Sunday, 20 May 2018

David has a makeover

Hello and Good Morning. The sun has got his hat on, he's coming out today, the sun has got his hat on,  hip hip hip hip hooray. Poor David is looking a bit jaded, he's been standing there for a long long time in the corner of my garden. Methinks he needs a makeover, a bit of tarting up. Stand him on a small table so I don't have to bend down too far. Boy is he HEAVY. Careful not to do my back in. 
Looks lovely now. An all over coat of off white emulsion to cover up the dirt. He needs some clothes. I think a skinny t-shirt and a pair of skimpy trunks would show off his muscular bod. Have you seen the new craze of wearing nothing else apart from body paint, and walking down the street to test people's reaction? Looks like a lot of fun to me. I thought about sticking a lump of plaster on his doodaah to hide it, but then I thought, nah, let it all hang out. I might put a skirt on him for the Open Day, in case people are a bit delicate about such matters.

A look in the scrap jewelry box for some neck adornment.

What do you think of the makeup then? Don't think I would get a job in a beauty parlour. Believe it or not I used to do make up demonstrations for a well known cosmetics company. I was a bit crap at it, ha ha.

Thank you to the kind reader who sent me a pressie of a gift card for my birthday. I have put it to good use, I was about to run out of my favourite face cream. This is one of the cheaper ones, some of the Olay range are expensive, HOW MUCH. This is on offer at one of the discount stores, buy one get one free, so I got one of each, day and night cream. Now I am waiting for my wrinkles to disappear, yes and pigs might fly, ha ha.

Before I go, a quick reminder, we haven't many photos in from the Walking Group. To go into the prize draw for a goody bag they must be in my email box by 12 noon on the 31st of May Email address on the sidebar. Thank you.

Right, I'm off, work to do in the garden. Enjoy your Sunday, whatever you are doing. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Ilona, this is fantastic. I never realised until now how 'sulky' David looks. Like a petulant child. Enjoy your sunshine, rain here finally in Victoria, Australia.

  2. David doesnt look too pleased! Made me smile tho.

  3. Oh poor David, he looks too ladylike now. (Well, above the shoulders, anyway.) I think I would have left it at the 'white paint all over' point.

  4. I'm not sure why I don't like what you did to David, but it's the only thing you've done that I don't there is that. I am not the fan of art that you are, but I was fortunate to see the real David in Rome, and it was breathtaking. That may be why I don't like what you have done. It's sure to draw lots of comments when you open your garden. Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh dear, your choice of course but I did think the statue was elegant and rather lovely unadorned.

  6. Oh no ............. sorry but it's just awful. Paint it again in white.

    1. But that's the beauty of paint, he could be repainted white any time, right now he's a bit of colourful fun ☺

  7. He looks lovely!

  8. Joan A (Devon)20 May 2018 at 19:47

    Oh, my goodness no, no, no, no! Classical Greek statues should look as it was, unadorned. You have taken his dignity away and he now looks like a clown.

    Joan (Devon)

  9. I like the all white one but the painted one made me laugh.

  10. Illona, that's just awful! You really must paint him white again, he's positively scarey! And a skirt would make it even worse!

  11. It will certainly be a talking point at your open day. Michaelangelo wasn't known for his sense of humour and is probably spinning in his grave, but I love it, x

  12. Sorry, but it's a 'no' from me. The white was far, far better.

  13. You make me laugh so will have to cover the doodah ..doesn't go with the beads ha ha xxx

  14. He looks like he has coming out of the closet and found his true self. Nothing wrong with that, it is about time. Elsa

  15. Now I am all for individuality, fine with eccentricity, but this is just gross. He has an unfortunate face to start with, unlike the original David, and I'm wondering why he is clutching a Swiss roll in his right hand! It was passable white, but oh Ilona, show this on open gardens and they'll carry you off thinking you've really lost the plot, ha ha! I'm all for a bit of fun but this guy is enough to frighten the birds away :-). I have to say that I agree with the majority. By the way, his best feature was his doodah as you put it.:-)

  16. I think David looks great! How fun, you have really brightened him up and I love his makeup! I want one just like him!

  17. Ilona-you are a cheeky monkey x

  18. I think David is ready to participate in the Mardi Gras Parade LOL. Hmm maybe if you make his trunks tartan his boy bits won’t be so noticeable.

  19. Oh dear, he dosn't look too pleased.

  20. OMG, I LOVE IT. Admittedly it's not how the statue was intended to look but it is fun cheerful and everyone needs some fun in life. It sure will be a good talking point.

  21. What can I say ... he's certainly unique and most definitely one of a kind 😉

    I love that you even did his toe nails 😁

  22. This is inspired! I "laughed out loud" as they say - and a skirt or a little kilt would be the icing on the cake.

  23. Well..Im going to choose my words carefully...He is one of a kind ,I must admit and he reminds me of Bette Davis in Baby Jane!!.Im sure he will make a great conversation piece at the open gardens!.I lona,you are as nutty as me,lol.xx

    1. Excellent Debi, you made me laugh out loud. Baby Jane, perfect, spot on. :-)

  24. Haven't had such a laugh in ages! With those painted toenails maybe you should re-name him 'Justin'....

  25. Sorry - but that's awful. :-(

  26. Lol. You've pushed the boat out with this one Ilona. X

  27. Ilona you're hilarious! Love it!

  28. This is the second time that i have viewed him today and to be honest,he is looking more troubled by the you think that he maybe doesnt like the shade of lippy you have put on him....maybe he would like a spray tan perhaps or it could be that he is not happy with having a red willie.What ever the reason...and there must be one cause he looks a bit tearful to me..see if he will open up to you and tell you just what the problem is!xx

    1. You're as daft as me, ha ha. I did think about putting a bit of colour into his pasty cheeks, but it might wash off in the rain. I could put a plastic bag over his head if that happens I suppose.

  29. Many of the white statues we see today would have originally been brightly coloured. It's just that we're not used to seeing them that way.

  30. Art is how you see things. This is fabulous :) Maybe a fig leaf on open gardens day for the sensitive? :)

  31. Find it a bit scary

  32. I have to agree with a lot of the "thumbs down" comments about painting "David". I think just leaving him be would have been better. However, you could also plant a flowering vine like a clematis around him and let it trail up over the statue. PS. I've been using Oil of Olay since I was in my 20's and I've never heard a dermatologist or doctor say anything negative about it. I hope the cream you bought has some sunscreen in it too.

  33. Earlier in May, I commented that David deserved his place in the sun, and, boy, have you given him that! His transformation is astonishing and he will certainly be a conversation piece on Open Gardens Day. Thank you for your sense of fun, I love it!

  34. It is truly awful - I love it!
    Margaret P

  35. He's utterly gorgeous, but very camp, all he needs now is a handbag.


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