Saturday, 8 December 2018

The Village Christmas Fair

A good time was had by all today at the Christmas Fair in the Village Hall. I took a few pics before it got busy. This is our Crafty Club stall.
June and Pat in charge while I am flitting around.

There were raffles, tombola's, cakes, toiletries lotions and potions, candles, hand made Christmas decorations and novelties, pottery, things to buy and prizes to win.

Ho ho ho, I sat on Santa's knee and we had a cosy little chat.

A rather blurry picture of the school choir who gave us a selection of Christmas songs.

I had an idea, walk around the hall wearing my bags, to bring in extra sales. My mantra, 'Lovely bags, lovely bags, stop me and buy one'. It raised a laugh, and it worked.

The super sales team, Pat, June, and me.

Sales were good, difficult to tell what would sell and what wouldn't. I sold two items that didn't sell a year ago, but, no cutlery decorations sold, and only three flowers on stalks. A bit disappointing, but never mind, there will be other opportunities. The bags sold ok though. I didn't think they would, because a lot of people already have one or two. One lady bought five early on because she wanted first choice of colours. I was able to give a nice donation to the cat rescue.

Lots of people said they saw me on the tele last night, they all said how good it was. Maybe I'll get to see it at some point.

Raining tonight so no walking.    ilona


  1. I see your patchwork bag in the background of one of the photos. I would have bought that one immediately.

    1. Yes, there was a lot of interest in it, but it was sold before it even got to the Fair. I put it up with a 'sold' sign on it, hoping that it would draw attention to the stall, and people's eyes would peruse other things we had for sale.

  2. I love your bags.Would love to have bought some from you. There's nothing like a lovely Christmas fayre.

  3. So pleased you had a good fair and Father Christmas looked at such a jolly man.

    Hazel c uk

  4. It looks like a good time was had by all and its lovely that you have made money for the homeless cats.It was a great idea for you to wear your bags!!.And only a £1 each...a bargain! Im still shocked at how many people are still buying plastic bags when they shop.I thought that your Hippie bag was amazing and who ever bought it from you should be able to use and love it for many years to come.Im off to the Hilton today for our Family meal that my Mam has treated us all to..and I will remember not to over eat,lol.xx

  5. Enjoyed seeing the photos of the Christmas fair just my kind of an outing. And so good that you made money for your favourite charity, if I lived nearer to you I would buy some of your bags, far nicer to put a collection of small gifts into a nice reusable bag than a plastic one that just gets thrown away

  6. The fair looked wonderful and your bags...what a bargain! I love the atmosphere at a busy Christmas fair and I think it encourages sales if there are lots of people browsing. Well done Illona :)

  7. The cats will be very happy with the proceeds, well done! Looks as though it was good fun!

  8. I wish that I lived in the same village as you Ilona - I would have loved it too.Bargain bags those as the least I've paid is £3 x PS me and Debi may have joined you for a sit on Santa's knee if we'd been there x

    1. Oh yes Flis,We would have had to have a sit on his knee!.And maybe a cheeky kiss on his cheek,lol.We could tell him what good girls we have been all year and could he bring us Gary Barlow for Christmas!!,xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.