Monday, 11 May 2020

It's Christmas.

It's gone a bit chilly today, had to get my big jacket out of the wardrobe. I thought it wouldn't be needed again, but maybe I'll leave it out, just in case. It was cold in the house today so I put the heating on for an hour. I thought it was summer, maybe not just yet. I took Billy dog out this afternoon. 
My friend wanted some bean canes to support her clematis. I have plenty that I won't be using again so I took her a bundle and left them at the gate. 
Oscar cat has been in and out all day, and me the slave has to keep getting up to open and close the door. That cat doesn't half scoff. His fur makes him look big, but he isn't particularly big. With the amount he eats he should be fat, but he isn't. 
I thought I might go a bike ride, as an alternative to walking for exercise, but it's been too windy. I'll wait till it calms down. 
Did you know it's Christmas? No. neither did I. There is a tree in the village on someone's front lawn, which has recently been adorned with lights. Why not, be different, lights are not just for Christmas. 
Thanks everybody for your understanding of why I have changed the comments settings. I would love it if you keep on visiting, and leave a comment if you so wish. Reading and not commenting is fine also. My weekly Stat Report tells me that last week, Monday to Sunday, I had a total of 15,482 page views. Of those, 12,729 were unique visits, and there were 7,657 first time visits Somebody must be reading it, so I'll keep on writing it. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Ilona, I love your creative stitchery. Best of all, you put the Marsh Family from Faversham doing their Les Mis reprise on your blog, and I liked it so much I put that flic on my desktop so I can listen to it whenever I want.
    Your blog is different, and I like to read about your walks too. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Ruth. I like to vary the content. You never know what you are going to get. Thanks for popping in.

  2. There are those in Canada who are lighting up their homes to make life a bit brighter in uncertain times.

  3. Hello, pen pal Ilona. So glad I'll still be able to read what you so kindly share. Warm wishes, Elaine

  4. Hi, Ilona. So glad I'll still be able to read what you so kindly share. Warmly, Elaine

  5. Its nice when some one does something to make us smile so Im loving the fact that they have lit their tree.I have put some windchimes on my front garden tree,just so that it makes a nice sound when the wind starts blowing...which it has been today!It has been bitterly cold and I have had my jacket on indoors for a couple of hours.It is strange just how it can change over night.xx.

  6. I read every post Ilona but rarely comment. You are an inspiration to me.

  7. Love to read. How you take the videos? Using phone or camera? Just being curious! Thank you!

    1. Hello. I use an ordinary point and shoot Fujifilm camera. Nothing special. I have to upload to the computer first, then onto youtube. My phone is old fashioned, will only do texts and phone calls.

  8. I love the lights on the tree.l Very cheering.

  9. A tree is for life, not just for Christmas?

  10. I also got fed up with constantly opening the door for my cat Lola, so I had one of those cat flap things put in. It's great! Lola does know how to use it quietly, she'll nudge it with a paw and slither through, but most of the time she takes a long run up and barres through so the flap whaps back and forth as if in a hurricane. Fine during the day, but annoying at 2am.

    1. Hello. I have a back door from the house into the passage, then I have another backdoor from the passage to the outside. This one had a cat flap, now has a hole because the cat flap broke. The trouble I have is a cat from up the road will sneak into my house and steal the food, if I leave access for my cats to come and go. I have to guard my back door or Micky will be in, so it's easier to keep it shut unless I am in close proximity and can monitor it.

  11. It lovely and sunny here at the moment and the wind and dropped it was terrible yesterday. I was looking to see what was on TV last night and I spotted a concert in Hyde Park with Rod Stewart it was good all his old hits. Hope you get to have a bike ride today IIona. I have noticed a lot different names on your blog that's good. Have a nice day everyone. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  12. I enjoy reading your blogs, always something interesting but I rarely comment.

  13. I'm just checking to see if I can still comment.

  14. I love your Blog! It lets me visit England -- without packing!

  15. Here Portugal. I read you everyday. Rarely comment. My english is not very good. Keep on the good work.

    1. Hello Maria. Your English is better than my Portuguese. Nice to meet you.

  16. Seeing if I can comment with just my name (as opposed to my full e-mail address). :-)

    1. This is fine, Allison. Carry on like this.


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