Saturday, 20 May 2017

Meanqueen checking in

Hello. Did you think I got lost? So sorry that I have been missing, but the chuffin WiFi was rubbish in the last hotel I stayed in. So frustrating, now I have got loads of photo's to sort through which will take me into next week. 
 I made a stop off today to see John from Going Gently blog. He is a friendly chappie. Pity he was going out tonight, I would have loved to go to the pub with him. 

Anyway, I have had a smashing time, fantastic scenery, and lots of walking.
Where am I? At my friends house in Ellesmere Port, drinking beer. 
We'll catch up tomorrow. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip.


  1. Hello!,I have got to admit,i was a bit concerned when you hadnt posted earlier..Just worried about a friend,cause thats how we see you!,Anyway,i am so glad that you are having a great time.And just thought,i would mention,that i bought a Barbour jacket today for 1 pound.Googled it,they are around 85 to 90 pounds!.Just a great jacket for doing my walking in.Debi,Leic,x

    1. You'll look the "Bees knees"Debi x

  2. How fun to meet John in person, I can tell from his blog he is a friendly chappie. Your get away sounds grand.

  3. It was lovely to see you!
    Fucking hell me head looks big!

  4. Have followed John for a while always makes me laugh so down to earth proper Yorkshire man lol. Glad you got to meet him.

    1. John's Welsh, but lived and worked in Sheffield for a long time, so maybe he's an honorary Yorkshireman!

  5. Is your meeting with John in North Wales the answer to your puzzle? If so I guessed correctly, but I never thought it was John, more of an old friend from your trucking days.

    Joan (Wales)

    1. Hi Joan. I can't remember setting a puzzle. It's just that when I go away I am deliberately vague for security reasons. Sorry to be misleading. Lin at Ellesmere Port is an old trucking friend, haven't seen her for three or four years. Having catch up.

    2. Your May 15 post, with 2 videos, which I can t hear bec my computer s sound is turned off. :-)
      ''Monday, 15 May 2017
      Guessing game.
      Hello. A puzzle for you today. Here's a couple of clues.''

    3. You're right, I did set a puzzle. The clues were that I was going to Wales, not about who I was going to visit.

  6. How cool! Two of my favorite bloggers together!

  7. Great photo Ilona and lovely dog.Hope you're feet are OK with all that walking.Rock on x

  8. Always nice to see bloggers meet up!

  9. So pleased you are okay and sorry I spelt your name wrong in the last post.
    Glad you have had a good time and seen some wonderful places. You have caught the sun.
    Hazel c uk

  10. Wow, two blogs that I read every day. It's kind of surreal to see you meet up. How lovely. Looking forward to hearing about (and seeing) the rest of your trip.

  11. Did you get to kiss Winnie? I've always wanted too. Oh and John too naturally.

    1. Ha ha. Yes I kissed all the dogs first and John got the last one.

  12. Glad you are OK and having fun. I must admit I was starting to get worried!!
    Can't wait to see the Portmeirion photos!

    Linda xx

  13. Lovely to see you meeting up with John from Going Gently, such a nice pic! I got to meet Jane from Shoestring Cottage this Saturday, and we had a good chat and a trawl of my local charity shops.


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