Thursday, 4 January 2018

Virus alert

Hello, ha ha, that fooled you didn't it. No, my computer hasn't got a virus, that's the title of my first have a go at painting a picture. This is my Virus. It's a 12 inch square second hand canvas I bought for 50p from a charity shop. There are plenty about, no need to buy new. 
The red paint is a small tin of household emulsion I bought from Hull Scrapstore. I stuck on some dried packet soup mix to give it some texture. Split peas, lentils, and pearl barley. This first picture is nearest to the actual colour. The rest look slightly pinky because I took them in different parts of the house. The lighting is not good at the moment, it's very dull outside. 
Once this was dry I added some lengths of fine cord, stuck down with another layer of paint. Then the title came to me. At first it was going to be 'How long is a piece of string'. Nope, too long winded. I decided to paint the split peas in black and make them into spiders. Then it became 'Virus'.

First I picked out the spiders and the cord with black felt tip pens, but the spiders weren't black enough, so I went over them again with acrylic paint and a very fine brush. It was very fiddly and some of the spiders have hairy legs, and they haven't all got six legs, it was whatever I could fit in.

Took this picture in the porch, more light in there, but the shade of red is not quite right.

I like it, my sort of art, fun and quirky.

I have updated the Walking Group list on the last post. I expect not everyone has seen it yet, there will possibly be a few more newcomers. I can't keep updating it indefinitely, but will do so in the next few days to allow people to tell me if they are joining the challenge. After that anyone can still do the challenge and check in their miles on the first of every month, but they will have missed the opportunity to be on the original list.

Raining at the moment here, as soon as it stops I will be out. In the meantime I'm playing at art. Cats are in, and Garcia is here on the window sill. No one in at his house, I wouldn't chuck him out in the rain. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Hi Ilona,for me the spiders look more than black beetles, ha ha spiders have 8 legs. but it looks very realistic, if you consider the pest that you can have in grains. I find the idea for your painting great and fun. Christina from Belgium

    1. LOL My first impression was they were ticks. Spiders are better than ticks!

  2. I love the way you let your imagination flow. what fun!

  3. Lovely idea although i’m not a fan of spiders. You’re such a talent! I dug out some threads, pencils and fabric so I can play, too.
    Is Garcia a neighbor cat? We have a neighbor three doors down who has a new(ish) puppy. I never see him walking her. Sometimes I can hear her crying after he leaves for work. I’ve debated asking if he would like me to walk her for him.

    1. I think you should ask. He'd appreciate having the dog walked if he's busy and the dog would have some day campanionship. They are pack animals and need to be with others. Longs days without us must be so hard.

  4. I think they may be lucky money spiders who are having fun instead of spending money shopping x

    1. flis - that comment made my day, thanks. Ilona, a stunning piece of work I love the contrasts and colours. Amanda

  5. Love it. Better late than never, I would like to sign up for the 2018 walkers. I am not on blogger, however, read yours on a regular basis. e-Mail--- Patricia in Ontario Canada

  6. I put my mileage in a bit late due to festivities and what not, 52.5 miles, total 1019. yep. I did it.

  7. It's amazing Ilona and what fantastic fun, I could never think of anything like that, I do wish my imagination would 'work' more than it does. Maggie xx

  8. Love your painting - 'bugs' can cover any type of insect and I would be happy to have it on my wall, so well done Ilona :)

  9. An interesting project Ilona. Can you please add my name to the walkers list, since I have recently moved I plan on taking a short walk every day. Hazel c uk

  10. Very unusual Ilona, love your idea to use dried foods for art work.

  11. Absolutely love the Virus art piece!!! Such a great artist and wonder imagination!,
    Very very cold here in West Virginia. Tomorrow wind chill is suppose to be -20 below zero Brrrrr. Makes walking very difficult. I have a route I take around the hospital hallways that help me get my steps in. I guess that will work until we get a break in the weather. Thank you again for the blog, videos and heading up the walking challenge 😊. Have a lovely day!!!

  12. I wish it was raining here in the tropics to relieve the heat. Love your artwork, so colorful and creative. Pauline from Oz.

  13. I think I shall accept your challenge. I live in Wyoming, USA and am fascinated to see your lovely walks. Most of my walks are on cow paths. But I purchased a hiking guide to my corner of the state and hope to do a number of them in 2018. Your art project is interesting and unique, and it is refreshing to read a blog from a no-nonsense, frugal person such as you are.

  14. Hi Ilona, I just love it, it does just look like something you see under a microscope, you are very artistic, well done.

  15. Ilona, can I just mention that I noticed in my neck of the woods (the Midlands) that just before New Year at my local supermarket the assistants were wheeling in rack after rack of 'ready meals' - all sorts; Chinese, Indian, Mexican etc. I asked one of them why this is and she responded that this was the new market - people can't be bothered after Christmas to cook again - the prices were astronomical. I didn't buy any of them. Amanda

  16. Funky! It would look good as a ceramic piece. xx


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