Sunday 1 September 2019

Check in day for the Walking Group

It soon comes round, doesn't it. The first of the month is check in day for the International Walking Group. The figures coming in last month were very inspiring, so many people still doing the challenge. Don't forget, it's your own personal challenge that counts. I set myself 1000 miles again, but some people are committed to their own personal numbers. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you are doing some walking.

So this is where I'm at. 686 miles for me. The 28 miles I did when I had a few days away really bumped it up. Now I am back to walking three miles a day around my local area.

Howzit for you? Are you keeping up the momentum, or dropping back a bit. There will be times when you think I just can't be bothered, I get like that sometimes. But if it's not raining and I have an hour to spare I have no excuses not to get up off my arse and go out there.

Your turn now, let us know how you are getting on. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, I have had a good walking month,even managing 10 miles on one day although it nearly killed me! My total for August is 115.5 making a total to date of 752 miles, three quarters of my goal for the year. Good luck in September everyone, Vicki in the East Riding

  2. I am walking twice a day now and my back is great and I feel much more positive. I have walked 97 miles this month bringing my total to 791. Wow surprised myself. Keep going every step counts. xxx

    1. Fantastic. You are doing extremely well.

    2. Thank you, I feel as if I am walking with all of you. It's just great. xxx

  3. Hello Ilona, my August achievements are: 82 kilometers walking, making a total to date of 742 kilometers.
    I pushed my bike's pedals up and down to a total of 102 kilometers in August.
    My health of mind and body and happiness make me give my life a 9 out of 10.
    Cheers to you and all fellow walkers!


  4. I am walking for an hour and a half each day.I've not measured the distance lately,but I have added a bit on.I do stop for the occasional chat and for the dogs but then I try and catch up and walk fast and get out of breath.I try to run on a straight bit but I can soon come a cropper on a tree root.It's beautiful outside at the moment,the sunshine coming through the huge oak trees,acorns covering the ground,squirrels busy,busy and blackberries in varying stages of ripeness-I love the autumn.I'm going to use my pedometer again but I' m not sure how reliable it is x

    1. Make the most of the good weather, and enjoy your doggy walks.

  5. Hi Ilona,90 miles in august bringing my total to 687. I seem to have lost my mojo recently but i will not let that stop me. Well done everyone, you all should be proud of yourselves. Thanks Ilona for this group it helps me feel better.

    1. Oh bother, you beat me by one. Keep looking for your mojo.

  6. Hi Ilona and all the group.
    I haven't remembered to check in for a few months but I'm still walking and recording all my miles. I Managed 89 miles in August taking my total so far to 705 miles.
    Good luck with you September walking everybody.
    Jacquie x

    1. Glad to hear you are still around. Fantastic miles.

  7. Hi Ilona, thank you for the challenge, without it I certainly would not have walked so much in the heat of August! So I managed 109 miles, bringing me to 628 in total. Besides, I did quite a lot of biking, which does not count, but is a good way of exercise, too.

    1. Thank you, Hilde, glad you are sticking with it.

    2. Managed 72 miles this month despite having a nasty viral infection and stuck inside for over a week! Spring has arrived here with daffodils and blossom appearing,will be out in the garden enjoying the mild weather and hoping summer in southern Australia is not too extreme.

  8. Despite topsy-turvy weather I have really been enjoying this walking challenge over the summer. Another 34.9 miles walked during August; total for the year so far is 216.4 miles.
    Keep going everyone; your comments are really encouraging!

  9. Hi everyone looks like your all doing great 87 miles for me this month making 709 in total keep up the good work.I'm amazed an hour a day can add up to so much xxx

    1. Fantastic Kath. Little and often, that's the way to do it.

  10. I hope that kateonthecoast - a member of your Walking Group is ok.I think I remember that she had problems with her computer though x

  11. Lovely weather and a week off meant 95 miles this month and 769 in total. Hope we have a lovely autumn. ��

    1. So do I Nick. I've bottled out tonight as it's cold wet and windy.

  12. Good evening Ilona,
    Monthly email since I cannot post comments to google blogs, even though I have one...sigh...
    It was a quiet month for me this month, I got vertigo and it is August in Phoenix, two wonderful reasons to walk less each day. Month total of 50, year to date total of 585.
    It is 3:30 pm here as I write this, outside temperature is 105, and humidity at 21% makes it seem humid, so everyone in the Arizona desert is indoors ;). Thanks again for this walking club and your blog! It brighten my days.
    Hilogene in Arizona

    1. Good evening Hilly. Please send some heat here, it is getting cooler now.

  13. Hi Ilona,
    As usual my comments aren’t appearing on your blog so my total miles for August is 86.8 and overall total is 746 / not too long too go now.
    Thank you

    1. You're racing ahead. At the nine month stage already. You will be finished early at this rate.

  14. I am managing short walks most days... not where I had hoped to be but getting better slowly.

    1. Wishing you all the best, Cherie. Short walks are the way to go when you have been poorly. xx


  15. Walking August, 2019 Sonja reporting from NC. Total for August is 110 miles
    Sorry for the delay. I have been traveling. Well done all!

  16. Sorry I'm late with my miles as usual, I did 40 this month which isn't great for me. The weather here was a bit challenging as was either torrential rain or extremely hot, but I did the best I could! Well done all as usual.

  17. very late entry, sorry, I forgot that I had forgotten to do it! 110 miles for august and yearly total 631.5 August was brilliant, took visiting family out for a walking holiday in the north east chez nous.


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