Thursday, 6 December 2018

Making re usable gift bags.

I've been busy making small gift bags for the stall. Various sizes and colours, cotton fabric. The idea is to cut down on wrapping paper and sellotape, less waste. These bags can be used over and over again. Easy to make, instructions in the video. 

The video is a bit long, too much waffling, you may want to fast forward it a bit.

Now I've got to get ready for some people coming tomorrow, seems I'm going to be on the tele tomorrow evening, Look North I believe.  Toodle pip. ilona


  1. Another good idea from you, i can not do it this year but Easter is a good time to do them next year. Thank you Ilona fir a good idea.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Good luck with the programme tomorrow.
      Hazel c uk

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Brilliant idea using the little bags as wrapping. Thank you for the video.

  4. Those bags are definately what I would buy from your stall.They are so usefull.I have 3 which I bought from a summer dog show for my various doggy stuff.I hope we can see you on the t v Ilona x

  5. I make cloth bags , with a slightly different finish., and use them all the time to store my various knitting projects . One project per bag , and these are , of course “project bags » ..
    You could suggest this use to the people who buy the bags , they might like it . Made some for my daughter , granddaughter ., etc...

  6. I’ve made about 30 so far Ilona but this year I did tote bags. I have sold some for charity but mostly they are to wrap my own makes to give to people. I might do some drawstring ones after watching your video!! Thank you.

  7. They are pretty Ilona.
    I bought some pretty cotton tea towels from Aldi to wrap up presents with some re-used ribbon, and gift tags cut from last year’s cards.

  8. please show your segment on look north for your followers who can't see it on our TV's.

    1. It will be on BBC television so I can't watch it, no TV no licence to watch BBC iplayer.

  9. I enjoy making bags, usually tote bags. I've been meaning to get round to making some drawstring ones when I have time. Reminds me of the pump (plimsol) bags my mum used to make for me as a child, we all had them at junior school. I can see some child loving the lorry one.

  10. I love those gift bags. Such a good idea and simple to make. I will do some. Good luck with the sale. I am sure they will fly off of the stall.

  11. Love the gift beads and would love to hear about the TV appearance as no chance of seeing it here in the Midlands x

  12. Sorry I meant gift bags noticed the predictive text as I pressed send so couldn’t edit it x

  13. Loved the bags and I’m sure you will sell out of them on the stall as apart from being useful to pack little presents in they will carry on being useful instead of going to landfill after just one use

  14. Stardom! Yeeesssssssssssssssssssss!! No, really, how very exciting. Congratulations!

  15. Morning Ilona

    Love the bags you're making. I made some to take with me when shopping - to put what fruit and veg I could find that was loose and not in a bloomin' plastic bag or plastic carton!!

    Are you going to be on the lunchtime or evening Look North or both? How exciting.

    Have a good day.



    1. I don't know. They are coming her at 12, don't know if it will be live, or recorded for later.

  16. I love your videos and the way you make things look easy to do.A great idea.They could even be used daily for make up bags.Or small ones for dried lavender to hang in wardrobes...the list for using them is endless!!.Oh I do wish I lived nearer because I would love to be able to buy from your stall!.I hope the weather is being kinder where you are than here in Leicester.The rains coming down in buckets!Good Luck for your telly interview and look forward to hearing about it.I must say your looking very trim these days!.Ive put 2lb on this last month so you have given me the kick up the bum to do something about it!xx

  17. Super idea! Myself and my friends do re-use the paper giftbags that we give each other but funnily enough I had not thought about fabric bags. They would be great with Christmas baubles attached at the cord end - in fact my charity shop is selling small baubles for 10p each; I can feel a weekend project coming on!! Look what you've started now!!

  18. I've starting using reusable bags getting fabric from Charity Shops usually bedding. I shall look out for you on Look North xx

  19. Great idea again Ilona. I may have to try this. Would save a lot of time on wrapping too :0)
    Jacquie x

  20. Love these too Ilona. The video is great. Just catching up on your posts.
    Jacquie x


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