Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Holyhead Coastal Walk

Hello, I thought I might go up Snowdon while I was in North Wales, but after looking at videos on yooootooob, I decided against it. It seems the summit is often obliterated by swarms of people all pouring off the train and climbing the steps to the top. I didn't fancy that at all. I decided to go up a little mountain on Anglesey instead, and Holyhead Mountain looked like just the ticket. 
As I was about to set off from the hotel a coach pulled up and discharged about fifty ramblers who set off down the path I had planned to take. Oh dear. I gave them a ten minute start and off I went. Maybe we wouldn't bump into each other once we got going. My plan was to take the coastal path then head up and over the top of the mountain. Maybe they had a different plan and I wouldn't see them again.  
I hadn't been going long before I came to an interesting building, it is quite high up so can be seen from the hotel below. On closer inspection I was disappointed that it had been fenced off and was in fact derelict. Such a shame, it must have been a beautiful building when it was occupied. I was speaking to a lady walking her dog, she said it belonged to the Ministry of Defence. 
Around the back was another building, also derelict.

The rugged coastline around this area is beautiful.

Large white pebbles litter the beach.

Onward I went, some of the paths are quite wide and easy to walk.

I'm going up there.

And up there.

Oh no, look who I have caught up.

I take a ten minute break to let them get ahead.

The weather was perfect, while the rain poured back home I was in brilliant sunshine. This is North Stack, a redundant fog signal station. Another break to admire the view.

Two boats go backwards and forwards to Ireland from Holyhead.

Stunning views.

After going up and over the mountain I arrived at South Stack Lighthouse, a bit further round the coast.

There they are again. I'll wait and let them get ahead.

I carried on around the coastal path and caught up with the ramblers again at a cafe. After a quick loo break I set off ahead of them.

This helicopter was hovering for ages over the land ahead of me, and eventually flew away.

Oh wow, a blue lagoon, so beautiful. After glancing behind me I saw the ramblers catching me up, so I stopped again and let them get ahead. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind seeing a few people when I am out and about, but I don't want to walk with a whole bunch of them.

Time was getting on and I needed to turn inland back to Holyhead, at that point I got off the coastal path and left the ramblers to it.

It was a couple of miles back to the hotel at the Marina. I picked up some food at Lidl and did what I always do when out walking, have a picnic in my room. Cheaper to spend £3 - £4 in a shop than £12 on a meal in a restaurant. I watched an hour of telly because sadly I couldn't get onto the internet.

I have checked the mileage, today was twelve. In total for the holiday it was 46 miles. One more day left to report on, I'll post that tomorrow.

Who needs big mountains when there are little beauties like this. It was a fabulous day. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Beautiful Ilona.Isn't it wonderful how you can find your own little bit of peace in life.I weave my way through if I can to find the true essence of a place.You would make a great tour guide,but then you could hide and let the tourists find their own way home x

  2. Fantastic photos and those buildings look fascinating. Such a shame they are blocked off.
    J x

  3. Really lovely photos - thank you for sharing! SueM

  4. Looks like a lovely area. Lucky you got great weather too. Karen

  5. North Wales is really beautiful, we love old buildings and castles so when we visited we were spoilt for choice. You were wise to give Snowdon a miss; we went on the little train and at the summit the mist had descended so we could barely see 3 feet in front of us! Amanda

  6. looks fab. you're a good tourist guide!

  7. I always wish I was right there with you and this way I am. Thanks.

  8. Wonderful weather to enjoy such stunning views with. I loved north Wales as a child. I must return.


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