Sunday, 4 November 2018

Pretty things

No words, just pictures.



  1. Are you selling these on your cat stall?They would be beautiful as decorations at Christmas time!Oh,I do wish that I lived near by you so that I could buy some of your wonderful creations...I dont have enough cutlery to try this out myself!xx

    1. Yes, they will be for sale.

    2. I often see cutlery for sale in the Charity shops, often about 10p each.

    3. Yes, I've seen odd pieces of cutlery in charity shops Debi, not often though, but if you ask, they may have some round the back. It doesn't have to be silver cutlery though to make flowers. You could use old CDs, silver foil mince pie dishes, cheap craft gems and those little different coloured plastic chip forks that you are given or see around. Like Ilona, just use what comes your way. Okay, maybe they won't be as fancy as real cutlery, but it will be fun and creative, and of course, pretty.

    4. Hi all and thank you for your replies and ideas!.Im going to ponder,see what I can find around the house...cause I know that I bought a second hand cushion cover with sequins one of those fill a bag for a £1 charity shop sales,about 4 years where is it?,lol.Ive got silver mince pie dishes that Ive saved and bits n bobs in a bag of gem type things that my Grandaughters had when they were kids.This will be my next project!.Today,Im repainting my bottle flowers,that have been on my garden wall all Summer stuck on with Hard as Nails...well it aint hard in the damp Autumn air cause they have all fallen off,lol.So these are being repainted red,so that I can hang red poppies on my front garden tree this week...Much better than dusting and ironing!!xx

  2. Very pretty. Love your art work and blog.

  3. Brilliant, so inventive. Where are they going?

    1. I will hopefully sell them at the Christmas Fair in the Village Hall, next month.

  4. So pretty, they are really beautiful.

    Hazel c uk

  5. I am amazed what you can make out of everyday things!

  6. They are beautiful. I can imagine them in the garden with the sun shining on them. You are very talented. What an excellent use for mismatched silver ware.

  7. Brilliant. Sparkly, fun, cheerful; and of course recycled. Big hug. x

  8. Love your latest creations - you always have good ideas :)

  9. hi ilona mayze and heidi - very beautiful. you are very creative i like art too. dear benny hasnt been out much today as its raining he is so loveable and gentle we adore him. amy more adventurous but she doesnt like the rain either. best wishes and love liz amy and

  10. So inspiring, creative and beautiful, you are one clever and gifted lady!

  11. You are so talented! These are beautiful and should sell well for Christmas.

  12. Very creative and very pretty. But, don't you find that eventually the glue parts company with the smooth surfaces, especially if put outside? I used a hot glue gun to stick shells to a mirror in the bathroom, but after a while, possibly because of the steam, they came off if touched. Do you have a special glue in your gun that I'm not aware of, heavy duty or something? Any tips?

    1. I made four of these a few months ago, they were only outside for a couple of days when the Open Gardens were on, so I can't say what would happen to them over a longer period of time. I guess most people would hang these indoors, or at least under cover, though they could try them outdoors if they wanted to.

      I noticed with the plastic flowers which have been outside for several months, that a couple of the sequins have dropped off, but that's because I didn't put enough glue on them.

      The bond seems pretty strong, I cant separate the pieces once stuck together. I got the glue sticks from Poundstretcher, about £1.20 ish for a pack of 12. The name is Dekton, quick drying and strong bonding. Ideal for metal, plastic, fabric, wood, ribbon, paper, and cardboard.

      Maybe steam is your problem, and the fact that the mirror surface goes from cold to hot depending whether you are using the bathroom or not. Are they flat shells, do you fill the inside before you stick them on, or just put the glue round the edge? I find the more glue the better they are stuck, but you don't want it to seep out around the edges.

    2. Thank you Ilona for your reply, we have a Poundstretcher in town so I will look when I next go in.
      The shells were all different types and shapes, but yes, I did put plenty of glue on inside and on edges. The shells were not just on the glass but also on the plastic edge. Not all of the shells came off, just mainly where the mirror was picked up.
      The glue I used came from craft and hardware sections but I don't recall which shops. I shall try your brand. Thanks Ilona.

  13. Well, I have a word - WOW!

  14. Hilde in Germany5 November 2018 at 04:38

    These ornaments are so pretty and cheerful, they really brighten up a grey day.


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