Saturday, 20 January 2018

Cats visiting, and food

Hello, no clowns tonight, just me :o) This is Garcia in the window looking out. He pops in from time to time when there is no one in at his house. I was busy on the computer at the other end of the room when I heard him growl. He obviously is not impressed by another cat who is muscling in on his patch. I don't know where this new cat on the block lives, but he/she has taken a liking to my garden. There is a table just below the window outside and cats seem to like that. Sometimes they put their front paws up onto the sill and look in. It's funny to see their little faces peering in through the glass. 
My dinner tonight, veg left over from last night. I'm not sure if I deliberately or accidentally make too much, but never mind, if I can't eat it all there is always some to warm up the following day. There wasn't quite enough for a full meal so I chopped a leek and some mangetout peas, and added that, with some spinach. When all that was cooked I added two eggs and sort of half scrambled them. I think they used to call reheated leftovers Bubble and Squeak, or was that something with cabbage in it? This plate is now empty, I have eaten it all.

I took some cooked chicken for Tina cat, she likes that. I see some of the furniture has been removed from the house so maybe they are starting to clear it. I'm just off back there for the second visit as soon as I have done this. I've been sewing today, and watching videos. Can't stop watching Puddles, his singing is so good. I see Scott O Connor has another wood sculpture video out, he seems to be getting on with creating more art since the fire.

Just before I go, I've found FQ's recipe page, (on Web, she had started to archive them. A lot of people were disappointed that all her recipes were lost when she closed her blog. So if you were a fan of her recipes here are some of them.  The links to the recipes work, and the links under the header work, and the links to the popular posts work, but not the blog archive or the labels. Maybe this will help some of you who liked her recipes.

That's it, I must go now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You can throw just about anything in with scrambled eggs and have a lovely meal. My mom and dad referred to cabbage and sausage dinner as Bubble and Squeak. Have a lovely day. Patty Mc

  2. I like that the neighbor cat visits you, and sometimes peeks in your window. That would be cute to look up and see.

  3. Any idea why Frugal Queen disappeared? I have been following her for years. Then suddenly gone. Hope you do not. x

    1. No, no idea at all. I am staying.

    2. I believe it was something to do with being trolled and she just got fed up so stopped everything.

  4. I was in quite a panic about the clown & my heart was racing.Your dinner looks good.I rarely bake but decided this afternoon to make a large scone.It grew enormous & I had to break the top of it off.I never thought to give my uncles cat chicken.I did sit with her for a while & gave her cat treats.When she got a new home eventually she was very lucky & went to a lovely home x

  5. Hi, bubble and squeeze is leftover cabbage and left over mash potatoes fried up and its name is because of the noise it makes 🍽️ not too much oil cook till a bit brown keep turning it over so the brown bits are all through..... Lovely with a bit of brown or red
    sausage on the side. Yum yum susan

  6. Cooking more than needed for one meal is the way I cook. It saves lots of time and there is only me.

  7. I'm another FQ fan and miss her posts. She did fantastic work and l'm glad that she is archiving her recipes.

    1. Hi. I didn't say she 'is' archiving her recipes, I said she 'had started' to archive them. If you look at the last comment on that page it is dated February 2014, four years ago. As her blog is closed I doubt very much that she will be adding to the list. Maybe she is writing a recipe book, who knows.

  8. Thank you for the link to FQ's recipes we l miss her.

  9. That should have read "we all miss her"

  10. Hi Ilona, thanks so much for the links to Frugal Queens recipe archive, I am a long time reader and looked forward to reading her blog, I am quite devastated that she has stopped, I understand that she was bullied so badly that she had to stop, why on earth do people do that? You wrote about your experience with this online bullying or trolling, it’s just so hurtful. I do so love your blog Ilona, I read it every night. Have a lovely day.

    1. Hi Fiona. I wonder where the story of her being bullied so badly that she had to stop, came from. Hearsay, or is there hard evidence to support that. Is it fact or fiction. I could not 100% name my bully. Anyway, that's all history now, why procrastinate, I have moved on.

    2. I'm sorry to butt in but I am.I sadly have had years of being bullied-harassed by a troll.To me the signs of Fq are not of that story? being correct.More true to me is she is no longer frugal & rents one of her houses & is enjoying splashing the cash x

  11. It is difficult to make just for one. I'm catering for two of us and generally freeze meal portions. You know it wont go off, quick to re-heat when you're busy or tired and if you don't fancy the same again,just re-heat one portion and vary it by adding something fresh.

  12. Thank you for being generous enough to post a link to FQs recipe archive. I used to read her blog as I’ll read any blog about frugal living in the hope of learning something new To be honest I found it quite smug and too much of the same thing - constantly saving money. I also felt it wasn’t difficult to be frugal on the king of income she had and for that reason never felt it was a genuinely frugal blog. I’m not sure why she made this epic departure from the internet by taking everything down but felt it would have been nice if she’d given her ‘dear readers ‘ an explanation. After all they’d voted for her in several awards and i’m sure some were planning to rent her second home in France. Kristel

    1. Thank you, Kristel, for subtly suggesting that the endless enquiries about FQ are really pretty annoying. Why would Ilona know anything about all that? As far as I can see, FQ is a drama queen, who was indeed smug about her own cleverness--almost the opposite of Ilona's generous and accepting approach to all of us finding our own way. So if I am being ungenerous to a woman who has good reason for all the drama, forgive me.


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