Sunday, 28 January 2018

Arty crafty projects piling up

Hello. Had a day off yesterday, was busy. On Friday I called in to see my friend Angela as I was passing. It's hard to tell if she is in or not by glancing at her house, because it's at the end of a long driveway, and I have always been reluctant to knock the door in case she is in bed, she works nights sometimes. However, on Friday I saw her in the garden so I knew it was safe to call. She invited me in for a coffee, and gave me the news that she is now retired from her job. We like to talk arts and crafts, she is very good at furniture refurbishment, especially re upholstery, and it's always good to swap ideas. 
Like me, Angela is also a skip diver, and car boot browser, we love a second hand bargain, better if it's free. She recently found these small lamps in a skip, they need some attention and she hasn't got time to deal with them right now, she was going to give them to a charity shop, but I said I would clean them up and find something to replace the rusted metal on them.  I'll start with a good scrub in soapy water. 
Yesterday I went to an Embroiderers Guild meeting in Scunthorpe, to see what they get up to. I was made very welcome, it was a big room in a church hall, rows of tables all around the perimeter. People were working on their own projects, then there was a set piece of embroidery to complete. They are having a celebration in the summer and they need bunting to decorate the place. Each flag was going to be a letter and we were given a piece of felt like fabric, the design, some thread, and instructions. It was a bit like cross stitch, but straight lines and flowers. Simple enough, but not really my thing. The lady next to me explained about counting squares on the pattern, but I just wasn't getting it, and wasn't really interested.

I don't like following instructions, prefer to make things up as I go along, and as all the letters had to be the same, I felt it was a bit like being at school, or on a factory production line. Oh dear, I'm a bit of a rebel. When we made the banner for our Chat and Craft group we were allocated a letter and told to use any medium we liked. Much better, but when the group is part of a national association you have to do things in a certain way. Luckily the lady next to me gave me a hand, but I gave up with it, so she suggested I go and have a look at some of the work members had displayed on the tables. I really enjoyed that bit because it was just what I like to do.

They also had a sales table, with bits and bobs of a crafty nature which people no longer wanted. I spent £1. It was 50p for this roll of erm, thick felt like matting. Not sure what it is, or what it's used for, but no doubt it will come in useful for something.

This little hessian bag was 50p. It looks like in might have held bottles of smellies at some point, there is a divider inside. I could stitch onto it, tart it up a bit, give it a new life.

I will go to the group again, they meet once a month, and different activities are planned. I haven't decided whether to join or not though, it's a bit pricey. £5 for an afternoon session, (2 hours) and if you do the morning session on the same day and bring your own work, that's also two hours for £5. Membership for the branch is £32, and if you want to join the national EG it's an additional £35. So, £67 for both. I can go twice more before I decide.

I have a few wrapped rings now, they are mainly curtain rings. I have filled some of the middles in, they look quite nice like that, will do some more. Not sure exactly what I will do with them, but I have an idea.

The bleeding tissue paper picture is finished, next job is to frame it. Watch this space.

Going to have my lunch now, then go out. It's dry and mild here in North Lincolnshire. Thanks for all the comments on Mark's Aussie post, I sent him a link so he is reading them, and he has commented. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. So much colour and creativity, thank you for the lovely daily lift in my life.

  2. These rings are lovely. Just at the right time for me...I'm going through my creativity box (which I haven't used for a while because I'm doing more knitting). I'm trying to continue my declutter and I came home tonight full of the idea to donate all my unused equipment to a community art studio so someone could benefit from them. In there is a big box of embroidery silks and I was just grumbling to myself that they had to go (even though I love them so) because I couldn't see me use them in the near future. Recently, I have been getting interested in recyling plastic pieces into a curtain/door screen but i don't like the idea of all that plastic in my eye view...thank you! now i know how I'm going to do it and i get to keep the embroidery silks. This will be fun!

  3. I love your creations Ilona you have a fantastic imagination.

  4. Your rings are looking very psychedelic Ilona.The roll might look nice as a window blind x

  5. I went to my Embroiderers’ Guild yesterday. Those lamps look very nice - as does everything in your posts - sizzling colours. Natalie

  6. Ahhh.... this has got to be one of your best crafty blogs to date. Those lamps are lovely and those covered rings are to die for they are so creative - just brilliant I love them and all your crafty adventures.

  7. I love your rings! They have a name but of course it escapes me right now. Something wheels. I am always losing my words. Sorry. My smocking guild made buttons on the little rings. You did a wonderful job on yours.

  8. Those lamps look like one I had in the 1960s, though I never put the lamp oil in and used it. I can't tell how big the red holed thing is but I think it could be a table runner, the pound shops were selling them and also four matching place mats to match at Christmas. Your rings look lovely as usual, they would look good on the hessian bag, and then the bag could be used for wool or other craft items. I like a crafty, interesting blog. Wonder what you will do with all the bits featured.

  9. I think the bag contained pots of jam or similar. Karen

  10. I love your wrapped rings, Ilona. They are such cheerful colors and very pretty. Makes me smile just to look at them!

  11. The bag is from Mrs Bridges (usually jams or chutney)

  12. Great post Ilona - loved your decorated rings and something I would really like to try as I have a bag of them. I don't remember you doing a tutorial showing how you made them so wondering if I have missed one of your posts?

    1. Hello Lesley. I haven't made a tutorial, you will find some on yooootoooob.

    2. If it helps, the wrapping is blanket stitch. Push needle through from front to back, wrap the wool/thread around needle and pull through. Just as you would is you were stitching fabric. It forms a ridge on the outside edge of the circle.

    3. Thanks Ilona - I'll check out YB videos:)

  13. Lovely curtain ring upcycling and very like Dorset Buttons - I've just made a couple of Dorset Button brooches for friends. If you look them up on Pinterest you will find lots of inspiration if you want to have some different designs to try.

  14. nice bunch of lamps..are they rusted, or just tarnished? maybe just a coat of lacquer?

    I, myself, would be a bit frustrated at such "exact" instructions re a craft project, as you mention at the group. To my mind, part of the reason for a craft project is individual creativity and artistry...And the cost does seem high. Although, you did very well on your purchases there....

    1. The metal bits are rusted. May be salvaged by rubbing down and spray painted. I'll ask Stan at the library van, he is an expert at cleaning up metal.

  15. Even if you join, you still have to pay per session? Other than the company, what is the purpose of this club? I am sure you explained it, but please explain it again.

    1. Hi. I've just got the answer to your question. I wasn't quite sure how it worked so I emailed them. It is £5 a session to see if you like it, maximum three sessions then you either join or stop coming. After you have paid the membership fee, you don't pay for any more sessions, they are included. It's not very clear on the paperwork.

  16. I remember having one of those little lamps.Someone bought it for me for my 9th birthday in 1964 and my Mam lit it a few times.But then when the wick burnt out we didnt know where to replace it.I used to just sit and look at it when it was lit cause it seemed to me like a little magical world in there.Funny how seeing them again can bring back memories from your childhood.Debi,xx

  17. Ilona have you read the book Stitch Stories by Cas Holmes, she is an English writer amd I am sure you could get her book from the library, I think you would find it interesting and inspiring. I think that red mat could be used as a stencil if you used a stippling brush, you could use gold and silver paints on black fabric and then iron it to make the colours stable,you could then stitch over and around the patterns or do whatever you want, you can use it over and over again with different colours on top of one another. I love the decorated rings, you've done a great job, I think we will have to call you the arty mean queen.Have you always been interested in art and craft or is this a wonderful new passion?, aren' t we lucky to have the health, time and freedom to enjoy the rest of our lives this way. Keep on keeping on. Carol from Oz.xx

    1. I hadn't heard of that book so I googlied it. It looks very interesting, I'll see if my library has it. Thanks.

  18. I'm a rebel too! :)
    Don't like instructions, rules and definitions in art'n'craft. Making peace of art is personal process, from your soul and heart. So, just go ahead! I'm on your side!
    Art teacher (who does not work at school, unfortunately).

  19. love those rings Ilona. At my quilt group we pay £15 for the year and we meet once a month 9.30am to 3pm and no extra charge. everyone does their own thing but people help each other if they need it. We are having a workshop day with a nationally known quilter who is a superb teacher - £25 for the day and I have learned such a lot from her. The applique on my latest quilt uses her multitude of techniques. Money well spent for me.

    1. That's good value. I found out that there is no charge for meetings if you join. So I think I'll join.

  20. I pay £15 at our patchwork class 10am to 3.30pm tea/coffee on tap and always homemade cake. Don't forget premises hire which can be expensive also we are using there electric. When we have good speakers/demonstrates we pay a bit more. It really is good value. Hazel c uk


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