered him a job, he works every day, and jets off to America on assignments. This young man is going to go far, he has a great career ahead of him. 

Old habits die hard, ha ha. I couldn't resist popping into the Lincoln branch of Tesco last night, it's only a short distance from the bypass. It was 9.30pm so I didn't expect much to be left. But, hey, I found something. Pancakes 18p, single cream 9p, salad 40p. Every little saving helps. While I was there I picked up a few essentials so I don't have to go to town today. Heidi's cat food was on offer, I had six packs of that, also bananas and  milk. I had a chat with the ladies at the checkout, made me very late home. They gave me a coupon at the till, £10 off when I spend £75 or more on electrical and gaming. Perhaps I ought to send that to Jordan  :o)

My lunch yesterday, salad leaves, still ok from the yellow sticker shop last week. YS mushrooms with one egg scrambled into them, plus a YS potato zapped in the microwave. Cheap and healthy. 
That's all for now, the weather is a bit cooler. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. I have followed Jordon for a while, very interesting and helpful.

  2. Quite a charming young man. Thanks for the video and wishing you a good weekend as well!

  3. I didn't know who he was until I watched the clip and as soon as he mentioned his flight via Berlin I knew exactly who he was! I'll be watching more of him from now onwards.

  4. I had a laugh when I got your page up, I read that you had met Jordan and thought 'what on earth is she doing meeting with Jordan' then realised that she is called Katie Price now isn't

  5. What a lovely young man, a very cheerful and wise one too. The takeaways, coffee and bought lunches we ditched years ago (have to admit to an odd takeaway but it is a treat) and I don't spend enormous amounts of money on clothes - I had to laugh when he said 'Sarah' spent so much money a month, she must be young and very fashion-conscious. Thanks for sharing this. Amanda

  6. thanks for sharing the video Ilona. I didn't know about looking for coupons on line.

  7. I wish I had Jordon's sense when I was younger.Even now approaching 58 it was good to hear him talking about saving ,it helps keep me on track.It was only recently I stopped spending on silly things.Spending now does not bring me happiness -I thought previously it would. Lovely photo of Jordon and yourself Ilona-looks like you had a very nice evening x(salad looks a bargain)

  8. I like Jordon's attitude to life. As you say he'll go far. Great he's made a career out of this. (Ruth, Wales)

  9. Jordan seems a delightful, wise young man who is going to go far.
    Thank you Ilona, glad you enjoyed your evening.
    Hazel c uk

  10. Such a confident man - his parents did a good job. My daughter is almost the female equivalent. She went out for the day with her friend and suggested making sandwiches - it was like she had grown 2 heads. It isn't easy being young and frugal because you are going against the flow, many young people need to impress for their self esteem. So although I think Meanqueen is amazing, double respect to anyone young that will do these things publicly.

  11. Thanks for introducing us to this young man. You're right, he has some "new" "more modern" suggestions..While I likely wont grab on to many, it is a good nudge to keep on considering new ways/new ideas/etc.

    Again, great finds on the yellow stickers....While I don't seem to have similar opportunity, I have run across one store which every so often has some Kick Butt Manager's specials. I keep a sharp eye out, and very glad when I spot these.

    This young fellow brings to mind another, in Canada, I have run across his blog, and thought you might find it interesting...He has a degree, and sought an alternate way of making a living. When I read the blog, I am often surprised at how well he does.

    He has a site called

    Things I Find in the Garbage

  12. Not sure I entirely agree with this as the main aim seems to buy cheap without thinking ethically. For example do the products bought contain Palm oil and what about the plastic packaging. These businesses are not stupid, they produce coupons for a reason. Sorry! ;-) Happy Earth Day -22nd April.

    1. I have to admit that I don't always think ethically when buying food. Price is my main concern, healthy nutritional food is very important as well. It is up to the individual to make their own choices.

    2. I had a go at couponing briefly once, brief is all it lasted for tooo much time and effort involved. It wasn't for me, I rather save money by others ways, like yellow stickers etc.

  13. Yes ,that is so but we don't have to buy only those products.I think Jordon was not saying that-there is a lot more to what he talks about.

    1. Yep. It is very difficult to buy only ethically sourced food, only cheap food, only healthy food. It is always going to be a combination of all food.

  14. Nice to see Jordan doing the Ted Talk, thanks for putting it up. He's an aspirational young man. I think it's brilliant that he is making a career out of what he loves.


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