Friday, 8 May 2020

It's curtains.

I thought I had some red white and blue plastic bunting, I bought it yonks ago to decorate my mobile shop while at events. Don't know where it's gone, can't find it, probably sold it on the Cat Rescue stall at the Summer Fair, which we aren't going to have this year. So there is nothing patriotic on the front of my house. I might set a table and chair up on the front lawn later and wave to people as they go by, if anyone does go by. They might all be sat in their own front gardens. I could do a bit of weaving while I'm sat there, would be a shame to waste the time, by just sitting.

Yesterday I got all my curtains out of the cupboards, thinking I might have a change, take some down and put some different ones up.The bedroom curtains were from a charity shop quite a long time ago so I've had lots of wear out of them. I've replaced them with these, given to me a year or so ago by someone who was sorting their cupboards out. They are brand new and lined. I thought it was a bit odd that there were three curtains, they usually come in pairs, but they are the right length and cover the window nicely.

The old ones are now washed and put away. I might give them back to a charity shop, when they are open, or I could make cushion covers and pet bed covers with them. 
I thought I would change the kitchen curtains, two smaller windows.  I'm getting a bit bored with them. They have to be an exact size, and not too heavy because I have them hanging on a telescopic pole which wedges across the top of the window recess. The nearest size I have, also given to me,  would need a few inches taken off the bottom, and a strip taken off the side to lighten the weight. After careful consideration, like two minutes of intensive deep thoughts, I came to the answer. Stuff it, I can't be bothered. There are more pressing jobs to do, the curtains can wait. I need to wash my hair, I need to mow the back lawn, and I need to go to a shop to buy Mayze's food. Haven't decided which shop yet, I might go to the big Tesco, I need to give the car a run to make sure it still starts ok. 
I had better get on and do some of those jobs. Bye for now. Toodle pip.  ilona

1 comment:

  1. I've actually ordered some nice red & white tea towels from Amazon to make some kitchen curtains. I face west and the summer sun really blazes in through a very tall window - it's lovely and bright as I look out onto a wooded area but it does get hot. The only problem is, I need a couple of small tension rods and they are currently on the "you can't have those right now" list at Amazon. One of the big hardware type stores is allowed to open so I may check it out some time next week as that is where I got my last set. I'm just going to do a small pocket (I can hand sew that much) and then feed through the rod. I believe it's a pack of 6 towels so I'll use 4 for the window and add 2 to my tea towel collection (they never go to waste).


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.