Thursday, 2 April 2020

If you fancy a fruity treat.........

Now look what you've done flis, got me back on banana sandwiches again. I had forgotten all about them until you mentioned them yesterday. I bought bananas and bread, so this was my breakfast. The little pot of scrumptious cider apple jelly was in a box of mixed preserves I had for Christmas. I must say it was a delicious accompaniment to the banana. I might look for a bigger jar of this when I next go shopping. 
My walk today. I made a video but the wind was so loud it was drowning out my voice, so I deleted  it. Oil seed rape is coming along. It was sunny and quite warm, but windy.

I've been playing with this. I made the box with two canvases I got out of a skip. I stripped the naff  pictures off them, nailed them together, and put a back on it to make a shallow box. I have an idea, but there is a problem, it is quite heavy, will need a strong hook to hang it on the wall. Will have to re think it. 

I've been machine sewing today. My nephew gave me an unfinished bed quilt that his wife was making but it got put in the loft. I am finishing it off, they can have it back when it's done.

Thanks for popping in, thanks to the walkers for updating your mileage, thanks to the NHS. I forgot to clap again. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Banana sandwiches are delicious. Arilx

  2. That looks another lovely walk again Ilona-I wish I had countryside like you do so close to me.There are beautiful places not too far away but need to drive there especially with 4 dogs who are not great walking on leads.Those banana sandwiches look yummy and nicer than mine x

    1. I had to eat them with a knife and fork. The fillings were spilling out all over the place. I do like a lot of filling.

  3. Bananas & crunchy Peanut Butter on toast! YUM!

    1. I am now only eating smooth peanut butter. Too many hard bits in crunchy for my teeth. Don't want to break them.

  4. My kids loved banana sandwiches with peanut butter and bacon

    1. I have yet to try that one, without the bacon of course.

  5. A "yoo hoo" from Aus Ilona, well done with the walking. Robyn

    1. Yooooohoooooo Robyn. Can you see me waving.

  6. I've been eating banana sandwiches too, but the last three bananas got over ripe so I made a banana cake instead.

    1. I don't know how to make cakes, thank goodness.

  7. You can't beat a banana sandwich. Chip butties would be a close contender!!

    1. Chip butties with tomato sauce, very tasty.

  8. My goodness I haven't had banana sandwiches for years and yet here I am really wanting one...

    1. That's what I thought when flis mentioned it. Must have a banana sandwich.

  9. I really enjoy banana sandwiches which I have very often and I like good jam for sandwiches as well. We are easily pleased.

    I found another person that I had not kept in touch with, and she was so pleased I still had her number after 13 years.

    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I haven't touched jam in years, Hazel. Too much sugar for me.

  10. My Dad used to make us Cheats Banana Butties when we were little. A buttered slice of bread in one hand and a banana in the other ... just take alternate bites he would say!!

  11. Banana sandwiches were popular when I was a kid. For some reason I remember hearing eons ago that it was also Prince Charles favorite sandwich as a child. Now I really prefer a mashed banana on toast. Some of my grandchildren really like peanut butter on toast with frozen banana slices on top. I always have frozen sliced bananas in the freezer to use as a base in smoothies. It makes the smoothies really thick and yummy. Aloha

  12. What's cider apple jelly? an Oregon USA reader

    1. Hi. It's jelly made from cider apples. Like blackcurrant jelly made from blackcurrants. And marmalade made from oranges.


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