Saturday, 4 April 2020

Warning - if swearing offends you, don't watch

A friend sent me this, pissing myself laughing.

C'mon folks, the sun is out, it's the weekend. I am partying in my own back garden. Stay safe.
Toodle pip.  Ilona xxx


  1. Hilarious! I'm sure my Betty feels the same.

  2. Ha ha! That made me chuckle!!

  3. Thats absolutely wonderful Ilona and just what I needed.Mine are not happy either and are getting crazy and so am I.My house is littered with toys,treats,dried food scattered everywhere to hunt,activity toys,toilet roll tubes which I don't usually do are slung around my home,cardboard boxes with biscuits hidden in rooms.lick mats filled.They race around the garden but are confused and lots of wee and poo throughout indoors.One of these days I wouldn't be surprised at all if my usually lovely lily says to me firmly" you need to get your arse into gear and find better ways of entertaining me" x

  4. hehe, that was hilarious. That dog sounds like Joe Pasquale !

    1. Yes, the voice does suit the dog, and the deadpan expression on it's face is just right.

  5. PS- I've just been talking on the phone with Debi-She says "Hi!" to you Ilona.She's fine and in good spirit as always and still reading every day but somehow her comments aren't being sent.It won't allow her to comment for some reason,don't know why.I miss her fun posts though x

    1. I don't know why she can't comment. Nothing has changed this end, I haven't tweaked anything.

  6. hi just checking you got my message debi

    1. I got this comment. Your name has come up in blue, so you have an account.

  7. Just sent this to my daughter, looks just like her dog, I know she'll love it.

    1. To be honest I'm not sure if it is a real dog, because it is sitting so still. They can do so much these days to manipulate a picture. Makes me smile just thinking about it, very clever piece of computer art.

  8. Pretty much sums up the situation. It will be nice when TPTB figure out how to treat this.

  9. I love it, hilarious. Says it how it is.

  10. LOL, almost fell off my chair laughing. Thanks much for this and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  11. Thanks for a really good laugh. Much Needed. Glad you're doing OK

  12. I just wanted to say "Hellooo Ilona" and all your Friends here.I am sitting down again as there is only so much cleaning a girl can do.The dogs have played and made a right old mess with toys,cardboard,bits of rag and now seem tired out for a while.Hope you are enjoying your day x

  13. I watched your video,lol.I love how you are putting things on here to make us all smile!.I just keep saying thats another day we have got through,all the family well and self isolating and thats the main thing.Another day nearer to a light at the end of the tunnel....Im still getting annoyed at people in my street,who think it is ok to all sit together drinking most of the day.All congregating at the front of one house!.I have spoke to them and it seems the police spoke to them as well!! And they are still all there today!.What part of staying at the own homes dont they understand!.It angers me because of people like them,this will go on longer.Where all these fines that they have been saying will happen?...Anyway,now that I have got that off my chest,I hope that every one is having a lovely Sunday and staying safe!!xx

  14. i've watched this quite a few times and it's still hilarious xx

  15. OMG! That's THE BEST laugh I've had since this whole caronvirus started! Thank you so much!!!


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