Wednesday, 19 July 2017

New skips have appeared, whooopeeeee

Hello. Here is Mollie Dolly. She is going to a new home tomorrow. I was asked to make her for a friend of a friends new baby. Hope she isn't too scary for her. She has two tone yellow hair with red streaks, I used up some oddments of wool. Her legs are a bit long, but I don't suppose baby Mollie will be too bothered by that. Just hope she doesn't burst into tears when she sees those wide open staring eyes. 
She fits in with the rest of the clan. That's it now, no more, getting bored, move on to something else.

Look what I found last night while doing my three miles. A very nice mirror in a skip. I knocked on the door and the owner said I could take it, so when I got back I went in my car to pick it up. The back is not fixed on properly and a bit shabby, and the mirror is a bit loose, so I'll take it apart and make a new back for it. Not bad eh! Keep looking in skips peoples, you might find something worth saving.

I've been watching Sarah on Money for Nothing, luckily there are lots of programmes on yoootooob to get through which will keep me entertained for a while, as well as give me some ideas. Sarah goes to recycling centres and rescues stuff before it goes into the skip. She then gets it renovated and sells it. If anyone wants to have a look give this one a try. You might get hooked.

No rain yet today but it looks like it might come down soon, so I'm going to get outside while it's still dry. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I watched the program every week when it was on a couple of months ago and loved it!.Although,i do think that some of the ...prices she got...were a bit to keep the viewers entertained!!.You do get some brilliant ideas from it though.I did my table n chairs in the same way that she did some...although i think hers were a bit neater than mine,lol.Well,ive had to come indoors cause in the middle of painting my started raining.So Ive had to undo the garage again and put the chair back in,with just the undercoat on it.Still,theres always tomorrow to finish it off!Ive got a free dinner tonight,cause an Italian friend our ours does a veggy soup,with herbs and spices.So he is sending some round for me.So no cooking for a change!,Debi,Leic,x

    1. totally agree; i enjoyed watching the prog. Although I found that some of the transformations were out of the budget of us ordinary folks, I liked watching Sarah doing her upcycled items - a bit more manageable to try at home, and her instructions relatively simple to follow.

  2. That's a lovely mirror. The flat frame makes it look quite expensive. Eilidh x

  3. I'm sure Molly Dolly will have lots of admirers.I do like your newly rescued mirror.I think my bottom half has widened a bit recently.I perhaps should find one too.You are very svelte Ilona x

  4. the doll in the middle with the red hair reminds me of Ruby Wax

  5. I hope you are going to show us how to upcycle the lovely mirror. I like that programme and wish I was creative. Well done.

  6. What a cute little doll with all her colors and fabrics. That mirror is a great find.

  7. Love the little dolls, looking forward to the mirror makeover.

  8. You are always so clever with things. The dolly will be appreciated and the mirror I'm looking forward to seeing transformed.

  9. Can't wait to see the mirror! Good find. Those dolls are adorable.

  10. Such a FUN show! I really enjoyed watching this - thanks! The only thing that puzzled me was that not one of the people reacted much when she gave them the money. I think I would have screamed and jumped up and down. Years ago, we had an American show in which two brothers drove around and each picked a piece of "trash" that someone had left on the curb. Then they worked all night to transform the trash into something new and returned it to the owner's house in the morning. I thought it was so much fun and the brothers always had a good-natured rivalry to see who could create the coolest transformation. Sorry I can't remember the name of the show now but it was fun. Can't wait to see what you do with your mirror!

  11. I love the different colors of hair you chose for the doll.
    I bought a very similar mirror from an auction many years ago. My husband painted it white and we still use it. It's very handy to have.

  12. Your whimsical dolls are fun. The big one with the red hair is faintly reminiscent of Lucille Ball, at least to my eyes. I like your new mirror.

  13. Molly dolly's arms and legs look just the right size for tiny hands to cling on to. Now we all know how much you love bright colours, do you fancy doing your hair like hers? (Big smile). Jean.

  14. Love your dolls and what a brilliant find your mirror is ... :0)

  15. that mirror is fab! my recent skip find was a fold-down side-table - a bit wobbly and yucky brown varnish, but going to re-screw, sand and then either paint or stain with whatever is in my leftovers. it'll be great for a coffee table in my living room, so am very grateful for a fab freebie!

  16. That mirror is a good find. I love how you sorted it out without spoiling it.


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