You have seen where I walk in the daytime, now have a look at where I walk at night. This was my Saturday night walk, I went out just after 9pm to do two miles. The weather was warmish, and it was very quiet. I saw one other person, also walking.
The weather is nice again today so I did my usual five mile walk. Stopped at the halfway point, sat on a bench and ate a custard tart washed down with orange juice.
Saw one couple coming towards me, I know them and they walk this route regularly. I cut the corner of the field to keep out of their way. We waved and said hello.
On the road past the windfarm there was an elderly couple ahead of me, toddling along with their walking sticks. I didn't want to catch them up so I slowed up a bit. Towards us came a family, mum dad, two kids and dog. Elderly couple stopped to say hello to them, but they decided to chat for a few minutes. This stopped me dead because they were in my way. I stood waiting and they realised they were blocking my path so they stepped to one side, still chatting. I passed by giving them a wide berth. There was a car heading towards us, it had stopped, then carried on. It was the lady who comes to see to her horses. We both waved like mad as she slowly drove by.
When I got back to the village, a bit of side stepping and crossing the road to avoid people. All done with good humour. You know how it is when someone comes towards you and you don't know whether to go to the left or the right. Two ladies walking and I did a dance to the left, we all laughed. The logistics of going for a walk has never been so complicated. Stop, slow down, wait, left or right, which way are they going to go. Like a game of chess, trying to work out what the other one is going to do.
This way of walking is becoming routine now, it's beginning to feel normal. I am sure I will be taking the same precautions when we are allowed to go further afield. A lot of it is common sense, keep away from people, for my own safety.
Toodle pip. ilona
A nothing Wednesday
2 hours ago
Yes, keep away from people for our own safety. On my two walks a day people are doing the right thing and keeping six feet apart, like you are seeing on your walks. I too wave and call out hello to most people I see.
ReplyDeleteHello. I don't think six feet is far enough apart. I go by the width of a road, me on one side, them on the other.
DeleteYes you are right Ilona-I listened to a Doctor this morning on tv and he said just'that'and advised a distance of Much further than the 2 metres that had been mentioned x
DeleteI miss my walks, but am so worried in case I fall now (I do have my name and address on me and I can not use a mobile since the stroke) fortunately I have a nice garden and can see the field behind me.
ReplyDeleteKeep safe, Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈
Just being outside is nice, Hazel. Open aspects of a field sounds very nice. I would get a chair out there and look at the sky.
DeleteI am not going out at all.The garden only.My mornings are a bit crazy as my only concern is keeping my dogs occupied.There's hiding games,flying cardboard aeroplanes indoors,toys and assorted treats hidden which they don't usually have.I have a dog tunnel upstairs which is usually only brought out in summer so that's next.They are play fighting on the bed and I am supervising before someone squuels.About 5pm they settled down and seem happy.Now I have their dinner cooking and I'm in my nightie drained.You really are making the best of it all Ilon a and I do admire you for that x
ReplyDeleteSounds like your kids are a lot of work, but I bet it's nice when you are all squashed up on the sofa.
DeleteYes they really are exhausting-I never noticed before as they were out running free previously in the countryside,through streams ,laying on their backs and kicking their legs in the air.On their return after getting muddy they were all in the bath,then raced downstairs,a quick race around the garden,then food and the rest of the day they were quiet and amused themselves with toys and napping until teatime and played a bit and slept until the following day x
DeleteI am a key worker, a medical secretary for two consultants in Nephrology. At the moment all appointments have been replaced by telephone appointments. It's a sad time as the hospital is so quiet and all the corridors are empty. You take care walking in the dark. xx
ReplyDeleteAs I have mentioned before on your blog and others I can't do any walking although I would love to, but that is as it is. It seems to me that going for a simple enjoyable walk is a bit hit and miss at the moment. As long as you all take precautions and stay safe, that's the main thing.
ReplyDeleteThe title of your post, All Alone Am I, was a song by my favourite singer, Brenda Lee and it has started going round in my head. I can still remember most of the words, lol.
I thought of that song when I added the title. I remember Brenda Lee, I was just getting into pop music when she came into the charts.
DeleteI've not been walking anywhere except our paddock for the past couple of weeks. Here in Wales we are not allowed to drive anywhere to begin a walk and as we are directly on a main A road without pavements or verges, and with a sharp bend at either side of us we can't risk walking along the road to be able to get anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteSo it's been walking, lunging and hop, skip and jumping all around the paddock twice a day with a sit on the hillside every afternoon in the sunshine to watch the sparse traffic going by and the empty buses.
All Alone Am I would be a good nursery type song title, I can just imagine a list of characters joining in. All Alone Am I except for the caterpillar, All Alone Am I except for the caterpillar and the giraffe etc etc ... god I'm going stir crazy .....
You must be to write a long comment, which I thank you for. Your paddock is lovely, better than what a lot of people have. Imagine being in a high rise, only allowed outside once a day for exercise, and shopping. My brother in Germany has no garden around his little terrace house, just a seating area on top of a single storey extension to sit out on. He's in the middle of a city, so they are stranded.
DeleteI think a little imagination is needed to take our minds off the circumstances we find ourselves in. You could have a picnic on your paddock. At least you won't get arrested for sunbathing. Give the dogs a hug from me, especially Mavis.
Ilona, thank you for sharing your walks! Walks, and working in our yard are saving me, currently. I dearly loved them both before the pandemic, and appreciate them even more, now. They are my "Prozac" for sure. We are not supposed to drive to walking paths here, people do though, I have not. I meet a friend, outside. She walks one side of the street, and I on the other. We like this country gravel road, which sees little traffic. We have run into people, families with their dogs, a few individuals with loose dogs, (grrrrr) and we all do the courteous dance, as well. My Hubs ran to Walmart this morning; (we tried and tried to get a pick up of an online order, and they are so slammed, no slots have been available!) they have a Tuesday 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. shop for 60 and over. They run it very well, only allow so many people into the store at a time, and count them as they leave. Carts are disinfected, tape on the floors for distance to wait to check out. It's very nicely done. I've heard other grocery stores are not as organized, so he has avoided them. Costco is doing it up right, as well. They have created aisles within the aisles, so there is no milling about. I am fortunate that my Hubs actually likes to shop, as I do not, never have. Would order my entire life online if at all possible. It has been so interesting to read about life elsewhere (outside of the states, I mean) and that we are all living so similarly. It does my heart good to know that we are all indeed trying to help others as best we can, while staying safe and protected ourselves. Thank you, Ilona, for being a bright spot in my day! Karla, from Illinois
ReplyDeleteAll Alone am I except for the caterpillar,All Alone am I except for the caterpillar,giraffe and-shall there be a Unicorn in your paddock by any chance? x
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely to see where you walk and like Joan from Devon I have that song going round in my head,lol.Its been a lovely day here in Leicester and we have had quite a few hours in the garden,tidying,weeding and digging.We came in for our tea and didnt realise it was 7 oclock.Just got all the washing up to do now!.Our food is lasting well and I dont think I will have to go to the supermarket until late next week,which will be about 17 days since the last visit.I just wish that I could spend time with my Family,instead of just talking through the window or on the phone to them.I have started doing a bit of painting aswell...not landscapes,but my wicker chair that Ive had for about 35 years! Ive got to keep busy or I will go mad!!.I have burst into tears a couple of times in this last week,once when Hubby had a bad nosebleed.But it stopped after about half hour so he was ok.Hope every one is coping alright and staying sane,lol.Keep safe,xx
ReplyDeleteHi Mean Queen, I love your videos, I love how natural you are. Whilst I have been self-isolating, I started my own YouTube channel for meditations and relaxations, brought about by my own fear and panic. I won't advertise the name as I don't want this post to seem like shameless advertising, this is simply about being a fellow Youtube sort of person who loves your blog.
ReplyDeleteWe enjoy our walks on weekends in the nice weather it's been lately and enjoying the tulips that are blooming. Evenings it stays light and walk before 8 p.m.. is good! I am home from work for awhile even though the hardware store is open. Asthma issues lately this spring and stay home stay safe! Hopefully we can be out more in May! Cherrio'