Saturday, 9 May 2020

Upsetting the wasps.

It's been a glorious day, I've spent most of it outside in the garden. The lawn desperately needed mowing, and now it's done and it looks lovely. The grass under and around the tables is tricky to trim, the best way is to move them all out of the way, whiz over it with the mower, and put them back. There must be a better way.

I have some heavy duty floor covering that I got out of the skip when they were refurbishing the library. Maybe I could lay that on the ground underneath the tables to act like a weed suppressant. So that's what I did. One of the tables has a pallet underneath, it's a wonky pallet and very heavy so I have always left it there out of the way. It's a bit rotten now and needs chucking. Don't need it if I am going to cover the ground anyway.

That was the plan, lay the floor covering and place the tables on top of it. Looks good I thought, neat and tidy. Then I noticed that I had upset a lot of wasps. The soil under the pallet is dry and full of holes, there must be a nest under there. Oh dear. I watched them for a few minutes, in a bit of a panic because they couldn't find the entrance to get in. Now what.

I couldn't leave it like that could I. Poor wasps. So I moved the tables, trimmed the floor covering to only cover half of the ground where the wasps wanted to get in, Then I got a new and better pallet out of the garage to put over the nest entrance. The old one will get broken up and chucked.

With a piece of floor covering on top of the pallet the wasps could now access their nest underneath it. Sounds a bit confusing I know. Here is a photo, maybe you can work it out from that.

I tried to get a picture of the wasps buzzing about but they move very quickly.

This morning I uploaded a video to yooootoooob. Here it is. A bit about the weaving I am doing now, and a look at the finished spirally picture.

All in all a busy and productive day. And still got my late village walk to do tonight.
Enjoy your weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. being critical here, just curious--if this is all connected in some way to a table you eat on, why would you want the wasps there? In my experience, if I destroy the nests but not the wasps, they just move to another location (usually close by) and re-establish the colony. If it's not a danger to me, I'm fine with it.

    1. I don't eat at this table. It's for working outdoors on woodwork or painting projects, or repotting plants. I was careful not to destroy the wasps nest, it's still there, they can come and go as they please.

    2. I was sure I began that sentence "NOT being critical here..." I need to proofread more carefully. Thanks for clarifying about not eating at that table! Although I guess I probably wouldn't want to work too close to a nest, either. But that's just me!

    3. When I eat outside it's on a comfy chair outside my back door, with a tray on my lap. I watch out for the wasps if I am doing anything at that table, and step back if I see lots of them.

  2. Hello Ilona. Thank you for caring about the wasps. I always work round them too, rather than disrupting or destroying them. I always look forward to reading your blog. x

  3. The wasps are a really important part of our eco system. Thank you for keeping them safe, not just seeing them as pests like many do. Arilx

  4. Thank you for caring for the wasps! Most poeple would just have covered the nest and been glad about getting rid of the "pests".Last year we had a giant nest next to our patio, built while we were on holiday, and even though we ate out there almost every day, nobody was stung, not even the grandchildren who ran around there. Live and let live.
    Hilde in Germany
    Hilde in Germany

    1. The idea was to lay a flat surface to stop the grass growing under the tables. When I saw the wasps in a bit of a panic I knew I had to leave some of the ground uncovered so they could access their nest.

  5. They sound like ground wasps, usually nest under old wood or logs. They help reduce pests in the garden so are useful in their own way. Just glad you didn't get stung!

    1. I sat at that table last week, sewing in the sunshine, and watched them flying around my legs.

  6. That is so sweet that you considered the wasps. Bless you. Now as for the weaving. They are wonderful and it isn't something I had given much thought to. I really must have a go now that I have seen those gorgeous creations. They would be beautiful sewn onto canvas bags... One of a kind shopping bags.

    1. Yes, have a go at weaving. It's very relaxing and keeps your mind occupied. A bit like embroidery really.

  7. You are very kind to accommodate the wasps in your garden Ilona and make them a safe space to continue with their lives x

  8. I don't like wasps at all but wouldn't deliberately kill them. We found a nest under our shed a few years back. We just made sure they couldn't get inside as I didn't fancy fighting them everytime I needed to get something out of the shed. The weaving looks relaxing.

  9. I dont like to kill anything,wasps included..but I have been stung about 4 times without even knowing they were there!.One stung the back of my knee,another my stomach,a few years ago one flew into to toe hole of of my primark crocs and another on my arm..these are in the last few years as I have got older!.I can never remember being stung when I was a kid.While the weather has been nice,my doors and windows have been open..and twice I have walked in the living room in the morning and had wasps buzzing behind the blinds.I keep my old coffee jars as capturing things them letting them loose.I have one in every room,lol.I watched your weaving and thought about an old basket tray that I have.T might give that a go...although the slats are wider apart..but I could try with T shirt strips.Well it gives me something to ponder on and thank you for that!.I watched Terry again yesterday...swoon!.He is a handsome bugger!!,Keep safe all.Smile every day.Say good morning,hello,good afternoon!! anyone on your walks!.xxx

  10. I love that you accommodated your wasps. I rescued one this morning with a bit of sugar water, poor thing dropped off the kitchen window unconscious until I touched his little leg. So he had a little drink and perked up enough to be able to take him to sit on a flower while he came to his senses properly.

  11. Did you make your loom yourself Ilona? I seem to remember a video you posted ages ago but not sure. I'd like to have a go as it looks very relaxing xx

  12. We have a very odd shaped hedge at the moment. We have had to leave the middle section unclipped .
    Why? because of bees!! They have made a nest under the hedge and exit through some grass clippings under the tree, that were placed there as mulch. I accidentally stood on these and oh boy, did I upset them. I didn't get stung luckily, so now we have left them strictly alone. The hedge will have to wait until they hibernate later on in the year.


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