Monday, 15 May 2017

Amazing Anderton Boat Lift

Hello. I'm having a little bimble. My first port of call is the Anderton Boat lift at Northwich, it has been on my 'to do' list for ages. It's an amazing piece of engineering which moves narrow boats from the low level of the River Weaver to the high level of the Trent and Mersey Canal. there are two lifts side by side, so when one is going up the other is coming down. I paid the £7 to ride on a boat and go up on the lift. The pilot gave a very informative talk. It was a slow process, steering the boat into the lift, waiting for the lock doors to open and close. It was similar to going into a normal lock.  

For more information on the Boat Lift check out this site.

Luckily the rain held off long enough for me to walk around the site. The Anderton Marina was full of boats. This part is for permanent residents. 
That's one place ticked off, tomorrow I am going to see the Pontcysllte Aqueduct. My B & B for two nights is in Llangollen. I had a walk around the town and bought some food for my picnic in the room. The River Dee runs through the town. Beautiful scenery.

The weather hasn't been too good today, where has the sun gone? Tomorrow I plan to walk the four miles along the canal to the Aqueduct, and back again. Janet, if you are reading this, the mobile phone signal is very poor here.

I'm a bit  tired so I'll sign off now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Goodness me Ilona-you went in a boat on a lift ,I'd be petrified.It does look lovely and lush there.Gorgeous x

  2. Looks like another wonderful adventure for you. I'm going to look up more information on this. I grew up not far from the Panama Canal, so have always been intrigued by lifts and locks systems.

  3. Hello, Ilona. Your photos often remind me to say to myself that with such brilliant technological projects, there's probably still hope for humankind. Thank you as always for your photos and comments.
    For tomorrow, I hope you included a cake and a candle or two in your picnic supplies. Aren't I naughty (smiling). Elaine near Philadelphia

  4. Have a lovely break and enjoy the Llangollen canal. It's certainly somewhere I'd like to go on my narrowboat. Kristel

  5. What beautiful pictures of Llangollen!
    We're not too far from the Sault locks in Sault St. Marie. Always fun to watch, but I've never been on them. It looks like you had a nice adventure!

  6. We hope to take our boat through there one day.

    1. Hi. You have a treat in store, it's fascinating.

  7. Morning!,Looks like you are having a lovely time.There are some amazing places to see.Im hoping that i can get on to comment now...has this section altered in the last few days?,I tried to comment a few days ago but for some reason..little pictures came up for me to tick...and i ticked them...but couldnt seem to get it right?...If you get my drift,lol.Has this happened to any one else or is it something my end on my laptop that im not doing right?....If you dont get this message,it means i am pressing the wrong keys....somewhere along the line.If you do get this message,then i hope you get my drift what im on about,lol,Debi,Leic.x

  8. 16th May- Happy Birthday Ilona-Rock on you're the best x

  9. Hi Ilona , hope you are enjoying Llangollen. I live just down the road near Ruabon. I'd recommend the walk up to Castell Dinas and Panorama if you have the time. The Ceriog valley is also beautiful to explore.

  10. I need to look at my photos since we were in Llangollen last year. Wonder if we were walking the same places. Happy Birthday!

  11. What a wonderful piece of machinery. I've seen the very modern version in Scotland that does the same thing. The name escapes me.


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