Sunday 19 April 2020

Lockdown in Canada

Another new day, another new start. The sun is shining.

Not another darn video to watch. Yes, but only if you want to. Posting a video is my way of saying can't be arsed to write a lot of words. Scroll on by if you can't be arsed to watch.

I've just found this chappie who lives in his van in Canada. The scenery is stunning as you would expect, he is chatty, he has a gorgeous dog, and he speaks from the heart.

Time for breakfast, and think about what I am going to do with my day.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I enjoyed the video of the Canadian in his van. Lovely scenery, but it did look cold. Brrr!

  2. I think the Canadian chap is right, life will never be the same again. I just hope the community spirit will survive to help us through.

  3. Brilliant ... I love his 'tree friends'. :-)

    1. Wondered if you might like this. He has a video where he goes shopping. He buys far too much because he doesn't want to be around people anytime soon. He shows his storage in the van, and where everything is kept. He has more food than I have in my house. I thought of you and your tidy cupboards.

  4. Loved the video, is it a blog he has if so can you point me in the direction of it, I woukd love to read it
    Been reading your blog for ages, thank you

    1. Hi Marlene. I can't find a link to a blog, don't think he writes one. He posts a video most days, there are lots of them to keep you going for a while. Go to VANCITY VANLIFE, in the search box.

  5. Thank you I shall enjoy watching the videos, sorry spell check won't let me write your name keeps wanting to write Lion 😄

  6. I really enjoyed this video, Ilona! He is so down-to-earth. Loved the views, and his squishy-faced Bull Dog!!! Thank you for posting.

    1. Yes he is down to earth, he says it like it is, no airs and graces. My neighbour has a bull dog just like that.

  7. What a lovely video, I enjoyed this so much Ilona. If I was younger this is the type of life I would like. We were never more happy than the years we spent on our allotment away from the hubbub.

    1. Good, I'm glad you liked it. I will be watching more, he posts almost every day. It reminded me a bit about living in my truck, the scenery wasn't like Canada though. I used to like trips to Scotland.

  8. Loved this! He and his dog look alike. I will look up his channel. Thank you!

  9. Thank you for sharing this Ilona. I'm especially interested because I live in BC and this particular video is filmed in the area where I grew up camping in the summers - the Fraser Canyon. I resonate with his message and outlook. There's something about being in nature that grounds a person if they listen well. Stay well and safe.

    1. Allison in Victoria, Canada20 April 2020 at 18:59

      Hey Margaret! Me too. I immediately recognized it also. I grew up mostly in the Okanagan but have been on VI for many years. We are so lucky to have such wide expanses of nature so close at hand. :-)

    2. Allison, I too live on VI (Campbell River), having moved here from the lower mainland thirty years ago. As you said, we are truly fortunate to have such expanse in our province.

  10. Great video Ilona and beautiful views of the mountains.I would love this life!.His dog is lovely and reminded me of Winnie,John Grays dog!xxx

  11. Thank you. I'll be watching more from him. I hope you stay safe and well.

  12. I enjoyed the video you shared and watched another one of his as well. I enjoyed being able to "go" to Canada! Nice road trip, but chilly. The other day I was finished watching a video on Facebook and one popped up about a lady that lives in a van and how she had it designed. So nice. All wood walls, good ideas. But it was more expensive than I thought, as she shared how much it cost. But worth it, I guess. Too small for me for sure. Interesting life. Take care and have a good week!


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