Thursday, 27 April 2017

Release the inner child.

Hello. Isn't it fun to step outside the box occasionally? To do something silly, to do something unexpected. Life can become monotonous, if we let it. Boredom is a disease we can do without. I am constantly hitting the 'refresh page' button, because I want to see what has changed. I want new things to happen.

The older I get the dafter I become. The thoughts that pop into my head constantly amaze me. The coloured text made some of you smile, that was my intention, you got my drift. Sadly it didn't work on all gadgets, some of you didn't see it because of the device you were viewing on. Things move forward, my old computer still works on Chrome and Windows, sorry, I'm not going to chuck it just yet. I don't feel the need to keep up with technology. There is too much going on in my head, being creative on a computer is just one of the many ways I like to experiment.

Here's a question, how often do you feel the need to go off the rails? To do something out of the ordinary, to become a kid again? Why do we have to behave like sensible adults when it's much more fun being silly? I think we should have a new annual celebration day, like a Totally Bonkers Day, when everyone lets go of their inhibitions.

I love flash mobs. Go Granny.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Good idea that would nail it for Jeremy Corbyn in his bid to be the next prime minister of Great Britain. Another Bank Holiday off for Bonker Day.... lol

  2. Great I know if I had been there I would have joined in. The older I get I don't mind doing silly, happy things.
    Thanks Ilona.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Love the video. I have always maintained that there should be parks for adults with swings etc I'm sure they would be used and great stress relievers.

  4. always doing something fun. been out cycling and got a soaking but it was fun cycling with my son

  5. The lady who started the dancing had a lovely figure and I loved the lady in the wheelchair. It cheered my spirits no end!!! Natalie

  6. I couldn't agree more! The older I get the less self conscious I am about what people think of me. The GC find me very amusing sometimes but love me nonetheless. The video is brilliant Ilona, thanks for sharing :)

  7. Our dancing club did the same from the Longfield suite in Prestwich one day in the town square. Arlene Phillips used to be there . My late husband used to do similar if he heard Dance music of any kind , It was great to be a kid again

  8. That video just made my morning!

  9. I thought they were absolutely wonderful.I think the older I get the more I like to find ways to have fun each day,even in small ways.Even if I'm feeling glum-just a wide grin to myself and I feel better.I think it's important for our health to have a cheerful attitude .Thanks for the video Ilona,I'd never heard of a flash mob before x(I hope I encounter one soon)

    1. Hi. If you put Flash Mob into yoootooob search there are lots of them. Some are very entertaining.

  10. Why are they called Suffolk puffs and what are you making ? Can't wait to see X Col

    1. Hello. Google it. Here's one.

      I am stitching onto the back of mine because I want a flat surface. I'm making a picture. You will have to wait.

  11. Just watched this!!!,Brilliant,x

  12. Loved it! :) We all should have moments like this each and every day. This past weekend we had music playing loud and the 2-grands and I jumped on the bed and danced around like we just escaped the loony bin. It was fun even though I could hardly breathe after. :D *Ps...My mother would have been appalled at us jumping on the bed*;)

  13. I'm all for it, let go, do something unexpected. Like you, the older I get the more things I think of. I've reached an age where frankly my dear I don't give a fig. So I will continue to embrace my inner child, go on a zip wire, wear crazy colours, put pink streaks in my hair, go body boarding, and refuse to be a boring over 60. After all, we invented the 1960s ! Jean.

  14. What a fun video! Completely agree with everyone - the older I get, the more important having fun becomes! I love Crafty Cats idea for playgrounds for adults - I'd love a go on a swing or teeter totter!

  15. Love this. How inspiring and what fun they are having. Thanks for sharing Ilona- you are a real gem.
    Cheres, Jo

  16. That was so fun!!!

  17. I absolutely love these flash mob dances. I've got several saved into my favourites folder, my real favourite is one up through Lincoln to the Take That songs. If one started up near me I would have to join in.
    Wendy (Wales)

  18. Loved watching this and realised right at the end that it was filmed at Westfield Mall, Auckland, New Zealand. How funny, knew nothing about it until I saw it on your blog. Thanks for that. Audrey from Rotorua, New Zealand. Agree about the Totally Bonkers Day but think we would have to give up one of our other public holidays!!

  19. This was loads of fun. Thanks!

  20. Good dancer the leading lady!

  21. O just wonderful! It's given me ideas! So very important to 'go off the rails' regularly and this was such a jolly group wearing brightly coloured clothes which makes a huge difference as well. Thank you Ilona for sharing this!

  22. What a lovely way to start my Friday morning. Thanks for putting the link up!

  23. Absolutely brilliant Ilona, just proves a point just because your getting older doesn't mean you can't have fun. Some good movers there, I think if I were there I would have joined in, you can just feel the energy.

  24. I love this. I've watched it five times so far and each time a few tears have leaked out. Well done to them.

    Joan (Wales)

  25. Thank you for sharing this. It made my day. I love to see their enthusiasm, especially the lady in the wheelchair. You are never too old for fun, a little exercise and giving people something to talk about. Mary Jane in Canada.

  26. That was great. Bet they all had big smiles for the rest of the day. Karen


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