Friday, 5 July 2019

A fantastic day out for only £20 ;o(

I seem to have been posting more photo's of Mayze, than Heidi, so here she is. She likes to go outside first thing in the morning, and likes to sit in the front garden watching the kids go to school. The gas meter box is on the front of the house so she often sits on that, or on the edge of the lawn under a small tree. Or even on the roof of my car. 
I'm putting this picture in as a little teaser. The new artwork is close to being finished. This is the back, which will be enclosed inside a sandwich of a piece of hardboard, another piece of batting, and the plain dark blue backing. Lots of stitching in it again, but this time I have enjoyed making it up as I've been going along. I'll show the finished piece as soon as it's ready.

 I was in town this afternoon, had to pick up Heidi's tablets from the vet. Also bought some cat food from the market, and some from Wilko. This poster caught my eye in the travel agents window. Wow, a day trip to a big shop in Birmingham, and only £20. From the description it sounds more like a theme park than a shop. How far to Birmingham, about 2 - 3 hours each way. Maybe I'm at an age where I should be going on a day out on a coach, but to a new Primark store, I don't think so. This doesn't appeal to me at all, in fact I wouldn't go even if you paid me to.

The sun is back, now I wish it would rain. I suppose I have to water up now, backwards and forwards with two watering cans. Must go and do it.  Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Sounds like my idea of hell on earth!

    1. I'm with you there. Can't think of anything worse, except a visit to an out of town shopping centre perhaps. A lot of people here travel to Meadowside at Sheffield. They look on it as a day out.

  2. Wow! Book me a seat! (A bit of sarcasm, I'm afraid). I've only been in Primark with my daughter and will be happy never to do it again.

    1. Ditto, though it was Ikea.

    2. I went to Primark once, we have one here in the town, just to see what they have. I found some half price nail varnish which I purchased for my arty projects.

  3. A day trip to Primark!! The world has gone mad!

  4. Lovely photo of dear Heidi she is very pretty. Its been very hot lately little rain tomorrow. Hope you have a lovely weekend and the fur babies. Love Liz Amy and Benny.

  5. I'm with you there Ilona, I can only just about get up the muster to go food shopping let alone anything else. Nice to see Heidi looking all superior, lol

    1. Funny how cats like to be high up looking down on everyone.

  6. That coach trip sounds horrendous. My idea of hell!

    1. When you have gone up and down the motorways of Great Britain for nigh on 32 years, sitting in a coach for any length of time does not appeal.

  7. Blimey that's a big Primark! As I don't have a car I do go on coach trips from time to time, usually to gardens or stately homes. It's a day out to places I couldn't otherwise get to plus most of my friends are tied up with grandchildren or relatives with dementia. It always feels a bit rushed and all the pick ups and drop offs can be a pain but it's a day out.

    1. It's the pick ups and drop offs that I don't like. If I could get on the coach and go straight there I might consider a trip.

  8. Just when you think you've seen it all, a day trip to Primark,no thanks! I'm looking forward to the reveal of your artwork,very intriguing 🙂

    1. Might be finished today. I am loving it.

  9. When we pick up our grandchildren from school there is a cat just like Heidi who sits on the meter box and watches the children come out of school and waits for some attention and she usually gets it too.

  10. Oh,I just could not be arsed,lol.I must admit,I bought a winter dress from Primark in Leicester when it first opened years ago,and Ive still got that.Since then,only underwear and socks cause its alot cheaper than other shops.And thats about once every 4 years!.But to get on a coach for a day trip there??,lol.I bet the coach will be full though cause some people get everything from there!..I much prefer a charity shop,where I can find a nice little vintage piece that no one else has got!,xx

    1. I think the coach might be full, there are people who love Primark.

  11. Just think how many houses could have been built on that square footage. What a complete and utter waste and I also wonder how much plastic will get sold there as well. Grrr!

    Doesn't Heidi look totally adorable.

  12. Are they joking? £20 trip to Primark? Who in the heck came up that idea?

    1. Flippin bonkers if you ask me. The local coach operators will come up with any hairbrained ideas to get bums on seats.

  13. Madness never seen anything worth having in primark anyway ours is an untidy mess always stuff on the floor suppose you could look round the other shops to rather pay to get out of brum and I'm a brummie lol

  14. The café in Primark Brum was closed recently as a mouse was spotted in there - Eek!

  15. Your phrase "at an age where I should be going out on a coach" intrigued me, just what is the age you think that should be? Should coach trips be reserved for people over a certain age?

    I'm 32 and go on plenty of coach trips. We don't all have cars!

    1. In answer to your questions, any age, and no. It was a tongue in cheek remark, a bit of fun.

    2. It isn't nice to make fun of anyone, whether tongue in cheek or otherwise.


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